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Lizzo intends to sue dancers who are taking her to court, TMZ reports


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This is a terrible idea. This makes Lizzo look even worse. She’s blatantly ignoring the consent and power dynamics aspect of the whole story. 

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4 hours ago, fauxtography said:

Glad i said EARLY this whole thing was too obviously a witch hunt for some bitter ex-dancers. When they were using all "i feel" statements I knew it was a wrap!

Was there any actual proof or evidence to prove the dancers’ statements? Just curious cos I don’t follow the issue closely but all I’ve been hearing were these outrageous accusations about Lizzo that seem a bit sketchy for me to believe right away.


If Lizzo is planning to sue, then I’m sure she thinks that the truth is definitely on her side. And rightfully so if ever cos so many people were quick to jump on the Lizzo hate train and cancel or fat-shame her.

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Good. Her lawyers will easily get her out of this and go for the dancers even harder. Defamation should do it. 

Just next time she goes on tour Miss Lizzo better have iron clad contracts and ndas. She can go to Beyoncé and see if she can send over a copy. 

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14 hours ago, JustLikeHoney said:

I'm back to team Lizzo. Their are too many holes in the dancers stories. This is going to be another Johnny Depp thing as more and more evidence surfaces. 

Is the more and more evidence in the room with us? because from what I have seen is credible people coming forward to support the dancers' story, including the former director of her documentary. :celestial5:

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A few people have spoken about her nasty attitude and behavior, besides her dancers, right? 

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Here for it. 


I'm still team evidence and if it ever indicates that Lizzo is at fault, then I'll have no qualms saying that. 


But this whole thing reeked of insanity. Both the baselessness of the dancers claims and the media witchhunt that followed. 


Some of y'all were screaming "disgusting" and DEMANDING that she issue an apology...because...what? The dancers said ____,  so it must be true?


Due process is a thing. So, this automatic "someone is guilty because the dancers said so" is wack af and a very slippery slope. 


People will peg this as some kind of David vs. Goliath battle, but the reality is that the dancers should have really only swung if they had irrefutable proof. As we're seeing now, Lizzo has the resources to go above and beyond to prove her innocence, which she will because of how much is on the line.


It's clear the girls were banking (pun intended) on negative press twisting Lizzo's arm for a payout. Now, with this countersuit, it will at best go away with damage done to both sides and more likely see Lizzo not only win but have them forced to put out statements apologizing to...HER. If this happens, I'd bet they'll be hit with NDAs and non-disparagement clauses too preventing them from ever saying anything about her again. She's for sure not coming for their coin, as that's nothing to her in the grand scheme of things.


People really harbored a lot of disguised disdain for Lizzo and I can't be convinced otherwise. Between her weight, race, gender, and her projected comfort with them all.. people were "mad-mad" and IMO waiting for something to pounce on her about. I say this as someone who is by no means much of a fan either. She's far from perfect and not a victim in the conventional sense, but it's easy to make sense of the intensity of the takedown when realizing that the claims all at once activated the: fatphobic, the racists, and the misgoynists.


The biggest takeaway I have from all of this is that these celebs need to really create a clearer line between friends and colleagues. A simple psychological reading of the dancers' claims and the constant mentions of other dancers going on "private jets" and getting favorable treatment presents this as more of a case of being frustrated by not being in her inner-circle. When in reality, to protect herself, Lizzo should not even have an inner circle comprised of dancers...speak less some dancers and not others. It's way too risky. Not even being elitist, but she's inadvertently dangling a lifestyle in front of them that's way beyond their reach/pay grade and also, by way of friendship, offering a sort of job security for her close dancers, that these other girls don't get. THAT, in my opinion, is the real grievance and it's being soaked in a lot of additional BS that won't hold. It's slightly unprofessional/short-sighted on Lizzo's part, but is not the villain nonsense that has been concocted. 


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18 hours ago, Habibro said:

Lizzo is so damn annoying. Don’t act like that to your employees and they won’t come for you. You don’t hear about dancers going after Taylor or Beyoncé. 

Lizzo needs to stop acting like she’s a mpg. Like girl you’ve had three hits and two flop albums 

You have to be embarrassingly naive to think that if a famous and wealthy person simply “doesn’t do anything wrong”, that no one will come after their money or try to ruin their reputation.

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i support her to go for it and if she's in the right then she could clear her name and if she's not then that will damn her harder.

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19 hours ago, Habibro said:

Lizzo is so damn annoying. Don’t act like that to your employees and they won’t come for you. You don’t hear about dancers going after Taylor or Beyoncé. 

Lizzo needs to stop acting like she’s a mpg. Like girl you’ve had three hits and two flop albums 

Doesn’t Taylor have a whole music video shading her former dancers? :rip: 

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1 hour ago, Cbreezy said:


People really harbored a lot of disguised disdain for Lizzo and I can't be convinced otherwise. Between her weight, race, gender, and her projected comfort with them all.. people were "mad-mad" and IMO waiting for something to pounce on her about. I say this as someone who is by no means much of a fan either. She's far from perfect and not a victim in the conventional sense, but it's easy to make sense of the intensity of the takedown when realizing that the claims all at once activated the: fatphobic, the racists, and the misgoynists.


The biggest takeaway I have from all of this is that these celebs need to really create a clearer line between friends and colleagues. A simple psychological reading of the dancers' claims and the constant mentions of other dancers going on "private jets" and getting favorable treatment presents this as more of a case of being frustrated by not being in her inner-circle. When in reality, to protect herself, Lizzo should not even have an inner circle comprised of dancers...speak less some dancers and not others. It's way too risky. Not even being elitist, but she's inadvertently dangling a lifestyle in front of them that's way beyond their reach/pay grade and also, by way of friendship, offering a sort of job security for her close dancers, that these other girls don't get. THAT, in my opinion, is the real grievance and it's being soaked in a lot of additional BS that won't hold. It's slightly unprofessional/short-sighted on Lizzo's part, but is not the villain nonsense that has been concocted. 


these parts! i really agree that many already on the lizzo hate train way before this and got their moment to let it all out. 


and the clear line between friends and colleagues really makes me think of beyonce and how smart she is.

bey really is THAT professional. it might not come out as relatable or down to earth  but who cares? 

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This is like her fifth lawsuit so she’s a pro at this by now 

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