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ATRL's Drag Race S04 | ALL STARS 2018


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I remember when I formatted mine just to be extra. And then didn't ask Citrus anything because I was dumb and didn't know I actually could ask anything :skull: 

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22 hours ago, CHANEL™ said:

Originally my concept was a phoenix rising from the ashes, alluding to my journey in the competition. Somehow, my look evolved to this elaborate chandelier look.

lol @Rhisiart

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13 minutes ago, Caillou said:

lol @Rhisiart

Mess, that's a glaring oversight on my part. :deadbanana2: Totally my bad, I'm so sorry nnnnnn. I rushed to write that part up and send it on time. I said it to you yesterday, but thank you again for the brilliant concept, much better than the boring mess I was thinking of doing. :heart2:


1 hour ago, Corsola said:

@Rhisiart I don't come to this thread much (clearly, since I haven't posted since like episode 2) and when I do, I only come to skim through entries just for a glimpse of how my friends are doing (Faye and Lola being two of them). Yet even with that being said, you managed to capture my attention. It simply can't be expressed how impressive it is to come into the game and be seen by some as filler at worst and dark horse at best and managing to craft your own unique identity to the point where you make it to the end with someone on their 2nd run and a former judge when it's your first time. No matter what happens, you exceeded everyone's expectations and should be beyond proud of yourself.


Thank you so very much! It's still so surprising yet humbling to see that people in the thread like and enjoy what I have done and see me.

Edited by Rhisiart
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4 hours ago, Corsola said:

@True Skarlet I knew from the beginning that you had everything needed to slay. You're such a funny and humble person and honestly just a pleasure to be around. I was kind of shook seeing how talented you are at drawing using MS PAINT, whew. I know how dedicated you are to this and how hard you've worked and it's definitely paid off. I never understood how Nina Williams was so ''safe'' because you have such a unique and big personality within you that I'm glad you've brought out with Faye Shull. You have the objectively best track run at this point for a good reason and I hope that through your low confidence, you can see the amazing talent you have that we all see.

Thank you very much Corsola. :heart2:



I answered my Tic Tac Lunch questions as soon as I got them. I remember in S3 that Pixel was the only queen to have multiple questions for Chanel ( :rip: ) so I made sure to ask plenty to both Chanel and Citrus.

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8 hours ago, Corsola said:

@DripDrip I know how hard it was for you to come into this game feeling pressured since you're a former judge and felt expectations on you since preseason. But I think it's safe to say that you've lived up to all of them. The journey to get here may have been hard and exhausting for you, but everyone viewed you as a frontrunner for a good reason. I stan for your sense of humor; especially the white, middle-aged, suburban mom humor. No matter what the results may be, I hope you aren't too hard on yourself for anything because there's so much talent in you that everyone saw and was threatened by in the season.

Thank you so much sis :hug: 


this actually meant a lot coming from you and thank you for reminding me that I shouldn't beat myself up to much for whatever happens. I really needed this <3

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4 hours ago, CHANEL™ said:


I have something to say to this but I'll say it post-finale so I don't discredit her amazing, talented efforts beforehand.


Since you came up, you constantly put her down passive-aggressively so there's no need for you to do that, just keep it with the rest of your nonsensical opinions and alternative reality. An she's probably 3rd thanks to you even though Drip lipsynced three times, performed the worst, gave the weakest final entry and it's here just because you don't wanna ruin her self-confidence after she was a judge and had all this preseason hype that she barely meet. 


I'm sorry you wasn't here as the only host so your Tippi/Melanoma/Primarina Top 3 could make it with your rigging, but you need to stop trying to bring down the best contestant this entire series had, and one of the few to make it without some sort of privilege.


5 hours ago, EJQL8 said:

rhishart still in? whose dick did he suck lol

Probably Noah's, are you jealous?


13 hours ago, Aciid said:

You brought this upon yourself



You apparently were my friend, then sabotaged me by ranking my new character dead last in this season's casting and lying right through my DMs. Then suddenly got mad and converted into the most spiteful Evita hater just because I don't like the same drag queen that you like.



13 hours ago, Rhisiart said:

Every single one of your posts gives me unadulterated life. You are sickening.


Image result for drag race hug gif

No, you are.




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finally finished reading the entries. I love how different all three entries are, Gladys caught my heart :heart2: , Faye kept me hooked :cupid: and I still hate Lola :pukey:. No matter what happens, you three are winners :clap3:

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do I need a restraining order on Evita ??

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2 hours ago, Losing my ground said:

You apparently were my friend, then sabotaged me by ranking my new character dead last in this season's casting and lying right through my DMs. Then suddenly got mad and converted into the most spiteful Evita hater just because I don't like the same drag queen that you like.

No. I decided you were unfit for the season and should wait to be recasted or just be in all stars like the rest of the judges. I didn't want any repeats in the season and went in with that mentality. I even placed Noah unfairly low when he should have won that challenge had it not been for me. I never even mentioned where I placed you in that pm and kept it anonymous. It's not like I said "I casted you" for you to be crying about being a traitor. And I thought you were MY friend until you decided that it was ok to belittle my accomplishments and attack me, just like you do to most of the contestants (ironic that that's what you were crying about in that post when that's the only thing you do with your venomous comments, unless the queen is up to your underdog tragic campy taste).




The only thing I did was defend myself, because I wont let some dumb bitch who didn't even place in the top 3 to step on me or what I'm proud of. (ironic again since you said I lacked nerve and suddenly now it's a problem). The only reason you probably turned on me was because I was annoyed at your comments in the DR thread and wanted you gone like the rest of the people that were unbanned. And that's the thing, every time someone doesn't support you or throws the littlest criticism at you, you turn on them. Just like you did with Tangerine and Hug. And once they start praising you again the friendship is back despite you dragging them through the mud before. (cough carbon)


So maybe start with changing your own attitude and people will not treat you how they do. No one wants toxic ass people like that as a friend. 



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12 minutes ago, Aciid said:

unless the queen is up to your underdog tragic campy taste).

Evita doesn't really like underdogs from ADR she just praises them because she doesn't see them as competition :cm:


It became obvious to me during this season and when she praised Noma's snatch game (no tea no shade Noma xoxo). She pretends like she stans for them but it's just ha mask. She doesn't like anyone who she knows can beat her. 



And thats sincerely Lola 

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About to send, locked in at 5 pages. :rip:


I am Gladys Masters, and I something to say. (And even more things to ask. :fan:)

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2 minutes ago, Citrus said:

Gladys not having specific questions for me and Chanel, just general ones for both 



Nnnnnn you really want me to ask you two more? :skull:


...Let me PM you again. :rip:

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7 hours ago, Aciid said:

No. I decided you were unfit for the season and should wait to be recasted or just be in all stars like the rest of the judges. I didn't want any repeats in the season and went in with that mentality. I even placed Noah unfairly low when he should have won that challenge had it not been for me. I never even mentioned where I placed you in that pm and kept it anonymous. It's not like I said "I casted you" for you to be crying about being a traitor.And I thought you were MY friend...

Ok you never said I didn't make it by other's fault but implied it and you went to the Pixel Dark route and completely avoided me at first, and then you were totally fake about it. If you were truly a friend you could have had the NERVE to tell me the true. Maybe that's why I said you didn't have nerve.




7 hours ago, Aciid said:

And I thought you were MY friend until you decided that it was ok to belittle my accomplishments and attack me, just like you do to most of the contestants (ironic that that's what you were crying about in that post...

I only did that: a) as a joke because it's clear that you killed your season and everyone who thinks otherwise is delusional, and that was the ****ing joke as y'all always say I'm delusional; b) I didn't attack you first, ever. I always respected you until you backstabbed me behind and then in front of my back.


7 hours ago, Aciid said:

... that's the only thing you do with your venomous comments, unless the queen is up to your underdog tragic campy taste).

Why is everyone attacking Gladys now


7 hours ago, Aciid said:



The only thing I did was defend myself, because I wont let some dumb bitch who didn't even place in the top 3 to step on me or what I'm proud of. (ironic again since you said I lacked nerve and suddenly now it's a problem). The only reason you probably turned on me was because I was annoyed at your comments in the DR thread and wanted you gone like the rest of the people that were unbanned. And that's the thing, every time someone doesn't support you or throws the littlest criticism at you, you turn on them. Just like you did with Tangerine and Hug. And once they start praising you again the friendship is back despite you dragging them through the mud before. (cough carbon)


So maybe start with changing your own attitude and people will not treat you how they do. No one wants toxic ass people like that as a friend. 



You're right, I don't love you... anymore. But I did, and it's a shame this ends up with you calling me "a dumb bitch" or making fun that I couldn't complete my run on S3 by external factors. Because I could "belittle your accomplishments" but at the end of the day that won't matter, you won your season, you're a respected judge now and my word won't take your crown away, even more when I'm just trolling. But the lack of humbleness you're having, that pedestal you're putting yourself up to, complete breaks my respect and the idea I had of Aciid Rose. You truly disappointed me now.


Tangerine didn't just "not support me", she directly insulted me because I liked Max; and Pixel was talking s"#!" behind me, anonymously closing my game while wishing me luck on private, etc. So those cases were different, it's not like they thrown constructive criticism (and "I wish you were banned" isn't constructive criticism neither).


What's that friendship with Carbön you're talking about? :rip: I don't even know her, we had a stupid feud when she was a judge and we get over it because as I said...


Resultado de imagen para i don't know her mariah


7 hours ago, Aciid said:

No one wants toxic ass people like that as a friend. 

How would you explain Chanel's popularity in here then.


6 hours ago, DripDrip said:

Evita doesn't really like underdogs from ADR she just praises them because she doesn't see them as competition :cm:


It became obvious to me during this season and when she praised Noma's snatch game (no tea no shade Noma xoxo). She pretends like she stans for them but it's just ha mask. She doesn't like anyone who she knows can beat her. 



And thats sincerely Lola 

What? This is the most nonsensical conspiracy theory I have ever read, and this is coming from the tin foil hat Queen. I praised Tangerine in my season, I praised Aciid, I praised Carrie, I praised MoonChild, I praised Noah, I praised Gladys, I praised *****, I praised Noma, I praised Colleen... and I do think they could give me a run for the money. ****, I even admitted Faye's game show entry was the best entry of all time (and I truly believe so), and that her final lipsync made me doubt if participating ever again. Are you saying I actually think Faye is mediocre and that I'm better than her? :rip: 


I really loved Noma's Snatch Game (but as I said, Noah should have win tho) and I think that's a matter of taste, because I thought I should have won my Snatch Game (and Chanel's Argentinian roommate agreed, so I blame my ghost edit in that episode to the fact y'all aren't familiar with the person I was doing but it was what it was) and that Pixel/Faye's Snatch Game were mediocre/boring/unoriginal. Are you saying I actually think Noma was horrible and Faye did great but I'm here saying the opposite just because of envy? :rip: 


The only isolated moment you could've been right was on the Cruise Challenge, but I didn't "expose" the other team because I thought they were better... I did it because I thought you judges were going to like their amazing formatting instead of the superior content of our entry. But it was my second challenge ever in this game, I haven't read it before and now that I'm more familiar with what judges are looking for (you can ask Primarinna the way I predicted most of the challenge results in our Facebook conversations) I haven't done it or wouldn't do it again.


And btw, I'm done with this Gladys constant lowkey shade that Chanel, Tangerine, Aciid, ***** and now you are pulling out. I think she's amazing, not because she didn't drag me down or because I don't see her as a threat (I'm not even competing against her :rip:), it's because she makes me feel things that you never, not even in your best entry, did. It was instant love since the very first moment I read her beautiful essay in her Talent portion and that I identified with her, her humour, her beautiful words and her drawings (go find my post back then, I was the first Gladys stan and not because I thought she was the weakest, otherwise I would be your biggest fan).


Oh, and other than TOO and Buddy! who reminds me of Eve's suspicious talents, I never completely discredited this season cast. I always said how amazing the entries were week to week and praised who I got to praised (and shade who I had to shade) despite personal favoritisms. So I guess that means only Stone and TOO could beat me, woah, Evita 2nd Runner Up of Season 4.

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Anyway, my apologies for this season Top 2 (Gladys & Faye) for bring this drama into their moment instead of the off-season :rip: I guess I'm done and ready for your Tic Tac Lunches and double coronation :duca: 

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