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Mitch McConnell malfunctions during press conference again


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He is having seizures. My grandma had the same before she died and she was younger than him.


Those close to him clearly don't care about him enough to convince him to retire, and just let him out like this.


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18 hours ago, khalyan said:

That’s why I was saying they should work together on this. Let the Republicans figure out a replacement for Mitch and let the Democrats figure out a replacement for Diane and then keep them on the same election cycle they are currently on 

You and I both know that won't happen. :coffee2:

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6 minutes ago, Espresso said:


Bullshit.  As evidenced by Trump's, these "government doctors" will say whatever the elected officials want them to. :dies:

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I hope he dies in public, surrounded by people who hate him so they can curse him on his way to hell :clap:

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The elderly shouldn't be in office (both sides)

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Messy cnn doing a side by side comparison of his malfunctions :deadbanana4:

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