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NZ's gay finance Minister asked in parliament how big his hole is


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New Zealanders have been giggling over this moment that happened during parliament's question time yesterday, with the Deputy Leader of the National Party (right-wing) asking the Minister of Finance in the Labour Party (Left-ish wing, Jacinda Ardern former leader) a messy question.



National's Nicola Willis had the House in stitches during question time today with a poorly worded question.


Willis, National's finance spokesperson, was questioning Finance Minister Grant Robertson about new "belt tightening" directives issued by the Government after what she said was a period of "spraying New Zealanders money around".


Robertson fired back stating Willis needed to"keep up" with the Government's accounts better and that "she now has to be the one to find a way to repair the fiscal hole in National's plans".


It was then Willis made the comment which led to much amusement from her colleagues.


- 1News New Zealand


You can watch the video on this article: https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/08/03/nicola-willis-poor-choice-of-words-has-house-in-stitches/


A clip here on Twitter:



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Not the bottom of the screen saying Oral Questions. :skull:

Edited by Onyxmage
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The man in the right back found it a bit too funny :mandown:

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he should've said "mind your business *****" 

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26 minutes ago, Onyxmage said:

Not the bottom of the screen saying Oral Questions. :skull:


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"Financial Anal-yst" :skull:


The puns that can be made out of this is a gift that keeps on giving :dies:

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i hope he found it funny, i wouldve :ahh: 

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I, personally, don't think parliaments should become circuses



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I guess he wanted to taste hole?


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35 minutes ago, Outlaws said:

I, personally, don't think parliaments should become circuses



like they aren't already



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12 minutes ago, RideOrDie said:

like they aren't already




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8 hours ago, Kayseri Mantisi said:

The man in the right back found it a bit too funny :mandown:



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12 hours ago, Onyxmage said:

Not the bottom of the screen saying Oral Questions. :skull:



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When Atrlers take over the government: 

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