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For the first time ever, Wind and Solar produced more energy than Coal in U.S.


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wow, this is amazing 

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I live near a wind farm and it looks beautiful when driving near it. :bird:

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9 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:

I live near a wind farm and it looks beautiful when driving near it. :bird:

I see so many in the countryside of Indiana. They do look cool I must admit 

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those poor coal miners/towns

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Solar POWER :jonny: 

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Stream Solar Power to celebrate 🥂

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Not people celebrating all those birds getting killed by wind turbines. /s 

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the fact that coal-generated energy is still a thing in 2023 :skull: :deadbanana4:

Edited by AMIT
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Manchin's crying himself to sleep tonight :laugh:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Would be even more if the government actually cared about the environment 

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1 hour ago, Katamari said:

those poor coal miners/towns

Those poor candle makers when the light bulb was invented 

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1 hour ago, Taylena said:

Not people celebrating all those birds getting killed by wind turbines. /s 

Are these celebrating people in the room with us right now? 

Edited by byzantium
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9 minutes ago, byzantium said:

Are these celebrating people in the room with us right now? 

Sis. /s means they were being sarcastic 

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3 hours ago, Marvin said:

Would be even more if the government actually cared about the environment 

we know the bar is in hell for the US regime so even embarrassing stuff like this gets reported in a good light 


******* COAL :bibliahh:the RICHEST COUNTRY ON EARTH! :bibliahh:and people CELEBRATING THIS, you really can't make this up :deadbanana4:

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They've been sprawling across the midwest the past 15 years.


The ones in Iowa looks beautiful especially when the grass fields get tall.



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A truly organic success :clap3: 

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