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Slasher! : [Finale]


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Updated Event Listings:


Due to the dropping out of several players during the beginning portion of the game, the event ‘The Swap’ has been cancelled. The drop outs accelerated the process and were getting close to midgame where the Seance and Merge will happen simultaneously. With the merge so close, The Swap is deemed moot at this point.


The Seance and Merge:

We are currently on Night #3. The voting for The Seance and subsequent Merge will happen Day #5. 


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The girls are dropping like flies 


Let me perform a cover of global smash hit Tension to lift the mood 



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4 minutes ago, abelfenty said:

The girls are dropping like flies 


Let me perform a cover of global smash hit Tension to lift the mood 



I’m so happy I got to hear this bop one.more.time.mp3 before my demise 

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Night #3 : Results



Oh boy, here we go Slashing again!

The Slashers are on the prowl, and with no protection, trouble brews. 




At Camp De-Cap-A-Lot...

It starting to feel empty around this camp, a Camper thinks to themselves. A friend was nearly murdered the other day. We have to be more vigilant.

The night had faded into the morning, and all night long all that was heard were the chirps of crickets and the occasional owl. Maybe we all make it through the Night, thinks the Camper. But oh how wrong they were.

The Camper takes a big stretch, climbs out of bed, and make their way to the lakeside pavilion. The coolness of the crisp morning air and the shimmer of a calm lake is just what they needed to keep their mind off the attempted slashing. But it will never be over. As the Camper steps down the rickety stairs to the crystalline sands of the makeshift beach, a sight none too common appeared before him. 

A blue bloated corpse, wrung tightly to a lounge beach chair, submerged just underneath the surface of the still lake. Schools of small fish nipping at the now swollen flesh of yet another victim. Drowned and decaying, the body was near unrecognizable, but the horrified Camper pulled the chair from the lake and noticed it could only be...





'The Hottie'





At Camp Stabba-Ho...

The buses were finally cleaned. A good moping bucket, soap, and blood wiped away. The Psychic now laid to rest in a shallow grave made by their fellow campers.

 Everyone seemed to be growing numb to the murders. One by one, as long as it wasn't me, the campers would think.

But now its morning once more. How much more can we take? When will that accursed bus come and save us?

A camper, too mentally exhausted to bother showering, head from their cabin to the Nurses Quarters. The sight of so many bodies were taking its toll. Their stomach in knots and their head banging needed immediate attention. Maybe the nurse had some medications stored away before the staff all disappeared. There was only one way to find out, and what they found was more than just some pills.

The camper stumbled his way into the Nurses Quarters, holding his head to keep from vomiting from the distress. The medicine must be in the backroom. Wobbling their legs to the adjacent door, they opened it. If their day started this bad, it just got worse. A gruesome discovery, another hideously spliced up corpse found pinned to the wall by silver medical scalpels. Gashes by the hundreds torn into every facet of each appendage. The only feature untouched, the face. The slashers were leaving a message. The very handsome face among the tortured remnants of what was once a human body none other belonged to...





'The Hottie'




Day #4 has arrived!

All Camper Team members must Submit their Vote to Kill and Vote to Kick via PM




Campsite Update:


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see? i told you guys!!!!!


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2 minutes ago, khalyan said:

The camps being all uglies now 

taking note of this when i judge jessica's entry on tabs

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I don't have time to explain why but this is what I will be voting for.

Feel free to vote with me if you somehow trust me

KILL wantedyoutogrow

KICK Worldwide Angel


Making it public now coz I got nothing to lose!


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1 minute ago, Yvess said:

I don't have time to explain why but this is what I will be voting for.

Feel free to vote with me if you somehow trust me

KILL wantedyoutogrow

KICK Worldwide Angel


Making it public now coz I got nothing to lose!


i- wtf i did not those names coming, but i believe in u and ur reporting powers

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1 minute ago, lacy said:

i- wtf i did not those names coming, but i believe in u and ur reporting powers

THANK you so much xoxo

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5 minutes ago, Yvess said:

I don't have time to explain why but this is what I will be voting for.

Feel free to vote with me if you somehow trust me

KILL wantedyoutogrow

KICK Worldwide Angel


Making it public now coz I got nothing to lose!



@Rachel Berry @Sebas  @wehavetostan @Young In Love 

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