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Slasher! : [Finale]


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Day #10 : Camper Voting



The sun has risen, and all the Camper were stirring.

Bodies upon bodies had them all worrying.

The deceased now laying in a makeshift moat.

Silence! Now then, it time for the vote!




The Results:

Camp Murda-Ha has Voted to Kill...




'The Sicko'




Night #10 has arrived!

Slashers will now Vote to Kill!






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Dessy being a baddie


Color me shocked



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36 minutes ago, Euterpe said:

@Dessy I trusted you, like one of the only people. :cries:

You knew the whole time they were a slasher because you're also a slasher :deadbanana:

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1 hour ago, Canon said:

Day #10 : Camper Voting



The sun has risen, and all the Camper were stirring.

Bodies upon bodies had them all worrying.

The deceased now laying in a makeshift moat.

Silence! Now then, it time for the vote!




The Results:

Camp Murda-Ha has Voted to Kill...

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'The Sicko'




Night #10 has arrived!

Slashers will now Vote to Kill!






Well it been fun. Thanks dumb campers for giving my second longest run as a baddie. 





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oh it's a celebration around the campfire tonight!



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2 hours ago, khalyan said:

You knew the whole time they were a slasher because you're also a slasher :deadbanana:

I’m not. I’m a camper. :rip: Honestly, if everyone keeps going with this, everyone’s just going to lose another good role aka a camper.

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love putting in a msg to vote



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Hmmm i had suspicuous of Dessy the last few days.... the campers finally getting back on track :clap3:



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Sure is quiet at camp

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Just now, Insanity said:

Sure is quiet at camp

Everyone is quiet bc they’re EMBARRASSED 


Embarrassed about doing you wrong and abt McNulty, Frappucino and that other user 

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well as for me, i am proud of my run so far. i can actually die now in this game since i was able to catch one baddie from the cappa camp. we are already mvps in our og stabba ho camp tbh

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26 minutes ago, stupidjock said:

Everyone is quiet bc they’re EMBARRASSED 


Embarrassed about doing you wrong and abt McNulty, Frappucino and that other user 

I don't make it easy to not vote for me :gaycat6:

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My grave is a lil moist. Must be all the blood I spilled. Or maybe it's all the lube from the hotties and the ex-virgins




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Night #10 : Slasher Voting



The numbers are trickling down like the blood on a knife.

Closer and closer to single digits.

Perhaps a glimmer of hope in the future?

Maybe, maybe not. Most likely not. Nope!





We did it! A Slasher was caught and put to justice. The remaining Campers rejoice as their luck seemed to be turning. The hidden killers must be scrambling now that one of their own got-got. This called for a celebration. A party at night to show the Campers weren't scared of some horror movie villain rip-offs. The Slashers wouldn't dare try to enact vengeance for their fallen teammate when everyone was partying.

Oh did they think wrong.

Plates? Check. Hotdogs? Check. Every lighting structure in camp wired and working? Check. The festivities were set and the sun just about dipped behind the mountain, coving the camp in darkness once more. But all the campers were unphased and excited for the party, as they had gathered any and all lampposts and flood lights found within the camp and enveloped an entire makeshift dancefloor with light. This party was truly going to be 'lit' (ba-dum tiss).

With the night here and a dancefloor brimming with brightness, the Campers jam to *insert your favorite song here*. The smiles on their faces surely must be aggravating the Slashers. Can't murder someone when everyones together and partying under thousands of watts of electricity. Between the music and the victory, there was nothing that could ruin this night.

Until the lights go out.

An eruption of fizzles, snaps, and a final sharp CRACKLE of sparks from the lights plunge the party into darkness. The campers gasp and scream as they unknowingly overloaded the camps circuit breaker. Stay together, one camper shouts, We'll go check the breaker. In the blackness of the campsite, murmurs of confusion and fear could be heard among the campers. As long as they stay together, they're safe, they think. The campers checking on the breaker make their way to the cabin storing the electrical unit and found an odd sight upon inspection. Not only were the party lights plugged in, but hidden between all the wires, all the camp's ironing iron were also plugged in. This wasn't just a normal blackout, it was planned. The extra appliances plugged into the wiring caused a delayed blackout! But there was work to be done. The campers quickly unplug the irons and reset the breaker. They look towards the camp and see the lights slowly flicker back on. But the night wasn't over yet.

They heard a scream coming from the party.

Making their way back, they found out why. The body of a fellow camper strewn about on the dancefloor. A single clean slash across their throat. The killers had taken advantage of their small victory and already planned their next attack. The lights, the breaker, the irons, the darkness, the slash, all meticulously laid forth and executed perfectly. The shocked campers in complete disbelief loom over the body of their fellow friend. Despair once again falling upon the camp. They mourn for the loss of...





'The Camper'




Day #11 has arrived!

Camper Team Members may now Vote to Kill!



'The Sports Competition' will begin after this next Camper Vote!





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these slashers need to vote themselves out tbh, this isn't fun. don't worry alldeezy, bb we got you this round 


Disappointed GIFs | Tenor

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34 minutes ago, Canon said:

Night #10 : Slasher Voting



The numbers are trickling down like the blood on a knife.

Closer and closer to single digits.

Perhaps a glimmer of hope in the future?

Maybe, maybe not. Most likely not. Nope!





We did it! A Slasher was caught and put to justice. The remaining Campers rejoice as their luck seemed to be turning. The hidden killers must be scrambling now that one of their own got-got. This called for a celebration. A party at night to show the Campers weren't scared of some horror movie villain rip-offs. The Slashers wouldn't dare try to enact vengeance for their fallen teammate when everyone was partying.

Oh did they think wrong.

Plates? Check. Hotdogs? Check. Every lighting structure in camp wired and working? Check. The festivities were set and the sun just about dipped behind the mountain, coving the camp in darkness once more. But all the campers were unphased and excited for the party, as they had gathered any and all lampposts and flood lights found within the camp and enveloped an entire makeshift dancefloor with light. This party was truly going to be 'lit' (ba-dum tiss).

With the night here and a dancefloor brimming with brightness, the Campers jam to *insert your favorite song here*. The smiles on their faces surely must be aggravating the Slashers. Can't murder someone when everyones together and partying under thousands of watts of electricity. Between the music and the victory, there was nothing that could ruin this night.

Until the lights go out.

An eruption of fizzles, snaps, and a final sharp CRACKLE of sparks from the lights plunge the party into darkness. The campers gasp and scream as they unknowingly overloaded the camps circuit breaker. Stay together, one camper shouts, We'll go check the breaker. In the blackness of the campsite, murmurs of confusion and fear could be heard among the campers. As long as they stay together, they're safe, they think. The campers checking on the breaker make their way to the cabin storing the electrical unit and found an odd sight upon inspection. Not only were the party lights plugged in, but hidden between all the wires, all the camp's ironing iron were also plugged in. This wasn't just a normal blackout, it was planned. The extra appliances plugged into the wiring caused a delayed blackout! But there was work to be done. The campers quickly unplug the irons and reset the breaker. They look towards the camp and see the lights slowly flicker back on. But the night wasn't over yet.

They heard a scream coming from the party.

Making their way back, they found out why. The body of a fellow camper strewn about on the dancefloor. A single clean slash across their throat. The killers had taken advantage of their small victory and already planned their next attack. The lights, the breaker, the irons, the darkness, the slash, all meticulously laid forth and executed perfectly. The shocked campers in complete disbelief loom over the body of their fellow friend. Despair once again falling upon the camp. They mourn for the loss of...


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'The Camper'




Day #11 has arrived!

Camper Team Members may now Vote to Kill!



'The Sports Competition' will begin after this next Camper Vote!








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2 hours ago, Yvess said:

well as for me, i am proud of my run so far. i can actually die now in this game since i was able to catch one baddie from the cappa camp. we are already mvps in our og stabba ho camp tbh

There’s still one slasher from stabba ho left we need you until at least they’re gone :mazen:

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3 hours ago, Yvess said:

well as for me, i am proud of my run so far. i can actually die now in this game since i was able to catch one baddie from the cappa camp. we are already mvps in our og stabba ho camp tbh


fan favorite for sure


Valentina confirmed for All-Stars 4?

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@Alldeezy awe another camper down

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