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Billy Porter shares his issue with Harry Styles being the first solo man on Vogue


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A win is a win. It is like gay movies with straight actors, I would love gay actors to play gay characters, but sadly we're not there yet. 

But I guess I understand why queer people is so pressed about it, he only dresses like that when he is going to promote his music. Most queer people gets assaulted on the streets for dressing like that in their day to day life.  

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Honestly, who is really praising Harry except random stans on Twitter? From what I’ve seen, he gets mostly criticism; either from old cranks like Billy or conservative grifters like Candace Owens. 
It’s giving bitter obsession at this point. 

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I think it'd probably help billy to go online and see that nobody was really supportive of harry on vogue anyway. harry has never gotten the reaction he wanted from the general public for the dress wearing. whatever billy thinks he scored was a whole lot of nothing.

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1 minute ago, More Than A Melody said:

He's critiquing Harry himself. He's saying that Harry is "using my community" while being straight. Even though


1. Harry never said he was straight, as a queer man, he shouldn't label someone's sexuality just for the sake of his own argument.

2. All Harry does is wear what he wants and make his little music. He a ton of money to LGBT charities and created a safe space for hundreds of thousands of LGBT fans. There's so many ways to ask for queer representation, but Billy doesn't care about queer representation, he just cares about Billy representation

And Billy is correct in that statement.


Harry fully uses queer aesthetic for his artistic imagery and gets showered with praise for it while still benefiting from a straight public image. 

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12 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

I don't think his critique, and many other people's as well, is not with what Harry wears, he can wear whatever he wants. The issue is with mainstream media raving and holding him in a pedestal while ignoring queer/gender nonconforming people who are actually doing the things.

Harry also got his ass handed by Donald Trump Jr, Candace Owens, and Ben Shapiro, as well as literally getting the entire far right riled up and on his ass, and they haven't stopped since then.

When he did a capsule with Gucci (which is mostly pretty masculine), they took a picture of him standing in front of a twin mattress and tried to claim that it was a new Balenciaga situation, flooded his social media with attacks. And at the same time, he also riled up the part of the LGBT community that feels entitled to know what happens in his bedroom, (Billy Porter being just one example).


So, exactly how is he benefiting from all this?


Just now, Gui Blackout said:

And Billy is correct in that statement.


Harry fully uses queer aesthetic for his artistic imagery and gets showered with praise for it while still benefiting from a straight public image. 

What is "queer aesthetic"? Define it without using outdated queer stereotypes for me, please.

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6 minutes ago, LuneMon said:

he only dresses like that when he is going to promote his music

He doesn't, but you don't actually care about that

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I thought liberals were supossed to be inclusive...

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A man has to sacrifice something just to be on Vogue with a dress?


This sounds like an internal Billy problem, sometimes people should just not have a microphone all the time

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1 hour ago, favorite crime said:


not him calling anna wintour a b word:deadbanana4: i get his general message but he's so entitled. you can clearly tell what he wanted is not a gay man on the cover but himself


Typical misogynistic gay.

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4 minutes ago, samsclubPRESENTSavam said:

harry has never gotten the reaction he wanted from the general public for the dress wearing. whatever billy thinks he scored was a whole lot of nothing.

If Harry was after a specific reaction, then he would've stopped doing it years ago. He clearly isn't. He does it because he wants to. This is a very stale topic at this point. The fact that you guys haven't caught up yet is annoying for fans (a lot of whom are queer and found a lot of comfort in Harry not gaf and doing what he wants), but he's not online at all and it doesn't affect his bottom line, so he gets to ignore it fully. This truly only affects his queer fans, but you guys simply do not care.

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6 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

And Billy is correct in that statement.


Harry fully uses queer aesthetic for his artistic imagery and gets showered with praise for it while still benefiting from a straight public image. 

This billy is correct, Harry represents priviledge straight people who are trying to seem edgy and oppresed 

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9 minutes ago, Gui Blackout said:

And Billy is correct in that statement.


Harry fully uses queer aesthetic for his artistic imagery and gets showered with praise for it while still benefiting from a straight public image. 

A straight man can't wear a dress? i dont get it.. He is queerbaiting but at the same time has a straight public image


Pick a lane..

How about a man who chooses to not publicize his sexual orientation chooses to wear the **** he wants and the one raising a problem with this, is a gay man?


Edited by gotportugal
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2 minutes ago, gotportugal said:

Pick a lane..


They can't babe, it's everyone thinks he's straight, but he's queerbaiting, and he can wear what he wants, but what he wants is what makes it so that he's queerbaiting, and he was expecting praise from everyone for wearing a dress, but he didn't get it, and somehow he still continues to do it years later, and we should abolish gender norms in general, but also you can only abolish gender norms if you're queer, and Harry's fans think he's the first one to do it, and here are my examples even though none of them say what I claim they say.


They can't explain their own reasoning. They just know that they're mad and Harry = bad, so they'll say whatever words can justify that reasoning even if they contradict other words they said before. And sometimes, even if the words contradict each other within the same sentence.

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i never liked billy porter and billy's annoying personality is further proof

Edited by Vixen Eyes
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Clock me if I’m wrong but what exactly has Billy Porter had to sacrifice

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19 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Do you think Harry would have as many fans if he came out as gay?

George Michael, Elton John, Sam Smith, Lil Nas X, Frank Ocean, Ricky Martin's careers all remained fine, some of their careers even soaring after they came out. I'm actually struggling to think of a musician whose career and fanbase suffered as a result of coming out. I don't see why Harry would be any different. And considering a sizeable portion of his fanbase actually already believe he is queer, I think he would be fine.

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I don’t usually say this, but the response to Billy Porter and rabid defense of Harry feels a bit (A LOT) racist. It’s like y’all love putting down a black man. 

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and he's right. Harry Styles is heralded as a LGBT icon but his only political opinions he has shared is commenting on Margaret Thatcher's death, the Tory scum who introduced Section 28.

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Just now, James_Dean said:

Oh someone hire him pls cause he needs to move on already :deadbanana2:

Do y’all realize we’re in a SAG strike?

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  • ATRL Moderator
4 minutes ago, babycomeround said:

Harry Styles is heralded as a LGBT icon


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Just now, babycomeround said:

and he's right. Harry Styles is heralded as a LGBT icon but his only political opinions he has shared is commenting on Margaret Thatcher's death, the Tory scum who introduced Section 28.

Harry Styles literally in 2011:

Larry Evidence | i just keep on coming back to louis.

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