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Are you anxious about death?


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From a very young age, we are taught to keep track of how old we are — actively encouraged by rituals like birthday parties — so we know how much time we have left.


Death is always in our minds. When we meet a person, we always consider how old they are so we know what they should have achieved or what they should be concerned about depending on the time remaining.


You will watch your body decline and deteriorate. No matter how meaningful everyday life seems, it will all be gone and suddenly become meaningless in a flash. 


Does it scare you?




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no, i always try to enjoy my life as much as possible and make my dreams come true :foxaylove2:

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not really. it happens to anyone who has ever existed or will ever exist and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, it’s as natural a part of life as being born is. it’s so completely inevitable that theres no point for me to worry about it :michael:

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No, why stress a lot about something that is inevitable? :michael:

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No, I’m much more stressed about life. Death is inevitable and there’s some peace in it. 

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Another death thread? Are we okay atrl?



OT: I am not. I encourage everyone to make peace with the concept of death. It has helped me appreciate the small things in life, especially my love for music. 

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It waxes & wanes. Idk how ppl lose family members or loved 1s only to act like they never think about their mortality or how limited the special time we have on earth rly is. If you’re not at least a little bit afraid sometimes, you’re probs taking life for granted tbqfh

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I am.


I've witnessed death 3 times in my life now. 1 is my BFF, and 2 others are my parents. And I am not of those people who come to terms with it when that happens, instead the feelings and thoughts of it haunts me even worse. :biblio:


My late momma was afraid of death as well. She was panicking when her time was close, she had illness, so we had to sedate her so she can pass, hopefully, peacefully and less pain. As for me, it was tough to watch. I may need to be sedated like her when my time come too, unless I would be gone so suddenly idk. :!ohno:

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There's a very good chance that everyone under 30 will have the choice to die


Life extension research is going great right now


It's our parents we should be worried about, they may not make it.


It's pretty much a guarantee that death won't be a thing from 2045-2050 onwards.

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Yes. The thought of getting older, knowingly living with a disease or condition that is slowly eating away at you makes me anxious. I hope that by the time we're old, we all have the choice to die peacefully and with dignity when we decide so that we can avoid a slow and painful journey to our ultimate death. :gaycat1:

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I'm more worried about dying painfully or having a degenerative disease like ALS or Alzheimer

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a little

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2 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

No, I’m much more stressed about life. Death is inevitable and there’s some peace in it. 

There is no peace in it. U die and thats it. It's the same as before u were born. 

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Not really. Freak accidents and the thought of living a low quality of life in my old age scare me, but the alternative to dying is living forever and that scares me far more.

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I been super suicidal since 13…. So it’s just another day for me. As I get older I’m more worried about my parents then myself. 

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I see it as a permanent vacation

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38 minutes ago, ugo said:

nice way to start the weekend :rip:

There’s also a thread about disrespecting the dead… is someone dying this weekend :rip:

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1 minute ago, Frappucino said:

There’s also a thread about disrespecting the dead… is someone dying this weekend :rip:

maybe user revolution knows something we don't :pancake:

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Death? No. I’m comfortable with that. The act of dying itself? That’s what scares me. 

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