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Poll: Plurality of voters open to 3rd party, majority want Biden/Trump to sit out '24


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Do you think a third major political party is necessary for the United States, or are the Democratic and Republican parties enough to represent Americans?

43% - A third party is necessary in the U.S.
29% - The Democratic and Republican parties are enough to represent Americans .
27% - Not sure 


Do you want Joe Biden to run for president again in 2024?
Yes: 24% | No: 60% | Not Sure: 16%


Do you think that Joe Biden is the strongest candidate that Democrats could nominate for president in 2024?
Yes: 19% | No: 61% | Not Sure: 20%


Do you want Donald Trump to run for president again in 2024?
Yes: 32% | No: 56% | Not Sure: 12%


Do you think that Donald Trump is the strongest candidate that Republicans could nominate for president in 2024?
Yes: 30% | No: 50% | 20%


If an election for president were going to be held now and the Democratic nominee was Joe Biden and the Republican nominee was Donald Trump, would you vote for...
Biden: 38% | Trump: 39% | Other: 6% | Not Sure: 6% | Won't Vote: 11%



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No surprise. Talk to anybody other than raging MAGATS and psycho K Hivers, and nobody is excited about either candidate. 

Biden is clearly too old to be in office and has done nothing of substance since the IRA nearly a year ago now (other than some good judicial nominees, which is the only reason I might vote for him if he’s the nominee), and trump……..where to even begin 

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Just now, Bears01 said:

No surprise. Talk to anybody other than raging MAGATS and psycho K Hivers, and nobody is excited about either candidate. 

Biden is clearly too old to be in office and has done nothing of substance since the IRA nearly a year ago now (other than some good judicial nominees, which is the only reason I might vote for him if he’s the nominee), and trump……..where to even begin 

The cross-tabs read like a doomsday prophecy. :chick3:


33% of voters under 30 saying they'd pick neither Biden or Trump. 

15% (!) of voters with household incomes under $50k saying they wouldn't vote.



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This isn't a surprise to anyone who is honest with themselves and have been listening to what the majority have been saying outside of their comfortable silo. Even a good bulk of dem. voters think Biden is unfit and too old to run again, and will list that concern as one of several reasons why they have no desire (or optimism) for a second Biden term. He never had any organic support to begin with.


And no, I will not vote for Biden just as I didn't in the last presidential election. Suck my dick, lol.

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14 minutes ago, Communion said:

The cross-tabs read like a doomsday prophecy. :chick3:


33% of voters under 30 saying they'd pick neither Biden or Trump. 

15% (!) of voters with household incomes under $50k saying they wouldn't vote.



Yeah, it really is shaping up to be the sequel nobody asked for :ace:


If the Dems win, they’ll go into future elections learning no lessons from why they won (trump backlash) and will shove establishment candidates to the front that nobody will want (Newsome, Pete, Kamala). 

If the GOP wins, they’ll try to implement awful policies while also hanging on to the “Trump brand” that only works for: Trump, and probably suffer electoral backlash and lead to another awful dem establishment candidate that “can win”. 

No way out of it. Obviously it’s better if Biden wins, but the Dems desperately need to change and need a lot of new leadership to boot (why Dick Durbin has a leadership role in Congress while giving answers like this: https://twitter.com/igorbobic/status/1668705915476795393?s=46&t=F2Kqdy7aScoPGAKFHNr8dQ

I have no idea) 

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It's unfortunate, to say the least, that our electoral system has been twisted (or maybe it was always built this way) to explicitly shut out 3rd party candidates and to shut out "outsider" candidates from getting anywhere within the two established parties. Political elites are just that - elites that have insulated themselves within the protective bubbles of their money and power. Neither Republican or Democrat elites want to give that up, so they'll go as far as to sabotage their own individual campaigns in order to prevent non-elites from getting in and shaking things up. 


I'm honestly afraid that this will only change either through extreme events or extreme action by the general populace. 

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42 minutes ago, i spit on haters said:

This isn't a surprise to anyone who is honest with themselves and have been listening to what the majority have been saying outside of their comfortable silo. Even a good bulk of dem. voters think Biden is unfit and too old to run again, and will list that concern as one of several reasons why they have no desire (or optimism) for a second Biden term. He never had any organic support to begin with.


And no, I will not vote for Biden just as I didn't in the last presidential election. Suck my dick, lol.

But yet you’ll be the first one crying about anything Desantis/Trump does for the next 4 years on here and Twitter afterwards. :rip:


OT: I don’t blame them. 2024 is going to be a shitshow 

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Sure but in a first past the post voting system you are not voting for a candidate, you are voting against another candidate.  If people really wanted different candidates, they would support voting reform, 

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I'm interested in who this great Democratic candidate is that's better than Biden.

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It would be nice. I absolutely don’t want another term of Trump or DeSantis but I’m not super thrilled with Biden either. I’d like someone who can go in an ACTUALLY try and make some effective changes to better the average citizen. 

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Biden 2024 for sure. The sheep will be lined up like they always are.

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1 hour ago, i spit on haters said:

This isn't a surprise to anyone who is honest with themselves and have been listening to what the majority have been saying outside of their comfortable silo. Even a good bulk of dem. voters think Biden is unfit and too old to run again, and will list that concern as one of several reasons why they have no desire (or optimism) for a second Biden term. He never had any organic support to begin with.


And no, I will not vote for Biden just as I didn't in the last presidential election. Suck my dick, lol.

Biden had organic support insofar as a majority of the populace DIDNT want trump back. Beyond that…. Idk. DeSantis is just as bad as trump but Biden has really done himself any favors. It’s gonna be a **** show. If a viable third party candidate actually makes themselves known and stands a chance then maybe we can get someone outside of those three. 

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I'm not surprised. It's been 3 years of Biden and nothing has really happened to change anything in the US other than we got out of the pandemic. 


The only reason I'd vote for him is because Trump's base and the DeSantis's reign of terror would be 10 times worse.

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If Biden gets voted in in 2024, isn’t him being too old a good thing? If he dies, Kamala will just take over :cm:

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14 minutes ago, Alfred said:

If Biden gets voted in in 2024, isn’t him being too old a good thing? If he dies, Kamala will just take over :cm:

Kamala as president: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_elections



43 minutes ago, MusicLoverDude said:

I'm not surprised. It's been 3 years of Biden and nothing has really happened to change anything in the US other than we got out of the pandemic. 


The only reason I'd vote for him is because Trump's base and the DeSantis's reign of terror would be 10 times worse.

He’s been bad, but the CHIPS act and IRA are still better than anything trump or Bush did in office 

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I mean yes, but I'd rather be voting for a party that is against fascism than one that is

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7 minutes ago, Bethenny Frankel said:

I mean yes, but I'd rather be voting for a party that is against fascism than one that is

Y’all are truly a kiiiii. Like do you genuinely believe this

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I'm not thrilled with another Biden/Kamala term. My life got worse, too many wars going on, inflation crisis and I'm afraid he will push a war with China which will be disastrous to the world. Tbh I don't like Trump but my life was better during his term. I think this will be 2016 all over again. Many people sitting out this election, and Trump will win again in a very close election. :celestial5:

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11 minutes ago, iam1925 said:

I'm not thrilled with another Biden/Kamala term. My life got worse, too many wars going on, inflation crisis and I'm afraid he will push a war with China which will be disastrous to the world. Tbh I don't like Trump but my life was better during his term. I think this will be 2016 all over again. Many people sitting out this election, and Trump will win again in a very close election. :celestial5:

And what specific policy did trump do to make your life better? A giant tax cut for the rich? Deregulating banks? Appointing awful judges who overturned abortion rights and have attempted multiple times to gut healthcare? 

Trump came into office with an economy that was naturally recovering. Him and congress implemented nearly $4 trillion In spending to fight Covid, and the federal reserve left interest rates at 0, and a supply chain crisis happened that shot up inflation. 

Trumps “policies” did nothing to improve your life 

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23 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

And what specific policy did trump do to make your life better? A giant tax cut for the rich? Deregulating banks? Appointing awful judges who overturned abortion rights and have attempted multiple times to gut healthcare? 

Trump came into office with an economy that was naturally recovering. Him and congress implemented nearly $4 trillion In spending to fight Covid, and the federal reserve left interest rates at 0, and a supply chain crisis happened that shot up inflation. 

Trumps “policies” did nothing to improve your life 

I think what he's saying is inflation was not horrid like it is now

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although the 2024 election is the most important election yet (i know its cliche but it's true), I think the actual numbers will be down compared to 2020.  I think a lot of people will be sitting this one out.  

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14 minutes ago, spree said:

although the 2024 election is the most important election yet (i know its cliche but it's true), I think the actual numbers will be down compared to 2020.  I think a lot of people will be sitting this one out.  

The numbers will 100% be down. 2020 was a very unique election. Voting by mail was pushed harder than ever before because of the pandemic and there was a massive implementation of drop boxes. These methods of voting are far more convenient for the average voter. Within the past 3 years republicans in red and purple state have been decreasing drop boxes and are creating restrictions to voting by mail. A big reason Trump lost in 2020 was because he denounced voting by mail and told his supporters to only vote in person on Election Day (because he was hoping that he could get a large amount of mail ballots thrown out)



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1 hour ago, Alfred said:

If Biden gets voted in in 2024, isn’t him being too old a good thing? If he dies, Kamala will just take over :cm:

hasn't she proven that she's not better ?

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Hannity has been urging his viewers to vote by mail this time and not wait till election day and wait in line.

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5 minutes ago, ugo said:

hasn't she proven that she's not better ?

I think if given the chance to be president she would do more 

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