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Democrats fear low Young Black Men turnout/apathy in 2024 election


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Democrats are worried about a potential drop next year in turnout among Black voters, the party’s most loyal constituency, who played a consequential role in delivering the White House to President Biden in 2020 and will be crucial in his bid for reelection. But in key states like Georgia, the center of Democrats’ plans to mobilize Black voters in large margins for Biden in 2024, turnout in last year’s midterms was much lower among younger and male Black voters, according to internal party analysis.

W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, shared a dire assessment of Democrats’ potential turnout problems with Black men. In many of the battleground states, he said many Black men are “sporadic or non-voters,” meaning they are registered, but have voted in one or none of the past three presidential elections. Robinson said Democrats spend too much time focused on converting “conservative-leaning White women” in the suburbs who they see as swing voters. Instead, he said, they should focus more on turning out Black men, viewing them as swing voters who are debating whether to vote or stay home.


“The Democratic Party has been failing epically at reaching this demographic of Black men — and that’s sad to say,” Robinson said. “Black men are your second-most stable base overwhelmingly, and yet you can’t reach them in a way that makes your work easier.”


Biden’s political team says it has received the message and is taking action, especially among younger Black men.

“We have to meet them where they are and we have to show them why the political process matters and what we have accomplished that benefits them,” said Cedric L. Richmond, a former Biden adviser who is now a senior adviser at the Democratic National Committee. He said there will be a clear focus on making Black voters aware of how they have benefited from Biden administration policies, learning from the errors of past Democratic efforts that fell short.


“We will not make the mistake that others made of not drawing all the connections,” he said.


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Enact some policy that improves the lives of young black men in this country then instead of hot air and empty promises. :gaycat2:

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Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. Incoming Red wave in the house, senate and white house I fear. :cm:

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Wild idea: do SOMETHING to engage these groups that you literally depend on if you want to win.

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It’s very concerning for Democrats how conservatives are siphoning off young male POC

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6 hours ago, Onyxmage said:

Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. Incoming Red wave in the house, senate and white house I fear. :cm:

There more than likely won’t be a wave election next year. If democrats could have one of the best midterm performances for any party in almost a century last year (where it was an R+3 electorate nationally) chances are that won’t happen in 24. 

It’ll probably be a close race where the margins in the house and presidency will be neck and neck while Republicans win the senate by 1-3 seats (the map is just that bad next year) 

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1 hour ago, Beyonnaise said:

It’s very concerning for Democrats how conservatives are siphoning off young male POC

They literally are not. :rip:




It has always been black women who have been the backbone of the Dem party and that has not change. As always, media is trying to push this narrative to cause division. :rip: Black women and POC overall are seeing what the right is doing with their people (except the Cubans, they are a lost cause lol).

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10 hours ago, Century said:

Enact some policy that improves the lives of young black men in this country then instead of hot air and empty promises. :gaycat2:

Too late, they had all last year.


They don’t have house majority anymore

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1 hour ago, Sannie said:

They literally are not. :rip:

The share of black and Latino men who vote Republican increased in 2020.


As someone on the left, I find this trend concerning because it shows Dem candidates are not inspiring turnout like they once did.

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The more the dem party champion gay rights and women’s rights this is gonna happen. I support the Dems and their agenda. But this will happen unfortunately. They will just have to work harder to convince those to not vote for the other party or try to get more suburban voters out to make up for the loss. 

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  • ATRL Moderator
1 hour ago, GhostBox said:

The more the dem party champion gay rights and women’s rights this is gonna happen. 

So, you’re just gonna casually proclaim Black men are uniquely homophobic and sexist? Never mind the fact Democrats have done effectively nothing for queer people and women despite the onslaught of laws stripping them away of their rights. 

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1 hour ago, GhostBox said:

The more the dem party champion gay rights and women’s rights this is gonna happen. I support the Dems and their agenda. But this will happen unfortunately. They will just have to work harder to convince those to not vote for the other party or try to get more suburban voters out to make up for the loss. 

They aren't doing anything for women or gay ppl either :rip:


Abortion rights is still struck down by the Supreme Court and private businesses can discriminate against gay ppl using religion


Maybe if Democrats passed police reform & more criminal justice policies they wouldn't have to worry about their Top male Voter demographic 

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42 minutes ago, Armani? said:

They aren't doing anything for women or gay ppl either :rip:


Abortion rights is still struck down by the Supreme Court and private businesses can discriminate against gay ppl using religion


Maybe if Democrats passed police reform & more criminal justice policies they wouldn't have to worry about their Top male Voter demographic 

That’s more so to do with the Supreme Court which was a result of a republican winning the White House in 2016. Trump appointed right wing justices. Those things wouldn’t have happened if Hillary Clinton won and was able to appoint dem leaning justices. In fact she constantly told people this stuff would happen if trump won and no one believed her. So really by not supporting the dem candidate it just results in worse outcomes for those who didn’t want to. That’s the sad fact of how politics works. 

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39 minutes ago, Bloo said:

So, you’re just gonna casually proclaim Black men are uniquely homophobic and sexist? Never mind the fact Democrats have done effectively nothing for queer people and women despite the onslaught of laws stripping them away of their rights. 

That’s a lie though. Many dem controlled states have done a lot in support of women and the gay community because of thes. Gop laws and rulings. Thats why it’s important to have more democrats in office. And when it comes to Biden say whatever you want about him in the past he has been one of if not the the most pro women and pro lgbtq presidents we have ever had. 


also It’s a fact a lot of straight men in the black community and Hispanic communities are more thrown off when it comes to candidates who speak of gay rights and women rights.  Wether that’s to do with these communities close ties to religion or not I don’t know the reason. I’m sure there are more reasons but I’m sure it’s one of the big ones. Just like how white Southerners are more prone to not support candidates who are pro lbtq and pro women’s rights or really seen as liberal at all.  


we have to be able to talk about these things if we ever want to help change the attitudes. 

Edited by GhostBox
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2 hours ago, GhostBox said:

That’s a lie though. Many dem controlled states have done a lot in support of women and the gay community because of thes. Gop laws and rulings. Thats why it’s important to have more democrats in office. And when it comes to Biden say whatever you want about him in the past he has been one of if not the the most pro women and pro lgbtq presidents we have ever had. 


also It’s a fact a lot of straight men in the black community and Hispanic communities are more thrown off when it comes to candidates who speak of gay rights and women rights.  Wether that’s to do with these communities close ties to religion or not I don’t know the reason. I’m sure there are more reasons but I’m sure it’s one of the big ones. Just like how white Southerners are more prone to not support candidates who are pro lbtq and pro women’s rights or really seen as liberal at all.  


we have to be able to talk about these things if we ever want to help change the attitudes. 

80% of Black men support abortion rights which is more than even Latina women. This narrative isn't true at least for women rights




https://civiqs.com/results/abortion_legal?uncertainty=true&annotations=true&zoomIn=true&gender=Male&race=Black or African-American

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  • ATRL Moderator
5 hours ago, GhostBox said:

And when it comes to Biden say whatever you want about him in the past he has been one of if not the the most pro women and pro lgbtq presidents we have ever had. 

He has to be bullied into saying the Hyde Amendment, which makes abortion inaccessible to poor women, is a bad thing. And he has continued to ignore the issue as president even though abortion has been abolished, instead choosing to say we need to vote. 

It’s laughable you think he’s heavily pro-woman. Your baseless characterizations of Black men is even more so. 

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well a new poll shows 12th grader males identify as conservative 8 to 2; SCARY!!!!!

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10 hours ago, XAMJ said:

well a new poll shows 12th grader males identify as conservative 8 to 2; SCARY!!!!!

It was like 23% to 13%


That's because of the word liberal being used politically to be somehow feminine or non masculine, it doesn't pan out in voting. Young Men still vote Democrat.


Both polls also isn't reflective of what young Black men chose to identify as since they're like 10% of the sample size


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5 hours ago, Armani? said:

It was like 23% to 13%


That's because of the word liberal being used politically to be somehow feminine or non masculine, it doesn't pan out in voting. Young Men still vote Democrat.


Both polls also isn't reflective of what young Black men chose to identify as since they're like 10% of the sample size


There’s a new poll asking high schoolers , it’s recent as of July 2023 so here’s been a drastic shift 

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2 hours ago, XAMJ said:

There’s a new poll asking high schoolers , it’s recent as of July 2023 so here’s been a drastic shift 

Since 2022 midterms, no



Anyways, that means Republicans are bombing with Moderate Young Men if these identification percentages for Conservative & Liberal Young Men are true. 


It would be nearly a 66/33 split with Moderate/other voters

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As a black male in my 20s I will neither be voting for Biden or Trump (or whoever it is) :heart:


**** anyone spewing “lesser of 2 evils” how about we stop putting evil people on pedestals to begin with. Our systems will never be unbroken because people keep supporting the broken system out of fear it’ll “backfire”


Continuing to operate the same way and expecting America to magically get better is the definition of insanity. 

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On 8/2/2023 at 11:33 AM, Armani? said:

Anyways, that means Republicans are bombing with Moderate Young Men if these identification percentages for Conservative & Liberal Young Men are true. 


It would be nearly a 66/33 split with Moderate/other voters

Look at those percentages again. I see a general lack of interest in either side. Before COVID, a consistent 40%  stated a preference. That dropped by around 5% overall. The liberal positioned tanked significantly, probably due to many young people associating the COVID extended lockdowns with liberal Democratic officials. For most of them, they lost a year or more of the high school experience. 

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The US is such a strange place. I really can't grasp how it is a close race every election. The republicans seem like a horrendous choice.

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