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STOP IT with the (Insert Act) During (Artist) Concert Threads

Brazilian feminist k-pop girl group


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It is kind old, but gold. They were k-pop fans and did k-pop covers and went on to form a group. This is their biggest hit and not long after that they disbanded (I think). I really enjoyr the lyrics





"Let me tell you my darling

I'm not obliged to do anything

I do what I want and I do it my way

I don't care about your opinion


Let me tell you my darling

If you want to have fun, just be on board

Just don't try to stop me

Cause tonight I want to dance


I didn't know him, he got the nerve

To come on to me, trying to force me

I told him to get lost! Get outta my way! 


He thinks it is easy, he is wrong

I'm not an object that you can win


You have to ask me really nicely

You have to have a smooth approach

You have to be "good boy"

Then, who know, I might even consider


Chorus x2

I am the boss of my life

I don't own you ****

I am the boss of my life

I am not oblidge to doing nothing


If you didn't get it first, I will repeat

I'm not obliged to do anything

I do it my way, I only do what I want

I don't give a **** about your opinion!



Just stop it little boy

Because now I will lay it nicely for you

I'll speak my mind, so u better seat!

I wasn't born to endure all this sexism quiet

All of that **** makes me angry

I demand being respected!


I have news: the world is not about what u think

I don't know how u could think that

Because I sure don't choose my clothes based on you

You guys judge my clothes when you see me walking by

But you go out without a shirt and no one seems to give a damn!


I arrived at the club together with my girls

When a sneak mother fucker was coming on too strong

With his hands on my waist, talking close to my ears

WTF? Did I gave you permission to talk to me?


I am so ******* tired of this kind of loser

That thinks he can do everything 

They don't get it when we say no

It is about time for them to learn

To respect my limits

Then we can be at the same place

Hashtag Respect the Girls








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