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World Bank denies Uganda money over Anti-LGBTQ+ law


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6 minutes ago, FolkLover1989 said:

Don't like Uganda for this at all


But let's be real for once. World Bank or as they USA loves to bully other countries and preach morality over them


USA should be prosecuted first for war crimes, anti abortion , anti lgbt etc..


It's hypocrisy 



Good, now deny it to every other country where it’s illegal to be gay

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Now let's keep this energy for every other country (and US state) that persecutes LGBTQ+ people, racial minorities, and women. They'll only change once their bigotry hits their pockets. 

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Hypocrites. Apply it to every country at this point

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It's not really about Anti-LGBTQ laws it's more being used as an excuse to sanction Uganda due to to their involvement with Russia.


It makes absolute sense why would the US help the enemy develop ?

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The money can go elsewhere and help people, there is always a need

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The World Bank is not invested in the experiences of gay people in Uganda. 

They could change their laws tomorrow & it would be another matter being scapegoated as a political charade. 

Edited by FOCK
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1 hour ago, ugo said:

It's not really about Anti-LGBTQ laws it's more being used as an excuse to sanction Uganda due to to their involvement with Russia.


It makes absolute sense why would the US help the enemy develop ?

this makes sense I was wondering when the LGBTQ became a priority for them 😂

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5 minutes ago, ImsoLOUD said:

this makes sense I was wondering when the LGBTQ became a priority for them 😂

A Cold War is happening again and Africa plays a big part in it. Also most of south east/East Asia

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Are some of y'all fr????


Cheering and clapping for this when the World Bank's track record of funding shows they have NO qualms funding literally every horrific value under the sun


( And no, this is not to ""defend"" any homophobia lmao, as some of you giga brains will try and claim it to be.)

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The issue is they will just rely on China and Russia 

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Don't most of sodomy/homosexuality laws in Africa date back to colonialism and the forceful uptake of religion? It seems a bit hypocritical for eurocentric institutions to punish them for the mess they originated.

Edited by Thickorita
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11 minutes ago, Thickorita said:

Don't most of sodomy/homosexuality laws in Africa date back to colonialism and the forceful uptake of religion? It seems a bit hypocritical for eurocentric institutions to punish them for the mess they originated.

That was hundreds of years ago, Uganda and other countries need to be held accountable for their actions today in 2023.


There are many other countries that were colonised including African countries like Namibia and Botswana that have progressed and don’t have the same barbaric laws. Let’s not. 

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Honestly some African (like South Sudan) countries  depend largely on aid that comes from Europe and Anglosphere so while I get the point of the act but still I am afraid it might affect poor people really harsh.


The best solution for them is turn down the law. 

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I support this. I loathe any country with Anti-LGBT laws!

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I was kinda curious about this so I did some googling to see how hypocritical this decision is and whether the World Bank gives loans to other anti-LGBT countries: 

  • By far the biggest offenders are Egypt and Morocco, which have both been given $18bn in loans. Their anti-LGBT laws are relatively minor, though, and have a maximum penalty of 3 years imprisonment.
  • Below that, we have a $10bn loan to Pakistan which has the death penalty for gays, but this has mostly been repaid and there’s only $2bn still owed (so we can assume it’s an old loan). 
  • Beneath that there’s Tunisia which has a $10bn loan but only a max 3 year imprisonment for gays.
  • Then Nigeria with a $6bn loan and the death penalty for gays, but only $500m is left to be repaid on that one (so again, probably old).

There’s plenty of lesser amounts to other countries that have anti-LGBT laws, but of the roughly $850bn total loaned by the world bank, the above examples are the only anti-lgbt countries found in the most-loaned countries that make up around $700bn of the loans. 



Overall, this doesn’t seem especially hypocritical to me - particularly when you take into account that LGBT rights have only been taken seriously in the last decade or so, and many of these loans probably pre-date that. It’s of course also possible in some cases that loans were given before anti-LGBT laws were enacted.  


To me, this seems like a positive move and one that will hopefully be adopted for other countries going forwards. Obviously there’s no guarantee that the anti-LGBT stuff was the actual motive for denying Uganda loans though.  


(Disclaimer - this is from some quick googling and could easily have errors/inaccuracies)

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2 hours ago, G.U.Y. Gaga said:

The issue is they will just rely on China and Russia 

Well, good luck to them I guess :skull:

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5 hours ago, CaptainMusic said:



Good, now deny it to every other country where it’s illegal to be gay

Uganda's version is more extreme since it could be literal a death sentence for gay people. And the leader actual takes it serious over there. So WB has a point here.

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It's really sad seeing some people cheering for this as if the queer people there won't be affected by this decision too. Yay privilege, I guess. :doc: 


Gonna just quote what I posted in the other thread

On 8/11/2023 at 12:06 AM, State of Grace. said:

This **** is honestly way too complicated and it is not as simple as "Ha we're not giving you money because you have homophobic laws. Now you can ALL starve and suffer (including the queers hehe we're sorry you live in a shithole!)". World Bank's decision is pretty hypocritical. I'm seeing everyone and their mothers applauding this on Twitter like they just gave Ugandan queer people their rights but I wish people were able to see past that. They are literally using us as an excuse to control and further exploit these countries. :gaycat6: It is also so ridiculous to overlook how evangelicals came to nations like Uganda in the first place, planted all these anti-LGBTQ+ seeds, and helped exacerbate homophobic sentiments.


Anyways! I'm only wishing for peace and strength for my fellow queers in Uganda/the rest of Africa amidst this mess. :shakeno: 

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