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FDA approves the first postpartum depression pill


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The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the medication zuranolone for the treatment of severe postpartum depression – making it the first FDA-approved oral pill in the United States specifically for postpartum depression, a serious mental illness that can develop in about 1 in 7 new mothers after childbirth.

Postpartum depression is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition in which women experience sadness, guilt, worthlessness—even, in severe cases, thoughts of harming themselves or their child.

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When are humans going to learn that ******* WITH YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY is merely a placebo and does NOTHING to actually help you in the long run other than harm. If someone is suicidal, stop throwing medication at them and get them some rest and emotional support immediately. We are biological and social beings, and this society is HELLBENT at altering our minds with chemicals to medicate every problem as an INSTANT FIX, especially "mental" issues, that are often temporary phases and on a spectrum that take TIME to cope/deal with. The FDA are literal trash, they approve things without proper testing, this has been exposed so many ******* times.


How about we go to a 4 day working week, and give people UBI throughout phases of their life so they can take a ******* break and BREATHE, then go back to the grind. Mothers who just gave birth dont get enough alone time.

Edited by JayG
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The price tag alone is giving me depression :mazen: This is a cruel, sick world 

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15 minutes ago, Frappucino said:

The price tag alone is giving me depression :mazen: This is a cruel, sick world 

Sure is

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2 hours ago, JayG said:

When are humans going to learn that ******* WITH YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY is merely a placebo and does NOTHING to actually help you in the long run other than harm. If someone is suicidal, stop throwing medication at them and get them some rest and emotional support immediately. We are biological and social beings, and this society is HELLBENT at altering our minds with chemicals to medicate every problem as an INSTANT FIX, especially "mental" issues, that are often temporary phases and on a spectrum that take TIME to cope/deal with. The FDA are literal trash, they approve things without proper testing, this has been exposed so many ******* times.


How about we go to a 4 day working week, and give people UBI throughout phases of their life so they can take a ******* break and BREATHE, then go back to the grind. Mothers who just gave birth dont get enough alone time.

The people downvoting me lmfao. Where did I lie? THEY ARE GOING TO CHARGE WOMEN FOR THIS DRUG. They will charge them for an UNPROVEN CHEMICAL to "fix" or "help" their situation. These chemicals and drugs didnt exist decades or centuries ago, people NATURALLY dealt with these things. This ******* **** society we live in wants these women back to the grind ASAP. ****** up. GIVE THEM A BREAK. The system we live in is not designed to give people the ******* time, tools and emotional support, and space, to deal with **** like postpartum depression etc. The issue isn't someones brain/mind, its the system we live in. Imagine literally believing putting a CHEMICAL in your BRAIN is going to FIX ANYTHING. Some ****** up society. You avoid suicides and critical situations by providing people with UNIQUE and TAILORED SUPPORT, but aint nobody FUNDING people getting better. They'd rather keep you sick and have you pay ridiculous prices for prescriptions that alter your brain and keep you dependant on this **** to survive and pay for more medication. Like... where is the value in pharma/society resolving the problem entirely or helping somebody live optimally through natural stuff like rest and vitamins etc? That wouldn't make them money now, would it? The FDA is interested in one thing - squeezing patients financially. DRUG, medications are DRUGS and unless you are in a life threatening situation in the short time, they shouldnt ever be used. If the person is suicidal, there is a case to use it VERY temporarily, but that rarely ever happens. They want you medicated, out the doctors office door and dependant on drugs.

Edited by JayG
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4 hours ago, JayG said:

When are humans going to learn that ******* WITH YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY is merely a placebo and does NOTHING to actually help you in the long run other than harm. If someone is suicidal, stop throwing medication at them and get them some rest and emotional support immediately. We are biological and social beings, and this society is HELLBENT at altering our minds with chemicals to medicate every problem as an INSTANT FIX, especially "mental" issues, that are often temporary phases and on a spectrum that take TIME to cope/deal with. The FDA are literal trash, they approve things without proper testing, this has been exposed so many ******* times.


How about we go to a 4 day working week, and give people UBI throughout phases of their life so they can take a ******* break and BREATHE, then go back to the grind. Mothers who just gave birth dont get enough alone time.

You sound like you need psych meds yourself. 

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9 hours ago, Elusive Chanteuse said:

You sound like you need psych meds yourself. 

Nah, I've just seen the absolute BULLSHIT people have been put through - friends, family, colleagues, even strangers. This entire system is broken, the doctors THEMSELVES take these meds. Blind leading the blind. How you gonna trust a damn doctor who literally takes the psych meds they are handing out like candy to people as a quick fix? Do some googling/redditing and you'll see the stories for yourself. I actually give a **** about people - ******* with peoples minds isnt it.

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18 hours ago, Elusive Chanteuse said:

You sound like you need psych meds yourself. 

This is about mothers and postpartum depression, seems like @JayG hit a nerve and you’re projecting cause this was unnecessary :deadbanana:

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1 hour ago, Frappucino said:

This is about mothers and postpartum depression, seems like @JayG hit a nerve and you’re projecting cause this was unnecessary :deadbanana:

Is postpartum depression not mentally illness? Anti- psychiatry does more harm than good and only stigmatizes mentally ill people more. 


Did you see his response to me? Your response to my comment was unnecessary. :rip:


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On 8/4/2023 at 8:49 PM, JayG said:

When are humans going to learn that ******* WITH YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY is merely a placebo and does NOTHING to actually help you in the long run other than harm. If someone is suicidal, stop throwing medication at them and get them some rest and emotional support immediately. We are biological and social beings, and this society is HELLBENT at altering our minds with chemicals to medicate every problem as an INSTANT FIX, especially "mental" issues, that are often temporary phases and on a spectrum that take TIME to cope/deal with. The FDA are literal trash, they approve things without proper testing, this has been exposed so many ******* times.


How about we go to a 4 day working week, and give people UBI throughout phases of their life so they can take a ******* break and BREATHE, then go back to the grind. Mothers who just gave birth dont get enough alone time.

We have tried this in the past, and guess what, people just kill themselves anyways. Mental illness like depression is caused by literal chemical imbalances in our brains. They are not made up. These medications work.

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10 hours ago, Sannie said:

We have tried this in the past, and guess what, people just kill themselves anyways. Mental illness like depression is caused by literal chemical imbalances in our brains. They are not made up. These medications work.

The chemical imbalance argument has been proven to be absolute bullshit, as have SSRI efficacy. Its all pseudoscience ****. The early-life trauma/nervous system **** that is now coming to light is the truth - THATS where "illness" comes from. These medications do not work, there are literally papers that have come out recently that debunk all of this ****.

Edited by JayG
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15 hours ago, Elusive Chanteuse said:

Is postpartum depression not mentally illness? Anti- psychiatry does more harm than good and only stigmatizes mentally ill people more. 


Did you see his response to me? Your response to my comment was unnecessary. :rip:


I'm not anti-psychiatry, I am anti-medication/chemicals for EVERYTHING deemed "illness" (all of us are dysfunctional, its on a spectrum). Fine, see a psychiatrist, diagnose something, but then LONG TERM NATURAL APPROACHES are the best way to treat it in the long term. Medication is a crutch that does nothing in the long run, you become tolerant to this **** anyway. People need EMOTIONAL SUPPORT, not a ******* pill.

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5 minutes ago, JayG said:

The chemical imbalance argument has been proven to be absolute bullshit

source? no offense but it sounds like someone has been listening to one too many joe rogan podcasts

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Not it both being a placebo AND altering your mind bhhjjjj HUH

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2 hours ago, Sloth said:

source? no offense but it sounds like someone has been listening to one too many joe rogan podcasts

UCL literally said it last year




Google the research papers yourself

“Thousands of people suffer from side-effects of antidepressants, including the severe withdrawal effects that can occur when people try to stop them, yet prescription rates continue to rise. We believe this situation has been driven partly by the false belief that depression is due to a chemical imbalance. It is high time to inform the public that this belief is not grounded in science.”


Also, Joe Rogan is a tool lmao. No thanks. His cult-ass podcast can **** off. The man dumps chemicals into his brain and body regularly like its candy, for shits and giggles, so WHY would anyone even listen to someone like Joe Rogan?



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On 8/5/2023 at 10:16 PM, Elusive Chanteuse said:

Is postpartum depression not mentally illness? Anti- psychiatry does more harm than good and only stigmatizes mentally ill people more. 


Did you see his response to me? Your response to my comment was unnecessary. :rip:


I did see …. But that’s how you came at him, your comment sounded like you were stigmatizing mental illness yourself :deadbanana2: I don’t wanna believe you’re backpedaling now so my apologies :heart:

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