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Banning free lunch at schools a top priority for Republicans in 2024

Year of Shadow

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Hunger is necessary to support the children. In soviet republicana, hurting children IS protecting them.


Harm is the point. Suffering is the goal. Republicans and conservatives want to hurt others, it's their one interest in life and what unites them all; hate for the "other."

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But these same losers are pro-Life. Pro-Life until the child is born and then they want them to starve at school. The GOP is **** and idk why anyone would vote for any of these losers :rip: Truly the downfall of America.

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Wtf even is this party? Like, if there’s anything good going on at all they immediately seek to end it. They can all **** off. 

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3 hours ago, AvadaKedavra said:

The republicans turned into something horrible in the last years. How theyre still gettin votes i dont understand :gaycat4:

They’ve been pretty consistently terrible the last 40+ years actually. They’ve just gone full stupid instead of neocon warmongers who’s goals consistently involved tax cuts for the rich and bombing middle eastern people (and democrats aren’t innocent in that specific regard themselves) 

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I can't imagine this going over well with any parent.  Why would any parent support this?  I mean, forget about the rich for a second, how is this justified by any poor or middle class family?

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This gives me goosebumps. So many children would be left hungry 

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People who think this is fine to do are not "swing voters" the Democratic Party should be working to get.

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