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Would Steve Jobs be embarrassed now?

Lana Banana

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The last trailblazing iPhone was the iPhone 5, we're almost at iPhone 15. Apple has been recycling the same thing for generations now with minor changes. And that's just one example.


Do you think Steve Jobs would be embarrassed about the current Apple situation? Thoughts?

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Yes, but I also think he’d be pretty dismayed at the state of the smartphone in general turning into an ad machine rather than a tool to enrich our lives. If he were still alive I think Apple’s brand ethos would be to create new products that would allow us to feel more connected rather than just to capture our attention and buy more stuff.

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i don't see a lot of possible huge developments for iphone 

this **** already has a professional camera and does pretty much everything

a development on batteries would be the only true possible upgrade 


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No. He would only care about the stock price and it's been up 255% only the past five years

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2 minutes ago, Lyrica said:

No. He would only care about the stock price and it's been up 255% only the past five years


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I don't think so. Apple wasn't mismanaged after his death by any means. He appointed the right person and Tim took iPhone to new never before seen heights. The idea that Steve could do no wrong is flawed given Apple's history. He was a risk taker but that doesn't mean that every idea of his would have just kept outdoing the previous one.


The phone market is past its peak, it's not just Apple.

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I don't like to suppose what a person who has passed away would think, but if I had to comment on this, I think he genuinely would be disappointed at how STALE Apple has become, rehash after rehash like....



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He would have been embarrassed by the iPhone 6/Plus and the size of it because apparently no phone needs to be bigger than 4". He would have disagreed with a lot of decisions, but the market is saying the opposite and Apple is literally a $3 trillion company doing what the market wants. Tim is smarter than Steve in that aspect.


The iPad lineup (which was Steve's creation even prior to the iPhone) has suffered the most, smartphones in general are just doing incremental upgrades across the board and doing as expected. Tim clearly doesn't care for the iPad and it has been stagnant for half a decade with poor software lacking Pro apps. Everyone wants macOS on it, but it would cannibalize Mac sales. It's also sort of Steve's doing because he didn't intend for it to have macOS on it, because it's a UX nightmare + causes arm fatigue (which is true).

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Maybe yes and no.


As a CEO, Tim Cock has done exactly what the stock market expects from a CEO. The market cap speaks for itself. 


As the leader of an "innovative" company that Apple is known to be, it is a mixed bag. I think he would have liked the ARM Macs, the Apple Watch, and Apple Vision. There are some products that have become too iterative the iPhone, the iPad, and Apple TV. Others are just downright bad like Airpods Max, HomePod, and the Mac Pro etc.


Steve might have done things different but I don't think he would have done a drastically better job. He's not "rolling in his grave".



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No, Steve would’ve held apple and the iPhone back. Don’t get me wrong, he was a genius and an innovator but he was arrogant too and was incredibly reluctant and stubborn about even increasing the screen size of the iPhone 5. The plus size models definitely wouldn’t have existed for the 6 onwards 

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not really, what more can be done to a smartphone? 

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I think at a certain point we just reached peak tech, really. Like, they can add a few new features and a better camera or whatever, but it was pretty much fulfilling the range of functional needs we still use today as far back as like 2013.


The iPhone was a revolutionary product but how could it have been made more innovative? What more could they have added? Nothing was going to compare to those original launches. Capitalism depends upon it but maybe this just proves we don't need brand new tech so often.

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He'd be extremely proud of Tim Cook and Apple in its current state.  There have been a few less exciting years within their lineups, but that is nothing that wasn't true during Steve's time as CEO as well.  As others have said, we're really reaching the limits of what we can do with the current form factor of tablets and smartphones until foldable screen tech becomes more affordable and durable.  That IMO is the future form factor of portables, but plastic screens will never fully replace glass.

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no because airpods & the AM Lyrics/Sing feature are game-changing, find a hobby OP :coffee2:

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Not really, everyone just ends up copying apple to begin with AND cellphones have peaked in innovation. It’s all about power which is such a snooze fest but oh well. 

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At the state of iTunes he would yes!

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I've only had several iPhones over the last several years, the 4, 12 and now 14 Plus. In between iPhones, I was rocking with Samsung, but Apple finally won me over. I definitely love the 14 Plus and am planning on getting the 15 whenever it releases.


What I used to care about in a phone, customization, I no longer do to the same extent, which is allowing me to appreciate iPhones a lot more these days. I really love iOS and how useful it is so many different areas of my life. I find it to be far more of an enriching experience, especially in comparison to the S22 Ultra, for example. Its only drawback, which slapped me in the face when I realized it, is how weak the zoom is on the 14 Plus's camera in comparison to the S22 Ultra. That's all I really need them to fix for the 15, which it sounds like they are doing.


Aside from a few questionable decisions, I think the iPhone is in a good place. From my perspective, anyway.

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Apple is prob rolling out new innovations within the next 10 years. I do agree the models nowadays are stale bc there’s nothing else left to improve on the look that’s consumer-friendly. 

Improving the battery life should be the next move.

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And we still buying these so...  :coffee2:

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