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Slasher! : [Finale]


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6 hours ago, Hey Dude said:

Basically Yvess is the slasher and because he has Star Cross Love power, he took all of us as hostages

Hahahaha nice try


all i can say is... Psycho and Stupidjock knows my role before they all died and you are just sourgraping we kicked you and might kill ur other peers next xoxo

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7 hours ago, lacy said:

gorl who is "we"? you didn't clean up sh*t what are you talking about?


you were NOT part of the takedown on poki and orange, but you're trying to take credit? nn


it's giving slashers trying to roleplay what us survivors have been doing but having no clue whats happening over here

True this.


The hottie vote which is worth 3 points carried the orange takedown.


the slashers doing roleplay kink lmao

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7 hours ago, worldwide angel said:

how do you know who i voted for? like it really wasn't that hard to deduce that they were slashers:bibliahh:

who's to say that these takedowns you're orchestrating are nothing more than controlled opposition :coffee2: perhaps we should beware of the besties 


because you were NOT part of the alliance, you did not get the tea, what are the odds you could deduce it without you knowing orange22 set psycho up?


the fact ur lying like this REEKS of desperation and proves ur a killer, i had doubts b4 but gorl its ova for u <3 byeee

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5 hours ago, Hey Dude said:

The way we basically now know who the slashers are 

The way we know you are a nasty player by being passive aggressive. Creating a gc with innocent campers then going MIA to play the drama queen? Don't get me started coz I was really doing my best not to expose you too.


If only you knew how much stress you caused some people when you did that shitty move.


Now, you got the audacity to attack us when you know we are not slashers and the AUDACITY to join in the bandwagon to accuse us of that, when you are in the other camp now?





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Well, at this point if innocent campers will fall on the organized excuses after excuses and trumped up allegations towards me when I just shared my Public Vote, i will just pray for yall.


Even if I am a SCL, i will not be sitting pretty and wait for everyone to die.


Suddenly, all my efforts to warn people of their upcoming deaths were to be shrugged off by those people. THAT'S WHEN YOU KNOW WHO NOT TO TRUST and it is them



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I even felt bad for Poki when he was being cryptic and when some girls exposed and called her out here, but now, I don't care anymore. Don't try me.

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and with that sisters, it's all out, vote accordingly, don't f*ck this up and be gaslit by @worldwide angel saying they magically guessed who the killers were and voted for them without being in the groupchat where this info was shared to us



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6 hours ago, Hey Dude said:

Basically Yvess is the slasher and because he has Star Cross Love power, he took all of us as hostages

excuse your lying, dirty self!!!! in this game, i never did such crazy moves like you. you telling them i got u as hostages when you were the one who added innocent campers on a group chat to get us comfortable and to potentially reveal our roles?!


then now you allege me of this just to save your peers? you are giving desperate and you are never worthy of our chances of giving you the benefit of the doubt.


this is very interesting because you are now more active when you are not in our camp anymore, your name is not being brought up by your new camp but you are here doing extra effort to malign me and others who really just saw right through you? have you got any remaining integrity left in playing this game?


i guess white lies are accepted for some slashers who are all suddenly making up theories just to discredit what i have done in the past that really is not a "slasher" move at all, i can accept that bc they are playing the game.


but you, you have no right to be this cocky and brave and deceitful because you're dirty move is one of the reasons why the innocent campers get to kill an innocent camper on Day 1.


we are just so kind not to kill you over orange. but if i can bring back time, i will campaign harder to kill vote you instead of kicking you.




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anyways just a disclaimer before someone goes on a drama mode again, i dont hate poki as an atrler or player in my tabs game, my thoughts on him here in this thread are all about his Slasher gameplay.


ugh im just so kind to put this up here. :rip:

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3 minutes ago, Yvess said:

excuse your lying, dirty self!!!! in this game, i never did such crazy moves like you. you telling them i got u as hostages when you were the one who added innocent campers on a group chat to get us comfortable and to potentially reveal our roles?!


then now you allege me of this just to save your peers? you are giving desperate and you are never worthy of our chances of giving you the benefit of the doubt.


this is very interesting because you are now more active when you are not in our camp anymore, your name is not being brought up by your new camp but you are here doing extra effort to malign me and others who really just saw right through you? have you got any remaining integrity left in playing this game?


i guess white lies are accepted for some slashers who are all suddenly making up theories just to discredit what i have done in the past that really is not a "slasher" move at all, i can accept that bc they are playing the game.


but you, you have no right to be this cocky and brave and deceitful because you're dirty move is one of the reasons why the innocent campers get to kill an innocent camper on Day 1.


we are just so kind not to kill you over orange. but if i can bring back time, i will campaign harder to kill vote you instead of kicking you.




sweetie wbk ur spilling but honestly just leave him, he's begging for a reaction and if anyone still believes him that isn't a killer they're beyond helping :redface:

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I mean, you can be nasty and deceitful but don't chicken out for a second and pull the dramatics and theatrics while you are causing other people worries over you.


That's where you draw the line, for me.


It is just so inch resting how you exposed who you really are with a simple public vote that I did here.


Hey Dude the lying binch that you are, never change xoxo



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1 minute ago, lacy said:

sweetie wbk ur spilling but honestly just leave him, he's begging for a reaction and if anyone still believes him that isn't a killer they're beyond helping :redface:

true, i actually have no plans of reading the thread bcs i think i gave substantial info and in the past to prove my intentions


but i just made a mistake of seeing the posts he made here together with the ones he is protecting and it made me think, how shitttty of a slasher player he can be.


Now, i will just let the public decide. toodles!

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2 minutes ago, orange22 said:

This thread :dies:


well the public may be stupid enough and kill us soon so this thread might be back to Evangelical Church Channel levels of entertainment lmao

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okay now i will go back and review the new lubes while thinking of stupidjock's donkey diiick

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14 minutes ago, Canon said:




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Day #4 Camper Voting Times:

Camper Team Members have until Sept 19th, 11:59PM Est to submit their votes for the Day.


If you are Team Slasher or a Camper Team Member that has already Submitted their Camper Vote, please disregard this message.





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C'mom campers get ur votes in

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