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ATRL's Drag Race S04 | ALL STARS 2018


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Just now, Kylie Jenner said:

In other news, the animals went in two by two to noah's ark, noah's ark


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5 minutes ago, Whis said:

Looks like the bullying has started again. I have asked you gurls SO FREAKING MANY TIMES what I can do to complete the challenge.

I have asked MANY TIMES if anyone needed help.

I sent in the latex suits that y'all suggested and recolored them all in the prideflag colors like you guys wanted.


I have ENCOURAGED everyone to do the best they can. And I did all if this during FINALS.


Almost everytime I asked what more had to be done I didn't get a response until I sent another message. The team leader was TRASH to be honest. She did not even once ask me how everything was going. 


At the start it basically was 'oh Camille you just do the fashion thing' and that was it. I got left with seriously NO DIRECTION by the team captain or others so I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS BEHAVIOUR. 


Seriously grow the **** up and don't be snakes right now when it's too late I asked MANY TIMES what more had to be done but everytime I was just ignored.


You gurls said you liked the latex suits you requested so how the **** am I supposed to know what more to do?


The team 'leader' told le she would send the entry to me before submitting it but she DIDNT. 


I knew something was not right from the very moment I joined that team. NONE of these hoes every told me what to do or even talked again, I was basically ignored the entire challenge.


I call SABOTAGE but I will not just sit here and take these lashings when the so called leader did NOTHING that represents a team leader. I think the team even had another group chat where I wasn't in.


Seriously right from the very fucling beginning something was not up with these girls, the only team member that really answered me or talked to me was JKawaii.


I am DISGUSTED at the SABOTAGING and IMMATURITY right here how dare you all pull this stunt on me when I have skipped learning my finals for this god damn challenge and asked you MANY MANY times what I should do but the freaking teamleader never even told me what to do.


It truly is DISGUSTING and I hope the judges see through this gang-handing BULLSHAT.

Image result for drag race drinking gif

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Just now, Kylie Jenner said:

my teacher told me that people can mess with wikipedia. don't try it lil boy!

the article is #locked sweetie meaning it can NOT be edited!

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Just now, A Bomb said:

Out of all the games, and challenges I’ve participated in, I have never had to work with a more incompetent group of girls. My god. My ass should have quit just, so I could watch them crash and burn. I did the majority of the work. BY MY ****ING SELF! Cover art? Made by me, before the song was even written. Performance outfits? Found by me a couple days ago. Performance outline? WRITTEN. SOLELY. BY. ME. LAST. NIGHT. Whis was completely m.i.a. for the last couple days. Then her ass came back, and was like “oh ofc I was looking for outfits” Where are they? Where. Are. They. Then she posted a ****ing picture of an Atsuko Kudo catsuit, I recommended mind you, with a tragic color filter over it. Ma’am are we really playing this game? Her ass had plenty of time playing bozo the ****ing clown in the thread, and stating how “the next challenge is mine”. Then, act like it, bitch! As of today, her ass was trying to rush, when everything is done, and just needs to be formatted. On to Miss Stone, bless heart, but her ass serves Alexis Michelle level ideas. If it was up to her we could be “wearing men’s blazers like we just ****ed a CEO” and “gyrating on each other”. Like what. Where the **** am I? Am I talking to you who is not really here? IS. THIS. REALITY. I wouldn’t even let her handle scissors tbqh. Now, on to this gutter-sewer-dwelling vermin: Primarina. Less than useless. NOT. ONE. USE. I wasn’t expecting much from anyone who would name herself, purposely, after a Pokémon, but even then I was disappointed. Her ass had a lot of opinions, but never gave anything tangible. At one point she was rewriting the Dangerous Woman album. Is this bitch in ESL or is she just a dumb ass bitch? Four ****ing things were asked of us. Count them Primarina! Four. Cuatro. Shi.

Hana - a song. Wow pretty self-explanatory

Dul - cover art for said song. Again pretty cut and dry

Set - outfits for a performance of said song. Oh this one was tough for buddy

Net - an outline for said performance of said song. We really need to put our heads together for this one.

You know what her ass did most of the time. Talk about making a lyric video. Yes, just talk. Then, days later, posted two soundcloud links of her pig squealing, at separate times. Then, had the nerves of steel to criticize, anyone’s idea, of the four things we needed to have for this challenge. Yes, that idea belonged to me, and I swiftly got her ass together. As of writing this, I don’t know what drip is planning to do with Primarina’s second satanic recording. Primarina, is a ****ing bird living in a bird house. **** her. If I had not been on Drip’s team, and this **** happened, nope I would have been gone. Never in my life. Nunca en mi vida, would I be willing to put this much effort into an Internet game. Speaking of Lola: I already gave her an earful yesterday and today, plus she wrote the song; so, Ima save her the embarrassment. Hope these are posted publicly! Speak the truth and shame the devil. 

i guess we know which team lost

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what is happening

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1 minute ago, Kylie Jenner said:

In other news, the animals went in two by two to noah's ark, noah's ark

certainly a lot of beasts on the ark



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1 minute ago, talent said:

i think it was less about you and more about the other two :dies: 

I'm trying to bring the drama, am I that bad at it? :toofunny3:

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On to Miss Stone, bless heart, but her ass serves Alexis Michelle level ideas. If it was up to her we could be “wearing men’s blazers like we just ****ed a CEO” and “gyrating on each other”. Like what. Where the **** am I? Am I talking to you who is not really here? IS. THIS. REALITY.


I wasn't even being serious ashjshd

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Just now, talent said:

the article is #locked sweetie meaning it can NOT be edited!

you're right. you never edited it in in the first place

melanoma the scientist found dead in a ditch

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mess if this is all an elaborate act by lola  her chola's for extra judges points.


These ESSAYS are coming out a BIT too quick. Almost like they were saved ready to go.....



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1 minute ago, A Bomb said:

 On to Miss Stone, bless heart, but her ass serves Alexis Michelle level ideas. If it was up to her we could be “wearing men’s blazers like we just ****ed a CEO” and “gyrating on each other”. Like what. Where the **** am I? Am I talking to you who is not really here? IS. THIS. REALITY. I wouldn’t even let her handle scissors tbqh.


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3 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

right her ass barely got in like :ahh: 

the way drip asked @Whis to find shoes yesterday and didn't respond til hours later about "oh ok lol i'll try my best guys" like you tried it bitch

TRIED IT. muerta de hambre along with the mangey hyena known as @Jkawaii


You think I chose to be born in a small town where timezones are different? I HAVE FINALS WEEK GOD DAMN IT.


You have been a SNAKE since the challenge started! Earlier today you said 'shut the **** up Whis' with NO REASON.



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1 minute ago, Subomie said:

certainly a lot of beasts on the ark



we didn't invite you though? the flood is coming sweetie oh my god i'm so sorry

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Just now, Kylie Jenner said:

i guess we know which team lost

bitch there is more ****ing talent in the 2 ounce nut i just ejaculated than most of the girls in this game. Including you. 

zorry for evrrybäddy

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Just now, Kylie Jenner said:

you're right. you never edited it in in the first place

melanoma the scientist found dead in a ditch

i can not be murdered, for i have uploaded my consciousness onto the internet.

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3 minutes ago, Whis said:


@DripDrip I asked you MANY TIMES what the fck I should do and you NEVER RESPONDED to me and now you wanna say I didn't do anything you said?




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1 minute ago, A Bomb said:

bitch there is more ****ing talent in the 2 ounce nut i just ejaculated than most of the girls in this game. Including you. 

zorry for evrrybäddy

including me? okay sister from another mister 

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judge by song quality and not by group functionality



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This is more entertaining than the entirety of Season 9, including the reunion. :ahh:

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11 minutes ago, talent said:

RIGHT! These girls are overshadowing the time Tippi PMed me privately saying we should just ditch the rest of you.

The exposé :rip:




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im just imagining this immediately followed by her cover of greedy

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2 minutes ago, C/H/A/N/E/L said:


I'm gonna post, you dumb *****s. I was busy having dreams about threesomes and fungal apocalypses.


did you enjoy yourself? do you need anything? any snacks? a condom?

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