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Slasher! : [Finale]


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I thought for sure EUTERPE was a slasher

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Figured this would happen since no one cared about what I had to say. :clown: Congrats, Slashers.

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Recorded Votes:


Brokee votes for Yvess

Lil Hero (Devon) votes for Gardendreams

Duanielipa votes for Yvess

Fais_2311 votes for Gardendreams

Gardendreams votes for Worldwide Angel

Khalyan votes for Gardendreams

Mchl votes for Gardendreams

Yvess votes for Gardendreams

Worldwide Angel votes for Gardendreams


@abelfenty votes for N/A

@fountain votes for N/A

@Young In Love votes for N/A



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voting for gardendreams 

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I’ll just join the majority and vote gardendreams too

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The Sports Competition has ended!

A Majority Vote has been made!




has won the 'MVP Baseball Bat'

(and Immunity for Night #12)

:baseball:The Bat can be used from Day #13 onward:baseball:





Night #12 has arrived!

The Slashers will now Vote to Kill



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yay i love it, grats gardendreams

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sorry my tent's zipper broke down and i couldn't get out and vote yesterday :chick3:


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Night #12 : Slasher Voting



After an exciting baseball game, surely the threat of a bat would keep the Slasher at bay.

You'd think so but it just got them more invigorated.

With so few vicitms left, they're hoping for a Grand Slam.





Wheeeww, what an exciting baseball game! Balls were smacked, sweat was poured, everyone out of breath. Even one lucky player received a commemorative bat, beautifully detailed and carved from the wood of our own state tree. Lets hope its used for only decorative purposes. (It most certainly will not.)

The 12 remaining campers head back to their cabins as the sun set, exhausted from todays competition. If only everyday could've been like this, one camper thinks. But no, with murder around every corner, there was no going back to the regular camp summer fun. 

The sun peaks over the mountain range and casts its warm golden rays upon the camp once more. A bit sore from yesterday, a camper rubs their muscles to soothe the aching sensations on their legs. Perhaps one of the other campers could lend them some lube to ease the discomfort. They did remember one camper having an extensive collection, so maybe they can help. They exit their cabin, wobbling down the stairs as they try to keep their stressed legs from giving out. 

It was eerily quiet for the morning, even with the daily murder reveals. The camper checked their neighboring cabins. Nobody there. Maybe the cafeteria? Nope, no ones there. The storage unit? The bathrooms? Anywhere? Not a single soul was seen. It wasn't until the camper was walking passed the sports field did they hear some commotion. It sounded like a mix of arguing and crying. What was going on? Despite the pain in their legs, the camper hobbles up to the crowd that had gathered around the pitcher's mound. Confused and concerned, the camper pushes their way through the crowd of angry weeping friends, only to be met with yet another horrific sight.

Bound tightly to a makeshift pole installed on the mound, a severely bloodied battered body. Hundreds of welts and bruises covered every inch of of skin. Numerous amounts of baseballs painted red surrounded the corpse. The camper didn't notice it before, but they noticed an automatic pitching machine has been set up at home plate, aimed directly at the victim. The poor dead camper had been tied, gagged, and bludgeoned repeatedly through the use of high velocity baseballs. Puss could still be seen oozing out of the cysts created by the multiple impacts. The camper dry heaved has they tilted up the head of was once their friend, and through the injuries, they could still recognize that it was the body of...





'The Camper'





Day #13 has arrived!

Camper Team Members may now Vote to Kill!

The 'MVP Baseball Bat' can now be used moving forward!





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I may or may not have had inspiration from Danganronpa for the last 2 death stories. :cm: Finding interesting ways to kill y'all is hard. 

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let me spin one cute stream on Future Nostalgia 

Edited by stupidjock
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Another one in the casket

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You camper still got this .. I believe in yall :loki:

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