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Palestinian president: “Hitler fought the Jews because they were filthy moneylenders”


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I'm fluent in arabic and he did not say that.


It shows that no one actually bothered to watch the video cause even the subtitles don't say that :rip:

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This man literally wrote his PhD dissertation on Holocaust revisionism, why are some people in here trying to take away from the fact that this man is a raging anti-Semite :confused: what's even more sad is that he is the "moderate" in the conflict on the Palestinian side

Edited by ZIVERT
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11 minutes ago, GentleDance said:

I'm fluent in arabic and he did not say that.


It shows that no one actually bothered to watch the video cause even the subtitles don't say that :rip:

Not surprised. They do that with the MEMRI clips which sometimes ironically are a low key acceptable cackle.  I guess they posted this because their right wing fans are turning on them and are now attacking the ADL.

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This is the result of the far-right of Israel going farther to the right and trying to further expand settlements because they see that nationalist policies 1) are popular and 2) are facing very little, if any, pushback internationally.


So you have the far-right of Israel - all of whom hold immense power - openly say that Jewish supremacy *is* law and that the rights of Jews supercede that of all non-Jews within the land:



Of course his statement is wrong and should be corrected, but I do have to ask why I've seen politicians (and even members of this forum) from Ukraine and other Eastern European nations be given grace when they say things like "No, Russians are subhuman to me!" or "I hope Russians start to die so they are forced to take responsibility for their government!" yet this nuance isn't applied to Palestinians who are quite literally facing the exact same thing.


There is no argument - what Russia is trying to do to Ukraine, Israel is also doing to Palestine. 


There's debate over in the UN on how to get to defining what Putin is doing as genocide - the destruction of a people - yet also you have Israeli leadership saying these same things too: destroy Palestinians, Palestinians do not have rights, etc.


So imagine how much anti-Russian resentment Ukrainians would feel if the UN and NATO were on Russia's side, which is essentially experiencing occurring for Palestinians at this moment with Israel having free range to enact apartheid and ethnic cleansing policies.


Again, what he is saying is wrong - and I'm less likely to give politicians nuance than regular people - but he's clearly trying to exploit antisemitism by speaking to the reactionary antisemitism that will only further grow as long as Israel is allowed to push ethnic cleansing policies and genocidal rhetoric without any interventional from the global community.

Edited by Communion
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The opinion of a "leader" who is illegally leading a nation of people who not only didn't elect him to this position but have not been given the opportunity to remove him from said position does not represent the opinion of the people being forced to exist under him. People will bend over backwards to defend Israel's tyranny and hide behind the absurd notion that criticizing them means that you're anti-semitic. You can try and try all you want but it doesn't change the fact that Israel is an illegitimate apartheid nation that is trying to illegally subjugate the rightful owners of the land their nation occupies. 


That has NOTHING to do with anyone in Israel being Jewish. Are there people who hate Israel because that person is anti-semitic? 100%. Is the entire pro-Palestine movement anti-semitic? No. We're not the ones who constantly bring up Israel being a Jewish state, it's the pro-Israel side that wants to make it all about that. 

Edited by Mr. Mendes
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„His views don’t represent the Palestinian people!“ yeah because they are too moderate :rip: even here in Germany I can’t walk around with my Star of David in certain areas because it’s too dangerous. And I don’t mean verbal stuff, full out physical danger. 

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4 hours ago, Brunette Ambition said:

„His views don’t represent the Palestinian people!“ yeah because they are too moderate :rip: even here in Germany I can’t walk around with my Star of David in certain areas because it’s too dangerous. And I don’t mean verbal stuff, full out physical danger. 

It’s unfortunate you don’t feel safe wearing something you should be proud to wear, anywhere. It’s absolutely wrong and antisemitic. The majority of Palestinians can’t roam free in their own homeland without being subjected to dehumanization and brutality due to living under indefinite illegal occupation. 


That being said, you do realize there are 2+ million Palestinians living inside 48’ borders (with 70 laws discriminating against them, but don’t live under military occupation such in West Bank / Jerusalem / Gaza / Golan etc) alongside 5 million Jewish people, correct? if all Palestinians are inherently unthinking barbaric antisemitic beings then those 5 million Jews would have been massacred decades ago.   


OT - that’s horrendous. I’m a fluent Arabic (and Hebrew) speaker so I’ll listen when I get home to see if that’s precisely what he said, either way, it’s not a statement that can be justified. 

Edited by Jjang
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12 hours ago, Communion said:

This is the result of the far-right of Israel going farther to the right and trying to further expand settlements because they see that nationalist policies 1) are popular and 2) are facing very little, if any, pushback internationally.


So you have the far-right of Israel - all of whom hold immense power - openly say that Jewish supremacy *is* law and that the rights of Jews supercede that of all non-Jews within the land:



Of course his statement is wrong and should be corrected, but I do have to ask why I've seen politicians (and even members of this forum) from Ukraine and other Eastern European nations be given grace when they say things like "No, Russians are subhuman to me!" or "I hope Russians start to die so they are forced to take responsibility for their government!" yet this nuance isn't applied to Palestinians who are quite literally facing the exact same thing.


There is no argument - what Russia is trying to do to Ukraine, Israel is also doing to Palestine. 


There's debate over in the UN on how to get to defining what Putin is doing as genocide - the destruction of a people - yet also you have Israeli leadership saying these same things too: destroy Palestinians, Palestinians do not have rights, etc.


So imagine how much anti-Russian resentment Ukrainians would feel if the UN and NATO were on Russia's side, which is essentially experiencing occurring for Palestinians at this moment with Israel having free range to enact apartheid and ethnic cleansing policies.


Again, what he is saying is wrong - and I'm less likely to give politicians nuance than regular people - but he's clearly trying to exploit antisemitism by speaking to the reactionary antisemitism that will only further grow as long as Israel is allowed to push ethnic cleansing policies and genocidal rhetoric without any interventional from the global community.


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Y'all have zero chill.:deadbanana2:

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