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Missing Titanic Submarine Megathread | All Passengers Presumed Dead


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Even the US Navy are known to use Xbox controllers for aspects of their submarines, it's not that big a deal.


Having said that, for $250,000 a ticket I'd expect a gold-plated Dual Sense controller at the very least. 



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1 minute ago, DoctorIce said:

Even the US Navy are known to use Xbox controllers for aspects of their submarines, it's not that big a deal.


Having said that, for $250,000 a ticket I'd expect a gold-plated Dual Sense controller at the very least. 



For $250k I'd at least expect a proper seat and standing room. :deadbanana4:

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3 hours ago, State of Grace. said:

I'm honestly still having a hard time feeling any sympathy for these people. Being ultra-rich and ridiculously stupid is a lot. However, I do really feel bad for the 19yo son cause he probably was with his father for some Father's Day fun experience though. :monkey:


I spent years about the Titanic, the unexplored parts of the ocean, the different folklores, etc. It scares the **** out of me.

I read somewhere that the Pakistani businessman also has a wife and daughter. I can't imagine what they must be going through, enduring all this anticipation about about their survival knowing that they're probably dying and there's nothing you can do about it. :dancehall:


The Titanic is such a fascinating piece of history to me but I could never imagine doing a trip like this. The deep ocean is absolutely terrifying.

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I feel bad for their families, and I do empathize with how terrifying it must be to be stuck knowing you are going to slowly suffocate to death,  but everything about this from the jump seemed sketchy and these people still went along with it so it is hard to feel bad entirely. Here is to hoping the hull imploded so that their deaths were quick and painless.


People keep quoting the 90-hours worth of oxygen thing, but I am pretty sure that was only if the passengers were calm. With the fear and panic of what they were going through, odds of them burning through that 90 hours in much less time are pretty high.

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2 minutes ago, Attitude said:

Wait. There's a possibility they're stuck inside the wreckage? 

Yes, and at this point they're probably sitting in total darkness because all the power in the ship has probably run out. :gaycat6:

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13 hours ago, SLIME said:

the animals at the bottom  :redface:




10 hours ago, Cain said:

Omg this was soooo fun to do 


That was really wholesome 😭 especially the dumbo octopus and the sea pig reminded me of Pokémon :pig:

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47 minutes ago, Sannie said:

People keep quoting the 90-hours worth of oxygen thing, but I am pretty sure that was only if the passengers were calm. With the fear and panic of what they were going through, odds of them burning through that 90 hours in much less time are pretty high.

Some experts are even saying that because the submersive did not undergo many safety tests, they're doubtful that it can actually supply 96 hours of oxygen as it claims.

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2 hours ago, Phonography said:

The video on twitter with the sounds of the knocks they are making- yeah they are still alive-


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Not a megathread :skull:









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Some people in this site can’t have a serious conversation that isn’t based around pop girl numbers and it shows. if you don’t care stop coming into the ******* the thread :rip:  People (including a TEENAGER) are trapped underwater dying and you’re using this to force your I hAtE bIlLiOnaIreS rhetoric and be insensitive as ****. You guys are absolutely insufferable :rip: 



EDIT: you probably didn’t care about the refugee ship sinking until you could shove it in our faces here. Please ******* spare us :deadbanana2:

Edited by Bussea
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2 hours ago, sweetblindness said:

Their chances of rescue are unfortunately looking slim to none at this point. While it was arguably a foolish decision to go on the excursion in the first place, I wouldn't wish this on anyone, billionaire or not. It's probably the most terrifying death imaginable and all we can hope is that this leads to more safety regulations in the future. This should never have happened in the first place.

This. It’s sad that this had to happen, but hopefully this will be the LAST time this happens. Titanic is gravesite and should be treated as such. Not an attraction. This is such a terrible situation all around 

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2 minutes ago, punisher said:

lmfaoo not him getting angry at cardi

:deadbanana2: the way he’s probably going to get his own reality show off of this :dies:


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7 minutes ago, Bussea said:

Some people in this site can’t have a serious conversation that isn’t based around pop girl numbers and it shows. if you don’t care stop coming into the ******* the thread :rip:  People (including a TEENAGER) are trapped underwater dying and you’re using this to force your I hAtE bIlLiOnaIreS rhetoric and be insensitive as ****. You guys are absolutely insufferable :rip: 



EDIT: you probably didn’t care about the refugee ship sinking until you could shove it in our faces here. Please ******* spare us :deadbanana2:

boo ducking hoo none of us are stupid enough to spend 250k just to agonize in the bottom of the ocean with a bunch of smelly old men


you play stupid games you win stupid prizes

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6 minutes ago, Bussea said:

Some people in this site can’t have a serious conversation that isn’t based around pop girl numbers and it shows. if you don’t care stop coming into the ******* the thread :rip:  People (including a TEENAGER) are trapped underwater dying and you’re using this to force your I hAtE bIlLiOnaIreS rhetoric and be insensitive as ****. You guys are absolutely insufferable :rip: 



EDIT: you probably didn’t care about the refugee ship caring until you could shove it in our faces here. Please ******* spare us :deadbanana2:

It’s entirely possible to have empathy for the human experience these people had/are having while still recognizing that it’s absolutely ridiculous the ultra-wealthy can even put themselves in this situation to begin with. 

Especially considering the tragedy off the Grecian coast last week which among many factors was caused due to capitalist neoliberalism which creates the type of money for the 1% that allows for such folly.

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4 minutes ago, Bussea said:

Some people in this site can’t have a serious conversation that isn’t based around pop girl numbers and it shows. if you don’t care stop coming into the ******* the thread :rip:  People are trapped underwater dying and you’re using this to force your I hAtE bIlLiOnaIreS rhetoric and be insensitive as ****. You guys are absolutely insufferable :rip:

I hate when people shut down discourse because it's "not appropriate."


It's obviously heartbreaking for the families involved, but there's a lot of rich discussion to be had about class, regulation, and audacity. If you can't handle conversation beyond thoughts and prayers, then exit the thread?

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2 minutes ago, gatito said:

boo ducking hoo none of us are stupid enough to spend 250k just to agonize in the bottom of the ocean with a bunch of smelly old men


you play stupid games you win stupid prizes

no one cares what broke gay men who don’t even have 250k would do with it. just because you lack empathy doesn’t mean people deserve to die underwater in one the worst ways imaginable. The decision was stupid decision but acting we if they deserve it and weaponizing refugee ships that you don’t even care about either sinking is so nasty but if you like being a terrible person that’s on you. 

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spacer.pngyou know what :deadbanana2:

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23 hours ago, stochastic said:

If you look at the wiki bio of Hamish Harding, he's already done a space launch; looks like he's just collecting experiences at this point.






 A few minutes later....




Not him already celebrating getting millions from his stepfather's estate


I mean, why he felt the need to post something like that :redface:??

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i’m sorry but who would spend $250k on THIS :rip: they signed their lives away. they are full grown adults that knew what they were doing so i don’t feel that bad

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So you’re grieving yet you have time to have beef with Cardi B and express lust for OnlyFans girls.. just say you hated him and GO!

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2 minutes ago, Bussea said:

spacer.pngyou know what :deadbanana2:

Cardi definitely made some points. :deadbanana4:

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Y’all discussing class and wealth disparity in this thread need to get a f**king life.  A bunch of people are probably dead in a submarine.  The only reason why this is getting news attention is bc it’s a submarine (!!) filled with tourists (!!) that was going to the Titanic wreck (!!) which is now lost (!!).  This is basically every media company’s clickbait wet dream realized.  It’s unresolved, no one knows why it is gone or where it is.  They will continue covering this story for weeks.

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