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Is the Eras Tour the most impactful concert in the last decade?

Taylor fanboy

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6 hours ago, spree said:

I haven’t even seen a single performance go viral in ANY of these stadium shows. Not one.  I’ve seen some glittery dresses and some big screens, but that’s not a performance. That’s a prop.

The Eras Tour has like 20 BILLION views on Tik Tok across the 3 main hashtags :dies: 


For reference, Renaissance Tour has like 1/4 of that

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9 hours ago, Blue Rose said:

I wouldn’t even consider this as impact but yeah it’s slightly better than latching on to the Ticketmaster drama. Heads of state begging pop stars to come perform in their countries and cities is actually very common. Just this year, both Sydney and London had to change their policies so they could have Beyoncé there. And there’s currently a bigger political drama between Coldplay and some Malaysian leaders (they forced Gaga to cancel her concert there few years back and were hoping to do the same to Coldplay) 

Chlöe Bailey was given the keys of Atlanta and had her own day. This is just to show you that all the “perks” the counties did for Taylor, they do for everybody :deadbanana4:

The next time I say something even slightly negative about Taylor I'm gonna be called an OTH again, but here I go defending her for what feels like the umpteenth time:


You're being obtuse. Everything you mention is impact. It's as simple as: other tours and artists also have impact. Yeah, some Swifties lack life experience and don't realize that a lot of what her tour does other tours do as well, but that doesn't mean that hers isn't one of the tours that has had more of these ripples. ATP you're denying reality.


Chloe Bailey was given the keys to Atlanta because she was born in Atlanta. It's impactful that she was given that, not everyone born in Atlanta is getting that. But Chloe Bailey isn't getting Minneapolis to change its name because she's performing there. She has less impact than Taylor in that regard. We can name all these little and big events that show impact and quantify to see which artist has the most, but I think that would be tedious and pointless, so I'll just say that her tour is one of the most impactful in that regard + it will likely be the highest grossing tour of all time.

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15 hours ago, Gui Blackout said:

You're the one that seems confused. Impact can be measured in real and short time. The word you seem to be look for it legacy or influence.

That is fair enough, and I get what you are saying.

I suppose in a way convincing people to stand outside these venues is an example of impact. But we are all pop stans and the term 'impact' has a specific meaning, usually, so that is how I was approaching this question.

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Yes, most definitely. It's going to go down in history. :clap3: 

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Yes it is. 


At least in my country there wasn't a hype like this since Madonna came with the Sticky. 

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She's coming to my country this year so, tour of the millemium 






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17 hours ago, Blue Rose said:


Except nothing has actually happened. Proposing bills that will never see the light of the day is literally just a waste of time. Not to mention, our politicians have been doing this charade for decades now. Fans complain about prices, politicians say a bunch of buzzwords to score some cool points. Then thoughts and prayers. Then Ticketmaster continues to raise their prices. Fans complain. Politicians yap. Rinse and repeat :rip: 

The only change that happened recently with Ticketmaster is that they are going to show us the full price at the beginning of the buying experience and not at the end with all their hidden fees. And that’s no thanks to Taylor.


I wouldn’t even consider this as impact but yeah it’s slightly better than latching on to the Ticketmaster drama. Heads of state begging pop stars to come perform in their countries and cities is actually very common. Just this year, both Sydney and London had to change their policies so they could have Beyoncé there. And there’s currently a bigger political drama between Coldplay and some Malaysian leaders (they forced Gaga to cancel her concert there few years back and were hoping to do the same to Coldplay) 

Chlöe Bailey was given the keys of Atlanta and had her own day. This is just to show you that all the “perks” the counties did for Taylor, they do for everybody :deadbanana4:

You couldn't be more obtuse if you tried :rip: Is there a reason why you're so triggered by Taylor's touring success? 

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On 6/21/2023 at 3:52 PM, Artistofthedecade said:

Changing live industry policies thanks to Ticketmaster controversy and massive economic impact it causes in every city she visits to the point of cities renaming themselves? :rip:

Cities renaming themselves is more cringe in reality

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It absolutely is and anyone pretending otherwise is not living in reality. NO OTHER TOUR in recent history has generated such a massive boost to an artist's discography the way this tour has done for Taylor. That literally never happened. So yeah the impact is clear and undeniable to rational people. 


But of course i guess since she doesn't sing autotuned electropop songs about sex and hasn't changed her hair color enough that mean her and the tour have no impact whatsoever.

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For American junior high school students yes, the rest of the population not really.

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4 minutes ago, Unreachable101 said:

For American junior high school students yes, the rest of the population not really.

Oh I bet you thought you ate 



Let me guess, the millions upon millions that registered across Europe, Asia, Oceania and Latin America are also American junior high school students in disguise? 

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On 6/24/2023 at 12:31 PM, Enrique523 said:

songs about sex and hasn't changed her hair color enough that mean her and the tour have no impact whatsoever.

This isn’t the drag you think it is. How does her albums getting a boost impact anyone other than her and her team? How does her getting a big tour impact our lives? 

those things are seriously having the same impact than singing about sex and wearing colorful wigs like Katy, that only boosted Katie’s brand

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Just now, The Music Industry said:

Oh I bet you thought you ate 



Let me guess, the millions upon millions that registered across Europe, Asia, Oceania and Latin America are also American junior high school students in disguise? 

It’s the Hannah Montana effect. For every kid who goes, one or two parents have to go with them. But I’m with you, it’s obviously not only kids, but the current gen z concert goers she has wrapped around her little finger



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The registration for her tour will have long standing impact on Ticketmaster and other online ticket purchasing websites regarding their business practices and how they operate. 

The tour itself is massively popular but nothing is really new or impactful in it. 

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The mental gymnastics going on in here to make this tour seem not influential :deadbanana2:

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3 minutes ago, greento said:

The mental gymnastics going on in here to make this tour seem not influential :deadbanana2:

But where is the influence you speak of?



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2 minutes ago, dirrtydiana said:

But where is the influence you speak of?



people have provided you with abundant evidence, you just keep continuing to ignore it :michael:

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6 minutes ago, greento said:

people have provided you with abundant evidence, you just keep continuing to ignore it :michael:

No one has been able to answer that and apparently neither can you.

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3 minutes ago, dirrtydiana said:

No one has been able to answer that and apparently neither can you.

I genuinely do not think you would accept any evidence I matter how convincing.  Some people just have an agenda.

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1 minute ago, byzantium said:

I genuinely do not think you would accept any evidence I matter how convincing.  Some people just have an agenda.

Or maybe people don’t like being lied to and gaslit :dancehall:


no one with a brain dares to deny the success but we fail to see how it has impacted our lives and how it’s been influential 

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10 minutes ago, dirrtydiana said:

Or maybe people don’t like being lied to and gaslit :dancehall:


no one with a brain dares to deny the success but we fail to see how it has impacted our lives and how it’s been influential 

in this case no tour has been influential cuz it hasn’t directly impacted our lives :juanny: whatever that’s supposed to mean


Realistically what are you expecting a tour to do that Taylor’s hasn’t done?


It’s probably going to make more money than any tour ever, she performs for 3 hours, covering 44 songs, spanning 10 albums/eras each with different visuals, outfits, routines, governments are asking her to come to their country, it’s impacting the economy of every city it goes to in unprecedented ways, it’s garnering billions of views across social media, tickets selling out instantly, thousands of people listening from outside the sold out stadiums…. 

literally what else do you want to happen

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1 hour ago, dirrtydiana said:

How does her albums getting a boost impact anyone other than her and her team? How does her getting a big tour impact our lives?

Her albums got big boost because the tour made millions of people discover her catalogue and stream it in the first place :rip:

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