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World Scout Jamboree choas in South Korea, scouts evacuated, BTS and K-pop forced in


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KTRL has been all over this so here is the summary for the rest of the forum lmfao.


SEOUL, Aug 9 (Reuters) - Overflowing trash bins. Dirty toilets. Bug-infested fields.


These were some of the conditions that about 40,000 teenage scouts had to contend with in the past week at the World Scout Jamboree, sending red-faced organisers in South Korea scrambling to fix matters before a looming typhoon forced everyone to leave the ill-fated campsite.


The event, the first global gathering of scouts since the pandemic, was attended by representatives from 155 countries and presented South Korea, which has hosted both the summer and winter Olympics and the soccer FIFA World Cup, with yet another opportunity to showcase its ability to organise big events.


But planning documents and interviews with participants and government officials show that even without the challenges posed by the weather - the event was held in a heatwave - the jamboree was marred by unheeded warnings and insufficient preparation.


As far back as 2017, when South Korea won the bid to host the jamboree, the campsite on reclaimed mud flats was seen as potentially problematic, according to a Reuters review of publicly available government reports.


However, in reports published in 2018 and 2020, North Jeolla provincial planners found that the original plans to plant "a rich forest" at the campsite would be impossible because the land was too salty. A province official said they had set up tunnels made of vines to help cool the area but acknowledged those weren't enough.


Shortly after the scouts arrived last week amid unseasonably high temperatures of up to 34 C (93 F), hundreds fell ill with heat-related symptoms, bug bites and other ailments. Organisers then sent in more medics, supplies and water trucks.


Matt Hyde, UK Scouts' chief executive, told Reuters the group decided to withdraw its contingent - the event's biggest - because toilets weren't being cleaned, rubbish was building up, and scouts weren't getting enough food.




Idols are now being 'deployed' as a last-minute attempt for a Scouts concert. There is a typhoon happening in Seoul in the next 48 hours while the concert takes place on the 11th. 






Edited by Gwendolyn
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they're so lucky that it's not pulling a Sewol Ferry 2.0 with that level of irresponsible event planning and organization :deadbanana2:

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I'm a Scout and some friends of mine are there right now :deadbanana2:


They're enjoying it anyways, the experience of knowing South Korea and meeting people from all around the globe, also enjoying the rain since we don't have much of that where we live :gaycat6:

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Sounds a good damn mess. Trying to shoddily pull together a concert to make it all right :toofunny3:

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