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ATRL's Drag Race S04 | ALL STARS 2018


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Why would we sabotage someone who has no chance at making it far anyway?



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give me an emoji sis and I'll spam their walls 

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The thread :ahh:

Team Lola being an absolute MESS :ahh:

What is this greedy cover about 

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also did everyone do individual pride colour performance looks? iconic

my #Original #Idea making waves

Edited by talent
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Just now, talent said:

also did everyone do individual pride colour performance looks? iconic

my #Original #Idea making waves

yes a ground breaking never been done before idea for pride...

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Just now, PhreshDiamond said:

yes a ground breaking never been done before idea for pride...

right? who would have ever thought of that. only me

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1 minute ago, talent said:

also did everyone do individual pride colour performance looks? iconic

my #Original #Idea making waves

...you invented the rainbow?

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3 minutes ago, talent said:

RIGHT! These girls are overshadowing the time Tippi PMed me privately saying we should just ditch the rest of you.

She was going to ditch one of the girls in the group whose talent was writing (backed up by Aciid and Chanel)? I see. :fan: Glad that plan fell through.

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1 minute ago, Buddy! said:

Why would we sabotage someone who has no chance at making it far anyway?



right her ass barely got in like :ahh: 

the way drip asked @Whis to find shoes yesterday and didn't respond til hours later about "oh ok lol i'll try my best guys" like you tried it bitch

TRIED IT. muerta de hambre along with the mangey hyena known as @Jkawaii

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WHY AM I SCREAMING @ "BULLSHAT" right at the end :ahh::ahh::ahh::ahh: 

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5 minutes ago, Whis said:

Looks like the bullying has started again. I have asked you gurls SO FREAKING MANY TIMES what I can do to complete the challenge.

I have asked MANY TIMES if anyone needed help.

I sent in the latex suits that y'all suggested and recolored them all in the prideflag colors like you guys wanted.


I have ENCOURAGED everyone to do the best they can. And I did all if this during FINALS.


Almost everytime I asked what more had to be done I didn't get a response until I sent another message. The team leader was TRASH to be honest. She did not even once ask me how everything was going. 


At the start it basically was 'oh Camille you just do the fashion thing' and that was it. I got left with seriously NO DIRECTION by the team captain or others so I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS BEHAVIOUR. 


Seriously grow the **** up and don't be snakes right now when it's too late I asked MANY TIMES what more had to be done but everytime I was just ignored.


You gurls said you liked the latex suits you requested so how the **** am I supposed to know what more to do?


The team 'leader' told le she would send the entry to me before submitting it but she DIDNT. 


I knew something was not right from the very moment I joined that team. NONE of these hoes every told me what to do or even talked again, I was basically ignored the entire challenge.


I call SABOTAGE but I will not just sit here and take these lashings when the so called leader did NOTHING that represents a team leader. I think the team even had another group chat where I wasn't in.


Seriously right from the very fucling beginning something was not up with these girls, the only team member that really answered me or talked to me was JKawaii.


I am DISGUSTED at the SABOTAGING and IMMATURITY right here how dare you all pull this stunt on me when I have skipped learning my finals for this god damn challenge and asked you MANY MANY times what I should do but the freaking teamleader never even told me what to do.


It truly is DISGUSTING and I hope the judges see through this gang-handing BULLSHAT.

I believe you



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What Whis is doing right now is LYING. Lemme provide my team review 


Ok, so when I had the opportunity to pick my team I was like "Ok cool let me pick people with individual talents I know can do well and succeed in." So I picked Stone because he's hot, Canela cause she could do the single cover, Primarina because I figured she could really come up with a concept for us and Whis because she has a good sense of style. So I started the PM and told them that (Click Here ). Anyways, I gave the girls their roles as my task was writing the song, which I did. So the weekend went by and nothing was really getting done, Canela did her part quickly but nothing else was done. Me and Stone were at this point quickly thinking up concepts and ideas, we were working well together and came up with the foundation for the song and entry Click Here 2. Despite asking Whis twice already to help ,here he just wasn't anywhere to be found. I know he had finals but none of us knew this until the end :rip:. Anyways so we did manage to get things glued together, thanks to Canela who did the outline for the performance AS well as finding the outfits and thinking of using Atsuko. So he basically did the parts of Primarina and Whis that I had asked them to do. There was a fight that broke out here but I had to do my best to regroup and put focus on our performance which was the last thing we had to do like right here. So basically what I did was write the song, try my best to round up my girls and steer them in the right direction and format the final entry. I understand the frustration Canela has since he basically did do a bulk of the entry. Working with Stone was easy as well since we bounced off ideas with each other fairly quickly and were able to come up with the concept for the entire entry. 




We had asked you multiple times even after Buddy was like LETS DO NUDE ILLUSIOM WITH GLITTER. Which was on PAGE two EARLY in the challenge. We got nothing from you sis. I had to ask bomb to do your job for you. The details were set in stone for you girl. 



Literally you and Primarina were in a world of your own out there. 

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Just now, Kylie Jenner said:

...you invented the rainbow?


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1 minute ago, A Bomb said:

TRIED IT. muerta de hambre along with the mangey hyena known as @Jkawaii


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oh we're doing the team review let me join :gaycat4: 

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In other news, the animals went in two by two to noah's ark, noah's ark

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1 minute ago, Rhisiart said:

She was going to ditch one of the girls in the group whose talent was writing (backed up by Aciid and Chanel)? I see. :fan: Glad that plan fell through.

i think it was less about you and more about the other two :dies: 

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Just now, Kylie Jenner said:

In other news, the animals went in two by two to noah's ark, noah's ark


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@DripDrip I asked you MANY TIMES what the fck I should do and you NEVER RESPONDED to me and now you wanna say I didn't do anything you said?


How about all those latex suits you girls asked me to look up and color in the pride flag style? That **** took me more than an hour while I could've used that hour to actually study.


It's past midnight here and I have my finals tomorrow but I CAN NOT BELIEVE THE BACKSTABBING THAT IS HAPPENING.




What more did you gurls wanted me to when NOTHING of the challenge was discussed in the groupchat I was in and NOTHING was told me about the performance?


Do NOT pull this stunt you FREAKING ****S!




SINCE DAY ONE every queen apart from a few have looked DOWN upon me. Why is that needed? 

I knew they weren't gonna take me seriously because I'm 'the small town' one.


DO NOT do this to me DEAR GOD.


Atleast my runway look slays and you can NOT take that away from me or try to manipulate me there.


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Out of all the games, and challenges I’ve participated in, I have never had to work with a more incompetent group of girls. My god. My ass should have quit just, so I could watch them crash and burn. I did the majority of the work. BY MY ****ING SELF! Cover art? Made by me, before the song was even written. Performance outfits? Found by me a couple days ago. Performance outline? WRITTEN. SOLELY. BY. ME. LAST. NIGHT. Whis was completely m.i.a. for the last couple days. Then her ass came back, and was like “oh ofc I was looking for outfits” Where are they? Where. Are. They. Then she posted a ****ing picture of an Atsuko Kudo catsuit, I recommended mind you, with a tragic color filter over it. Ma’am are we really playing this game? Her ass had plenty of time playing bozo the ****ing clown in the thread, and stating how “the next challenge is mine”. Then, act like it, bitch! As of today, her ass was trying to rush, when everything is done, and just needs to be formatted. On to Miss Stone, bless heart, but her ass serves Alexis Michelle level ideas. If it was up to her we could be “wearing men’s blazers like we just ****ed a CEO” and “gyrating on each other”. Like what. Where the **** am I? Am I talking to you who is not really here? IS. THIS. REALITY. I wouldn’t even let her handle scissors tbqh. Now, on to this gutter-sewer-dwelling vermin: Primarina. Less than useless. NOT. ONE. USE. I wasn’t expecting much from anyone who would name herself, purposely, after a Pokémon, but even then I was disappointed. Her ass had a lot of opinions, but never gave anything tangible. At one point she was rewriting the Dangerous Woman album. Is this bitch in ESL or is she just a dumb ass bitch? Four ****ing things were asked of us. Count them Primarina! Four. Cuatro. Shi.

Hana - a song. Wow pretty self-explanatory

Dul - cover art for said song. Again pretty cut and dry

Set - outfits for a performance of said song. Oh this one was tough for buddy

Net - an outline for said performance of said song. We really need to put our heads together for this one.

You know what her ass did most of the time. Talk about making a lyric video. Yes, just talk. Then, days later, posted two soundcloud links of her pig squealing, at separate times. Then, had the nerves of steel to criticize, anyone’s idea, of the four things we needed to have for this challenge. Yes, that idea belonged to me, and I swiftly got her ass together. As of writing this, I don’t know what drip is planning to do with Primarina’s second satanic recording. Primarina, is a ****ing bird living in a bird house. **** her. If I had not been on Drip’s team, and this **** happened, nope I would have been gone. Never in my life. Nunca en mi vida, would I be willing to put this much effort into an Internet game. Speaking of Lola: I already gave her an earful yesterday and today, plus she wrote the song; so, Ima save her the embarrassment. Hope these are posted publicly! Speak the truth and shame the devil. 

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Just now, talent said:


my teacher told me that people can mess with wikipedia. don't try it lil boy!

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1 minute ago, DripDrip said:

Ok, so when I had the opportunity to pick my team I was like "Ok cool let me pick people with individual talents I know can do well and succeed in." So I picked Stone because he's hot


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