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Disgusting tiktoker does cruel videos with animals


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Can you report his tiktok channel please ? A tiktoker does cruel videos with animals for views. This is so disgusting.


This need to stop. I hope they rot in hell for that. How can you hurt animals just for views ? This is disgusting. 

Edited by MoonGoodandHappy
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Absolutely disgusting, sick, and vile. This honestly reminds me of when I watched Ssoyoung go viral for abusing animals as well. There is a line between cooking and abuse.

Edited by réveuse
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Disgusting and cruel, the first one especially.


The third one really saddened me to see, but I don't think it's any more cruel for the animal than what most people here would consider acceptable, as it was already dead at that point.


Regardless, proud to be vegan and not contributing to any animals suffering.

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I don't even know if I want to click on that if it's as bad as you say :cries:

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4 minutes ago, PoisonCandy said:

I don't even know if I want to click on that if it's as bad as you say :cries:

Honestly I'm struggling to get it out of my mind. If you want to know but don't want to see I'll summarize each briefly:



1) some animals skinned alive, unrecognizable to me what animal it even was, being served as food while very much still alive


2) some (fish?) being boiled alive and struggling for life in a pan


3) a head of a goat thats somehow been prepared as "food" being torn open


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I guess it's just food for some cultures 

2 minutes ago, onapearl said:

That first one is horrific. How are people so depraved as to skin animals alive and leave them like that long enough to serve at a dinner table? 

I think they are dead (they cut the head) the muscles still respond though that's why they move


It's just gross to see but honestly idk if y'all ever travelled but it's a common sight in a lot of places specially countries with markets.




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Just now, onapearl said:

Idk, maybe you're right. But it seems unnecessary to do it that way.


The goat's head isn't so bizarre to me, because I've already known of it before. But the way they go about presenting it in the video I feel like is them going out of their way to be provocative for views.

There's definitely a big part of that but that's all tiktok is about since u have so little time to capture and retain the attention of viewers 

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7 minutes ago, onapearl said:

Idk, maybe you're right. But it seems unnecessary to do it that way.

It's unnecessary to do it at all I fear



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Here in Latinoamerica we been able to ban bullfighting in so many countries (a sadistic animal tradition coming from spain)
South koreans-People in Asia should re-evalute and ban this thing of eating things lookin alive/boiling. 
Same as the French with Foie Gras (Force feeding)
There are some cultural traditions worldwide that should be left in the past. Not everything should be preserved :giraffe:

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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34 minutes ago, onapearl said:

That first one is horrific. How are people so depraved as to skin animals alive and leave them like that long enough to serve at a dinner table? At least have the decency to kill it first. Boiling live animals is also grotesque (I feel this way about lobster cooking as well). The last one doesn't seem as inhumane, more macabre and deliberately provocative, because I'm assuming the goat was killed first.


Idk, people are putting in a lot of effort to make me want to become vegetarian even though I don't think eating animals in and of itself is wrong (though I've been in a lot of self-conflict over this as well).

it's dead, you can see it has no head on, it's just muscle memory 



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31 minutes ago, lacy said:

Honestly I'm struggling to get it out of my mind. If you want to know but don't want to see I'll summarize each briefly:


  Reveal hidden contents

1) some animals skinned alive, unrecognizable to me what animal it even was, being served as food while very much still alive


2) some (fish?) being boiled alive and struggling for life in a pan


3) a head of a goat thats somehow been prepared as "food" being torn open


Wow. No. I don't want to see that. 

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1 minute ago, playboi said:

it's dead, you can see it has no head on, it's just muscle memory

would u mind moving the video behind spoiler tags

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1 minute ago, lacy said:

would u mind moving the video behind spoiler tags

oh get somebody else to do it or go ahead and turn off your computer baby:rip:


doing the most 

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None of these are problematic. The frog is not alive, muscles can still twitch as one user above already mentioned.

The boiled goat/sheep head? That's how you eat it. It's eaten in some parts of Europe as well. 


Getting outraged at practices and foods like these have notions of racism. 


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those don't even look appetizing :cries2:


it's one thing to kill an animal for food, it's another to make them suffer before dying (and i'm talking in general)


Edited by Sabrina Carpenter
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it is disgusting but i bet my ass most of you are meat eaters so you're just as disgusting as the person doing the tiktoks!

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Ya'll are doing too much. Some foods need to be cooked as fresh as they can... crabs, crawfish, and shrimp as well are sometimes thrown into boiling water while they are still alive. This happens everywhere, at any restaurant, any backyard seafood boil.... etc. 


Also, what can come off as 'abuse' to some, is completely the norm to others in different countries. Not every food comes frozen in bags, or can be picked up from a drive-thru window. 

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The first and last videos are of dead animals, though disgusting videos to watch visually.

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The first video isn’t cruelty. The animal is already dead. Freshly cut meat still has active neurons so when you salt it the neurons become active so it appears it’s moving or still alive. 

It’s freaky as hell. 

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11 minutes ago, Pendulum said:

None of these are problematic. The frog is not alive, muscles can still twitch as one user above already mentioned.

The boiled goat/sheep head? That's how you eat it. It's eaten in some parts of Europe as well. 


Getting outraged at practices and foods like these have notions of racism. 


Calling out questionable food practices has notions of racism? Wtf?? I just find it disgusting. Not every single thing is about race.

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36 minutes ago, Pendulum said:

Getting outraged at practices and foods like these have notions of racism. 



We don't have to respect every type of animal cruelty because it is "culture" of someone 

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41 minutes ago, Pendulum said:

None of these are problematic. The frog is not alive, muscles can still twitch as one user above already mentioned.

The boiled goat/sheep head? That's how you eat it. It's eaten in some parts of Europe as well. 


Getting outraged at practices and foods like these have notions of racism. 


I’m outraged at all animal exploitation. How about that. Animals should not be entertainment. 

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Y’all need to mind your business and just focus your outrage in your home country. Cows and pig farms aren’t any better. 

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People acting outraged the screens and phones y'all are using to view ATRL use animal byproducts ? :rip:

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