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Estranged trans kid's dad Elon Musk hates bill on gender affirmation in custody cases


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A new California bill headed to the govenor's desk will force judges to weigh which parent is better affirming their kids' gender during a nasty divorce ... which Elon Musk thinks is BS.


The Twitter/X chief lashed out online Friday, denouncing the proposed law as an "outrage" -- this as word came down that Cali's State Legislature had passed the controversial legislation -- AB 957 -- after it got voted on through in the State Assembly by a wide margin. He wrote, "This bill is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. What it would actually mean is that if you disagree with the other parent about sterilizing your child, you lose custody. Utter madness!"


The new bill pertains to family court -- basically, judges will now have to take into consideration where a child is better suited to live if the parents are fighting over custody ... and gender affirmation is going to be a new key criteria in making that determination. It's not the only thing a judge will mull over, but it will officially be part of the list -- so if one parent is resisting their child transitioning ... that could spell trouble in front of [his honor]. BTW, what the "affirmation" actually amounts to is vague and not clearly defined in the bill.


Clearly, Elon feels a certain way about it -- echoing conservatives who were also angry ... not to mention certain advocacy groups who've been protesting this thing for months. The reason it's interesting this is coming from Elon, though, is because of his own family history. It's no secret EM has a transgender child -- 19-year-old Vivian Jenna Wilson, who was born as a biological male but has since transitioned to female. By most accounts, she doesn't have the greatest relationship with her dad ... and he blames a Cali school system for that.


In a recently released excerpt of his forthcoming biography, Elon revealed that part of the reason he even decided to take over Twitter was because of what he believes happened to his child ... namely, as he characterizes it, brainwashing at a famous ritzy school in L.A. Elon says his kid has been turned against him thanks to "woke" ideology she was subjected to -- and now, he even goes so far as to claim she embraces Marxist/Communist views.


With this in mind, it's perhaps no surprise he has strong feelings -- especially when you consider he shared/shares custody of 6 of his children with their mom, including Vivian. As for what happens now with that bill, Gov. Newsom has until Oct. 14 to sign into it law. He doesn't appear to have commented yet -- but the safe bet is ... dude's gonna stamp it. X


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15 minutes ago, getBusy said:

I wish we all stopped talking about this idiot. He’d suffer so much. 



while we’re at it, delete X too. I mean my God, this man promotes Nazi and QAnon endorsed conspiracies, is openly LGBTQ+phobic, and amplifies racist rhetoric on his platform. What more reason do people need to leave? 

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Transphobia really rots the brain (though I'd argue there isn't much of a brain to rot in Elon's case).

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37 minutes ago, getBusy said:

I wish we all stopped talking about this idiot. He’d suffer so much. 

Wish more people were aware of this


Him and the Kardashians type would go away once we collectively start ignoring them

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