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Favorite type of nuts?

Big Bad Wolf

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What are your favorite type of nuts?


Quick list:

  • almonds.
  • Brazil nuts.
  • cashew nuts.
  • hazelnuts.
  • macadamias.
  • pecans.
  • pine nuts.
  • pistachios.


Almonds are my go-to and right now I'm loving these coconut cashews I bought. :gaycat4:

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Cashew. Almonds are overrated as ****. 

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Pistachios and cashews BUT oven-baked almonds deserve an honorable mention bc they taste like chocolate without the sugar and the guilt

Edited by dumbsparce
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  • cashews
  • pistachios
  • peanuts 

Almonds if they're the Blue Diamond seasoned ones, for the most part I don't like other nuts plain they need to be turned into something else

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43 minutes ago, Dephira said:

Who doesn't love Brazil Nuts? 

So true, Marcelo Mastro's :ghostface:


Anyway-- Cashews and Almonds 

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53 minutes ago, réveuse said:

deez nuts.

help I ran in to say this

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