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Williamson schools Piers Morgan on reparations: "There is still a debt to be paid"


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of course Piers Morgan trash... anyway... British people are never going to understand or accept how it is in America, why is he interviewing? 

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“It’s not just about you” and I Ooop. She ended him with ease. @Bloodflowers.

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Marianne Williamson consistently does well when interviewed. Hopefully her and Cornell West unite as one. 

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Why is this man still on television? 

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considering reparations are most likely going to be handed to those who actively seek them I don't see how it's gonna help homeless folks who can't afford to pay a genealogist or people from foster backgrounds who had their ancestry erased


unless it's planned out perfectly, it's mostly gonna help a very niche demographic of middle-class educated people 

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10 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

“It’s not just about you” and I Ooop. She ended him with ease. @Bloodflowers.


I love her, she should run for Congress after this election, her voice matters! :clap3:


She also exposed on TYT how the primaries are rigged to silence her, very great watch :clap3:


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21 minutes ago, playboi said:

considering reparations are most likely going to be handed to those who actively seek them I don't see how it's gonna help homeless folks who can't afford to pay a genealogist or people from foster backgrounds who had their ancestry erased


unless it's planned out perfectly, it's mostly gonna help a very niche demographic of middle-class educated people 

Have you read Marianne’s plan for reparations? That’s not how she plans this at all. 

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  • ATRL Moderator
5 hours ago, playboi said:

considering reparations are most likely going to be handed to those who actively seek them I don't see how it's gonna help homeless folks who can't afford to pay a genealogist or people from foster backgrounds who had their ancestry erased 

The issue with this line of commentary is that reparations does not just mean "checks in the mail". Several proposals for reparations include investing directly in Black communities that were established as a result of segregation and red lining to try to improve the socioeconomic conditions and opportunities in those communities. Most people that talk seriously about reparations agree that direct cash payments alone isn't enough to combat the systemic forces at play. The direct cash payment exclusive form of reparations is usually chalked up by its critics.

OT: Marianne slayed here, as per usual. She's always been very good on this issue and being able to explain why reparations are necessary.


Unrelated: We need to start sharing clips like this on some other platform because Twitter/X is unusable now... It took forever for me to load just the audio with a still-frame. :rip: 

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21 hours ago, Aristotle said:

Honestly, I don't think she will keep her word if hypothetically she wins the presidential election. 

It wouldn't pass anyway, it would have to be a humongous/historic Democrat majority in Congress

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These numskulls and their constant virtue signaling? Always bringing up a point like they’re offended as if it’s similar to another concept when they themselves know they’re not remotely truly offended because they have no reason to be.


How tied to his “British” culture is Piers? What has being British taken from you, Piers? Meanwhile, black Americans, no matter what they do, can’t escape the systemic racism that still exists today and began during the slave trade when slaves were bringing in billions of dollars for white people off of labor that compensated them 17 cents a day. I’m so sick of people. 

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14 minutes ago, Armani? said:

It wouldn't pass anyway, it would have to be a humongous/historic Democrat majority in Congress

Yeah, she should not give promises she cannot keep. We all know what the greater good is. In an ideal world we would have 100% free medicine including treatment for people with cancer but is it realistic to promise that? 

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