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👑 The Ultimate TABS S2 is...... (results at page 339)


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18 minutes ago, CBC said:

I'm easy breezy... 

covergirl!!! srsly, her discog is untouchable :jonny:

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I FOUND IT :jonny3:

I wrote this in October 5, 2018



Dear The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom participants. First of all I would like to thank all of you for your determination and participation in this reboot of The Color Game. It is the voice of the people that pushed me to start this season. Our love for this game will not be silenced. There has been little opposition at first over my grand scheme of switching the game from the cold, corporate institute that supports elimination based competition, into a more forgiving, warm and accepting environment. I believe that now, more than ever, it is important to create a new climate that favors actual involvement with the participants, not just letting most of them sit on the sideline. I want to give everyone the opportunity to be part of something. It is their own will that will determine if they stay, or not. We will not be controlled. No judge will determine our destiny, it is in our hands to choose our fate. DevonRoars had a wonderful, creative concept that I greatly supported. Alas The Color Game 6 didn’t go as planned and here we are now.
In preparation for this reboot of The Color Game, I had a clear vision and concept for what The Color Game could be. Not an institution of battling for the top spot, but a platform that supports risk taking, creativity, and most of all: FUN.
It has recently come to my attention that not all are satisfied with the current system of The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom. The spamming of Nicki jpegs shows that this is not just one complaint. I can assure you that I am aware of the growing concern and am taking actions accordingly.
The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom is a reboot of The Color Game. It is not just another season in the long running history of this game, but a shift towards a new and exciting perspective to ensure that the game does not become stale in the eyes of veterans, while also giving new players the assurance that this is an environment that can easily adapt to. New members may not always be aware of how everything works, sometimes what they think will be a winning piece may not always be true in the eyes of others. In past seasons, such a mistake was often times punishable with elimination from the game. Not only did they feel blue due to their error, but were unable to learn from it until the next season. The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom is not like this. This is an environment that allows you as many chances as you need until you are able to confidently tell what is a good entry in the eyes of the judges and fellow community. HOWEVER, if you are aware, discover, or suddenly gain a certain degree of color blindness, you must consult with a specialized doctor to see what are your options. Color blindness is a serious concern and when I see people joke about it, it greatly offends me. One of my friends (yes, I have friends) cannot distinguish between red and green, the “classic” form of color blindness, and there is absolutely no reason to joke about a condition that cannot be changed. If you are indeed color blind and wish to join The Color Game, please consult with me and we may create an arrangement. I am willing to help anyone who wishes to join. It inspires me when I see people who do not let a disability stop their desires.
I understand that a competitive atmosphere is a key requirement in most, if not all activities such as The Color Game, but there is more to just winning. As the late Doc Hudson once said, “It’s Just An Empty Cup”. Another rendition of this beautiful message that perhaps will be more well known by ATRL is Stefani “Lady Gaga” Germanotta’s rendition, “Music, Not The Bling”.  
The Color Game is an experience. It is an opportunity to put your knowledge and taste in fashion to a test and see how well it may collide with that of others. It is also an opportunity to learn more about fashion and what makes an outfit look good. Is it a perfect fit? Is it clean? Does the person wearing the outfit appear confident? Is the quality good? Are several questions to raise when searching for an outfit to submit.
I will not argue with you if you only wish to win. I will however bring forth the idea that there is more to just winning in life. There is the opportunity to learn, express your taste, make new friends, and most of all; have fun.
I have consulted and will continue to consult with the fellow judges and participants regarding the bright future that I am certain we all wish for The Color Game. Due to the convenient structure of The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom, we, not I, WE, are able to present detours that still remain within the highway the game is currently riding on. There are several plans that I hope to present to you all in the upcoming round. As said by Avril Ramona Lavigne regarding her upcoming Christian G-d loving, currently untitled 6th studio album, “Exciting things coming”. Please have patience in this upcoming weekend and I am certain we will all be satisfied. If not, I am more than willing to enact more changes to this new, dynamic structure of The Color Game. I have very positive feelings regarding this season. I can sense positive energies. The current one I feel regarding round 3 fills my body with a sense of electricity.mp3.
For now, the judges will be crafting thoughtful comments and carefully positioning each entry in their rankings. Overall, we are overjoyed with the entries for this round.
I understand that having purple and metallic goes against any expectations one may have when looking at past seasons, but it is part of what makes this season so exciting in my eyes; you never know what to expect. I want to thank everyone for the positive reactions towards the metallic round. This was a change at the last minute, proposed by Buddy! as my original concept for Dragon Kingdom did not include a metallic round among other certain colors. I have chosen to scrap the original concept of a yellow round due to the fact Color Game 6 recently had a yellow round and it would have felt rapunzel to enact yet another yellow round in such a short time frame.
Thank you, thank you all for being a community that cares greatly for The Color Game. I would also love to thank G-d for giving me the time to host this game and hopefully future games and rates in the Entertainment section that I plan to do. Some planned to arrive by the end of 2018!
I want to thank you all for raising your voice regarding your concerns for the game. This shows me that you do truly care about Dragon Kingdom and words cannot describe how much I appreciate that. Raising our voice is a way to make a change for the better and fight the many injustices in this world, to create it a future worthy of our children. A future we can be proud of. Continuing to present feedback is what will allow Dragon Kingdom to improve and adapt based on our needs and wishes. It will also help to create a smoother beginning for the next season of The Color Game which I am in fact planning as I am typing this.
I am determined in my quest and dedicated to the games and rates I do and plan to do. I again want to apologize for the harm I have committed towards Big Brother 13. I explained that the game will be better off without my bitterness towards it. I promise to never do such an act again as it does not benefit anyone.
Please stay tuned for further announcements and news regarding the results of round 2 of Dragon Kingdom. The game is alive and by the grace of G-d shows no signs of slowing down. There are exciting plans coming extremely soon and I can hardly wait for us all to see them. October will be a very busy month for Dragon Kingdom and arguably the most important in the reboot of The Color Game.
For any further feedback, concerns or requests, please consult me either at the main The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom thread, or you may present a personal message if it is a topic that you do not wish to discuss in public. In general, any questions regarding an entry you may want to send should be a personal message. My office hours vary but I am usually always available and will respond as soon as possible to relieve you from your burden.


Indubitably, PoKiTaurus. 


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Oh wow oh wow 

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8 minutes ago, PoKiTaurus said:

I FOUND IT :jonny3:

I wrote this in October 5, 2018


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Dear The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom participants. First of all I would like to thank all of you for your determination and participation in this reboot of The Color Game. It is the voice of the people that pushed me to start this season. Our love for this game will not be silenced. There has been little opposition at first over my grand scheme of switching the game from the cold, corporate institute that supports elimination based competition, into a more forgiving, warm and accepting environment. I believe that now, more than ever, it is important to create a new climate that favors actual involvement with the participants, not just letting most of them sit on the sideline. I want to give everyone the opportunity to be part of something. It is their own will that will determine if they stay, or not. We will not be controlled. No judge will determine our destiny, it is in our hands to choose our fate. DevonRoars had a wonderful, creative concept that I greatly supported. Alas The Color Game 6 didn’t go as planned and here we are now.
In preparation for this reboot of The Color Game, I had a clear vision and concept for what The Color Game could be. Not an institution of battling for the top spot, but a platform that supports risk taking, creativity, and most of all: FUN.
It has recently come to my attention that not all are satisfied with the current system of The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom. The spamming of Nicki jpegs shows that this is not just one complaint. I can assure you that I am aware of the growing concern and am taking actions accordingly.
The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom is a reboot of The Color Game. It is not just another season in the long running history of this game, but a shift towards a new and exciting perspective to ensure that the game does not become stale in the eyes of veterans, while also giving new players the assurance that this is an environment that can easily adapt to. New members may not always be aware of how everything works, sometimes what they think will be a winning piece may not always be true in the eyes of others. In past seasons, such a mistake was often times punishable with elimination from the game. Not only did they feel blue due to their error, but were unable to learn from it until the next season. The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom is not like this. This is an environment that allows you as many chances as you need until you are able to confidently tell what is a good entry in the eyes of the judges and fellow community. HOWEVER, if you are aware, discover, or suddenly gain a certain degree of color blindness, you must consult with a specialized doctor to see what are your options. Color blindness is a serious concern and when I see people joke about it, it greatly offends me. One of my friends (yes, I have friends) cannot distinguish between red and green, the “classic” form of color blindness, and there is absolutely no reason to joke about a condition that cannot be changed. If you are indeed color blind and wish to join The Color Game, please consult with me and we may create an arrangement. I am willing to help anyone who wishes to join. It inspires me when I see people who do not let a disability stop their desires.
I understand that a competitive atmosphere is a key requirement in most, if not all activities such as The Color Game, but there is more to just winning. As the late Doc Hudson once said, “It’s Just An Empty Cup”. Another rendition of this beautiful message that perhaps will be more well known by ATRL is Stefani “Lady Gaga” Germanotta’s rendition, “Music, Not The Bling”.  
The Color Game is an experience. It is an opportunity to put your knowledge and taste in fashion to a test and see how well it may collide with that of others. It is also an opportunity to learn more about fashion and what makes an outfit look good. Is it a perfect fit? Is it clean? Does the person wearing the outfit appear confident? Is the quality good? Are several questions to raise when searching for an outfit to submit.
I will not argue with you if you only wish to win. I will however bring forth the idea that there is more to just winning in life. There is the opportunity to learn, express your taste, make new friends, and most of all; have fun.
I have consulted and will continue to consult with the fellow judges and participants regarding the bright future that I am certain we all wish for The Color Game. Due to the convenient structure of The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom, we, not I, WE, are able to present detours that still remain within the highway the game is currently riding on. There are several plans that I hope to present to you all in the upcoming round. As said by Avril Ramona Lavigne regarding her upcoming Christian G-d loving, currently untitled 6th studio album, “Exciting things coming”. Please have patience in this upcoming weekend and I am certain we will all be satisfied. If not, I am more than willing to enact more changes to this new, dynamic structure of The Color Game. I have very positive feelings regarding this season. I can sense positive energies. The current one I feel regarding round 3 fills my body with a sense of electricity.mp3.
For now, the judges will be crafting thoughtful comments and carefully positioning each entry in their rankings. Overall, we are overjoyed with the entries for this round.
I understand that having purple and metallic goes against any expectations one may have when looking at past seasons, but it is part of what makes this season so exciting in my eyes; you never know what to expect. I want to thank everyone for the positive reactions towards the metallic round. This was a change at the last minute, proposed by Buddy! as my original concept for Dragon Kingdom did not include a metallic round among other certain colors. I have chosen to scrap the original concept of a yellow round due to the fact Color Game 6 recently had a yellow round and it would have felt rapunzel to enact yet another yellow round in such a short time frame.
Thank you, thank you all for being a community that cares greatly for The Color Game. I would also love to thank G-d for giving me the time to host this game and hopefully future games and rates in the Entertainment section that I plan to do. Some planned to arrive by the end of 2018!
I want to thank you all for raising your voice regarding your concerns for the game. This shows me that you do truly care about Dragon Kingdom and words cannot describe how much I appreciate that. Raising our voice is a way to make a change for the better and fight the many injustices in this world, to create it a future worthy of our children. A future we can be proud of. Continuing to present feedback is what will allow Dragon Kingdom to improve and adapt based on our needs and wishes. It will also help to create a smoother beginning for the next season of The Color Game which I am in fact planning as I am typing this.
I am determined in my quest and dedicated to the games and rates I do and plan to do. I again want to apologize for the harm I have committed towards Big Brother 13. I explained that the game will be better off without my bitterness towards it. I promise to never do such an act again as it does not benefit anyone.
Please stay tuned for further announcements and news regarding the results of round 2 of Dragon Kingdom. The game is alive and by the grace of G-d shows no signs of slowing down. There are exciting plans coming extremely soon and I can hardly wait for us all to see them. October will be a very busy month for Dragon Kingdom and arguably the most important in the reboot of The Color Game.
For any further feedback, concerns or requests, please consult me either at the main The Color Game: Dragon Kingdom thread, or you may present a personal message if it is a topic that you do not wish to discuss in public. In general, any questions regarding an entry you may want to send should be a personal message. My office hours vary but I am usually always available and will respond as soon as possible to relieve you from your burden.


Indubitably, PoKiTaurus. 


I think i also did one when I joined as Catriona in TCG in the past lmao

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29 minutes ago, PoKiTaurus said:

Is that a copy pasta or did you actually write it because WHEW the literacy :jonny3:


wrote some bullet points and then extended it with ai :gaycat4:


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23 minutes ago, Yvess said:

covergirl!!! srsly, her discog is untouchable :jonny:

Somewhere Near Marseilles soty :jonny5:

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48 minutes ago, CBC said:

Somewhere Near Marseilles soty :jonny5:


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7 hours ago, Yvess said:

lemme also confirm that PUBLIC VOTE will be back next round


you really want those meltdown essays? :skull:

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Choreography, the art of merging music with movement, reaches its pinnacle in "Jessica Simpson - I Think I'm in Love with You." This music video seamlessly blends creativity, musicality, storytelling, and technical skill to create a timeless example of perfect choreography.

Choreographer Darren Henson infuses "I Think I'm in Love with You" with creativity and originality. Innovative choices, using household objects as props, captivate the audience with fresh and relatable choreography, leaving a memorable impression.

The choreo flawlessly follows the song's rhythm, tempo changes, and lyrical content. Perfect timing and synchronization create a harmonious connection between sound and movement, enhancing the emotional impact of the performance.

The video excels in conveying emotions and storytelling. It mirrors the song's emotional journey, from initial hesitation to exuberant bursts of energy. The dance conveys a story of romantic discovery and emotional growth, drawing the audience into the narrative and connecting them to Jessica Simpson's performance.

The dancers' execution of intricate footwork, clean lines, and seamless transitions showcases their skill and training. The choreography seamlessly blends various dance styles, highlighting the dancers' versatility while ensuring a bold and consistent performance.

 Throughout the video, we experience diverse movements, formations, and group dynamics. Solo moments highlight Jessica Simpson's star power, while group sequences exude energy and synergy. The choreographer's expert use of space and levels adds depth, enhancing the visual impact and keeping the audience engaged.
Its infectious energy and relatable theme of young love invites us to share in the excitement and joy of the performers. Even years after its release, the music video continues to resonate, demonstrating its timelessness and enduring appeal.

"I Think I'm in Love with You" stands as a perfect example of choreographic brilliance and deserves its status as a timeless choreographic masterpiece. 

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31 minutes ago, stupidjock said:

you really want those meltdown essays? :skull:

it won't be TABS without meltdowns hihi

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how about we celebrate the upcoming 100 page with the rest of critiques and some cute streams of the new Tinashe song called Tightrope, produced by Machinendrum? 



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9 minutes ago, stupidjock said:

how about we celebrate the upcoming 100 page with the rest of critiques and some cute streams of the new Tinashe song called Tightrope, produced by Machinendrum? 



AOTY wbk

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Dear Tabulators,

since I'm bored and have 2 free days I decided to rewrite my critiques to make it a bit more clear on what I expected and how I scored the entries. Previously I got too afraid I will break the rule of not giving away my score but now I think it's impossible to avoid so I'll give you this


I will write them in the same way that host did, by comparison of the three videos and not each individualy. I think this will be much better practice



@D e v o n vs  @Legend E vs  @Jai


All 3 videos are very strong entries. Katy is 2010 millenial classic, Kelly delivering characteristic ghotic aesthetic and SZA doing justice to the title of the song and its hit status. In this case, when it comes to narrative I like when the story is not obvious and more open to interpretation. I like metaphors and visuals matching the mood of the story the song is telling. I don't mind the videos having humor but only when it's deliberate and when it comes to Katy I'm not sure if her "old self" looking a bit ridiculous fits the dramatics of the story here. The same goes for ending of Kill Bill which threw me a bit off guard. 


@Julia Fox vs @Queen. vs @Overprotected


This is very, very hard to score. All 3 music videos are doing amazing work at showing personality of each singer. I think I have no choice here but to rank them based on which had the most "narrative" elements suchs as dramatics, plot twists (like Shakira's animation) and just generally - more things happening. I think it's fair enough. Other than that I could just give all of them 10/10 :deadbanana:


@fiercE vs @blackoutbaby vs @Kylie Verzosa


There are two very cinematic music videos here and one that's a bit of a dud even tho it def has charm and humor. Rosalia served emotion and very nice concept of the video but I wish there was more backstory to her character here. P!nk video was the least narrative imo. I had to give my highest score to the one video that I thought was the most badass :coffee:


@Julia Fox vs @ZORBIT vs @Invisibility


Judging whole music video and not just the Shakira parts where she's dancing - there are some moments that shouldn't leave the storyboard. The beginning is a bit awkward and the other weird scene too, the best moment is where is serving with other dancers. Tinasha and FKA served all the way thru. Since this is choreo round I'm giving my highest score to the music video that has the most of it.


@khalyan vs @Dessy vs @Kylie Verzosa


What I said already - I thought Ciara's video served high energy and sick choreo but it was a bit too repetitive for me. It was a bit too overwhelming. Jessica charmed me more, with the camp vibe of the early 2000s but I won't say I loved it all the way through, since this is choreo round there was not enough choreo for me. Rosalia's music video was one of my favorite entries this whole round because of sick editing mostly and it obviously had the most versatile choreography.


@Psycho vs @blackoutbaby vs @dejmieeen


Tension is another one of my favorite entries even tho I can see how it might not be everyones cup of tea. The concept is for those who GET it. Me personally, I'm gagged. For Natalia I have soft spot because the video dares to be different for what usually Poland serves. Rihanna badass and c*nty but again as with Katy I feel like the dramatics doesn't match the beautiful gowns.


@thecptz vs @PoKiTaurus vs @Jai


RuPaul is going wild here and I'm here for it. This is the one music video out of all of them that stands out the most and that's what I wanted for this whole round. At the same time I totally understand how for other judges it might be too extreme. Madonna slayed too but here I just feel like she's kinda too random. It's like being weird for the sake of being weird which not always works well for Madonna who is just not that alternative of a girl. With SZA's music video I have similar problem of randomness that is just not doing it for me.



Edited by stupidjock
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Kylie Minogue's latest music video, "Tension," is a captivating masterpiece that seamlessly blends her iconic pop sensibilities with a quirky and enigmatic David Lynch-ian charm. Released in the era of music videos where captivating storytelling is paramount, "Tension" stands out as a work of art that leaves viewers both mesmerized and intrigued.

One of the most striking aspects of "Tension" is its visually stunning cinematography. The video transports us into a surreal world where each frame is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of unease and fascination. The use of dark, moody lighting and a carefully chosen color palette creates an atmosphere that is reminiscent of Lynch's signature style, with its eerie and dreamlike quality.

The characters in the video are a testament to Kylie's ability to reinvent herself and embrace new personas. Her portrayal of various intriguing and mysterious characters adds depth to the narrative and showcases her versatility as an artist. It's a testament to her prowess as a performer that she can seamlessly transition from one character to another, each with its distinct quirks and idiosyncrasies.

Moreover, the narrative of "Tension" is a labyrinth of intrigue that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. The video leaves plenty of room for interpretation, encouraging fans to engage in discussions and theories about its underlying meaning. This open-ended storytelling approach is a hallmark of Lynch's work, and Kylie Minogue embraces it with confidence, allowing her audience to immerse themselves in the enigmatic world she has created.

The music itself is a sonic triumph, with Kylie's sultry and hypnotic vocals perfectly complementing the eerie and haunting instrumentals. "Tension" is a song that lingers in the mind long after the video ends, further adding to the overall impact of this artistic endeavor.

In conclusion, Kylie Minogue's "Tension" music video is a testament to her creative prowess and willingness to push boundaries in the realm of visual storytelling. Its quirky David Lynch-ian charm, mesmerizing visuals, and intriguing characters combine to create a truly exceptional and unforgettable experience. "Tension" not only reinforces Kylie's status as a pop icon but also establishes her as a visionary artist unafraid to explore new artistic horizons. This music video is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the fusion of music and cinema at its finest.

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loving the Round 4 Crits (Stupidjock's Version)

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4 minutes ago, Psycho said:


Kylie Minogue's latest music video, "Tension," is a captivating masterpiece that seamlessly blends her iconic pop sensibilities with a quirky and enigmatic David Lynch-ian charm. Released in the era of music videos where captivating storytelling is paramount, "Tension" stands out as a work of art that leaves viewers both mesmerized and intrigued.

One of the most striking aspects of "Tension" is its visually stunning cinematography. The video transports us into a surreal world where each frame is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of unease and fascination. The use of dark, moody lighting and a carefully chosen color palette creates an atmosphere that is reminiscent of Lynch's signature style, with its eerie and dreamlike quality.

The characters in the video are a testament to Kylie's ability to reinvent herself and embrace new personas. Her portrayal of various intriguing and mysterious characters adds depth to the narrative and showcases her versatility as an artist. It's a testament to her prowess as a performer that she can seamlessly transition from one character to another, each with its distinct quirks and idiosyncrasies.

Moreover, the narrative of "Tension" is a labyrinth of intrigue that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. The video leaves plenty of room for interpretation, encouraging fans to engage in discussions and theories about its underlying meaning. This open-ended storytelling approach is a hallmark of Lynch's work, and Kylie Minogue embraces it with confidence, allowing her audience to immerse themselves in the enigmatic world she has created.

The music itself is a sonic triumph, with Kylie's sultry and hypnotic vocals perfectly complementing the eerie and haunting instrumentals. "Tension" is a song that lingers in the mind long after the video ends, further adding to the overall impact of this artistic endeavor.

In conclusion, Kylie Minogue's "Tension" music video is a testament to her creative prowess and willingness to push boundaries in the realm of visual storytelling. Its quirky David Lynch-ian charm, mesmerizing visuals, and intriguing characters combine to create a truly exceptional and unforgettable experience. "Tension" not only reinforces Kylie's status as a pop icon but also establishes her as a visionary artist unafraid to explore new artistic horizons. This music video is a must-watch for anyone who appreciates the fusion of music and cinema at its finest.


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2 minutes ago, Invisibility said:

Thanks judge stupidjock for 2nd :party:


@fountain hey :gaycat4:


Surprised about @MusicLoverDude you're always 1st or 2nd judge to post, hope you can make it!

@MusicLoverDude promised he will post crits before the planned results time (Sunday)


@fountain will also do crits around that time hopefully xoxo

Edited by Yvess
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8 minutes ago, Invisibility said:

Thanks judge stupidjock for 2nd :party:


@fountain hey :gaycat4:


Surprised about @MusicLoverDude you're always 1st or 2nd judge to post, hope you can make it!

One of my coworkers is on vacation so I have been getting earlier starting shifts all week. I take the bus so I have to wake up early to get ready to leave on time. So I've been going to bed earlier as a result too. I'm off work tomorrow, hence why I'll finally get my critiques done when I get home from work tonight 

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stupidjocks always for Mr Paul

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