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Scotland's ex-leader Nicola Sturgeon arrested in SNP financial inquiry


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Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the SNP.


Police confirmed a 52-year-old woman was taken into custody as a suspect and is being questioned by detectives. It follows the arrest and release of her husband, ex-SNP chief executive Peter Murrell in April. A spokesman for Ms Sturgeon confirmed she was cooperating with the investigation. He said: "Nicola Sturgeon has today, Sunday 11 June, by arrangement with Police Scotland, attended an interview where she was to be arrested and questioned in relation to Operation Branchform. "Nicola has consistently said she would cooperate with the investigation if asked and continues to do so."


On 5 April, officers searched Ms Sturgeon's home and the party's headquarters in Edinburgh. Mr Murrell was later released without charge. A luxury motorhome was also seized by police from outside the home of Mr Murrell's mother in Dunfermline. Almost two weeks later, SNP treasurer Colin Beattie was arrested and released without charge. Mr Murrell and Mr Beattie were both treated as suspects and were taken into custody for the legally defined period of up to 12 hours of questioning before being released pending further inquiries. Under the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2016, police can release a suspect for further investigation, but they can be re-arrested at a later date.


Nicola Sturgeon served as Scotland's first minister for eight years. Her shock resignation came on 15 February when she said she knew "in my head and in my heart" this was the right time to step down. She is the longest-serving first minister and was the first woman to hold the position. Ms Sturgeon insisted her resignation was not in response to the "latest period of pressure", which has included controversies over gender reforms, trans prisoners and the strategy on independence. However, within a month of her last day on 28 March, the investigation into the SNP's finances - which began almost two years ago - came to the fore. Complaints had been made relating to more than £600,000 that was donated to the SNP by activists. The money was raised after the party sought to raise funds for a future referendum campaign, and Police Scotland launched Operation Branchform to examine what happened to it. X

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The one politician I actually liked ffs :noparty:

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It's gonna be a rough election for the SNP next time around, I fear. Alex and Nicola were the face of the SNP for too long and now they're both disgraced. People don't know others in the SNP (aside from Humsa, since he's running the country). I hate to say it, but the independence movement is going to take a huge hit.


I suspect that all of this will have an impact on the UK General Election too, with Labour taking lots of SNP seats in Scotland.

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She’s innocent, free her

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She knew this was coming for months, let's be real. It all makes sense why she suddenly resigned so fast.


The pic the Daily Mail chose for their front page is sending me though :dies:



Edited by Zack
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Free her!

But on serious note, disappointing if true and will have a big knock on hit to the independence movement :biblio: 

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granted i don't know the details of the situation, but why did they have to arrest her if she allegedly cooperates with the investigation? 


really don't want to start any conspiracies but if Scotland's Police aren't pressing charges then what's the point of arrest instead of just... interviewing her? why the theatrics? honestly kinda feels like she was set up, but maybe the allegations are true and she is a fraudster so idk

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Oh no... i actually liked her... the fact this will forever be a stain on her biography and will destroy her political career, yet we have convinced sex offenders and all other funny creatures in the royal family, yet they are forever...

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