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New USA Today/Ispos poll shows Americans sharp divide on climate change


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Some takeaways: 82% of democrats believe climate change is caused by human activity. 56% of Independents agree and just 28% of republicans


11% of republicans and 4% of independents say climate change isn’t happening at all, 0% of democrats surveyed. 
41% of democrats are significantly more concerned about the effects of climate change than they were 20 years ago, 20% of independents agree, and just 9% of republicans agree. 

60% of people polled say they see no chance in humans changing their behavior to reverse course 



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Well, it is what will kill them either way (or its consequences), yet, we are still talking about it like our children might suffer.

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It’s hard to see things like this and not give in to the feeling that it’s already over for us. Like we’re terminally ill and just wondering how long we have.

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19 minutes ago, Cruel Summer said:

It’s hard to see things like this and not give in to the feeling that it’s already over for us. Like we’re terminally ill and just wondering how long we have.

It’s already been over for a while. We elected Barack Obama and Joe Biden in part to mitigate the worst effects of climate change as they had campaigned, yet their policies have served to be even more accelerationist than Donald Trump’s. Both of them have expanded drilling permits, and Biden just pushed to give Manchin his sweetheart pipeline that everyone has said will be an environmental disaster.

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Considering at least 30% of the voting-age population in the US believe the 2020 election was illegitimate, these numbers aren’t surprising at all.  

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unfortunately covid and the economic crises that followed it ****** the climate change perspection on people

when we as a society all around the world have urgent things to worry about like just trying to pay our bills it's harder to care about the environment


i'm seeing videos about Canada and the cost of life there on my FY page on tiktok, for example

this screams brazilian middle class struggle, but now in a richest country for example


edit: and this is horrible and we are over. climate change is real. i'm just speaking facts. people care less if we're going to be alive in 50 years cuz they care more if they're going to be able pay their bills at the end of the month. 



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The unfortunate reality is that us regular people don't have the power to make any meaningful change that's gonna help global warming in any substantial way. It's cynical but it's the truth. By the time the world has made any significant progress it'll be too late.


Governments around the world have not enacted strong enough policy, and many of them don't because they're pulled by the strings of big business. What makes it worse is that many of them know it's an issue and some will even virtue signal about 'targets' but carbon neutral by 2040/2050 isn't gonna mean ****, especially when countries like the US/China that are the biggest polluters aren't pulling their weight.


We can make changes at an individual level but that doesn't mean much if corporations continue to use unsustainable production methods and wrap their products in ridiculous amounts of plastic, and public transport is inefficient.


I try to do my part but there are times where I ask myself what the point is lol

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The US  is one of the few countries in the world where "believing" in climate change is so politicized. Tragic




60% of people polled say they see no chance in humans changing their behavior to reverse course 


which is fine because it shouldn't be up to regular people but to science and the governments to make the green technology developments AND implement them at mass scale

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See this is why the aliens don’t come to earth, they see what a mess we are here and turn around! 

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3 hours ago, Bears01 said:


60% of people polled say they see no chance in humans changing their behavior to reverse course 



Given the rest of the results this perception doesn’t seem misguided :redface:

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