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Biden vetoes measure overturning student loan forgiveness plan


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24 minutes ago, Communion said:

This is a fallacy. Inaction over student debt is not a logical or fathomable solution to the disproportional wealth that some* Americans enjoy. If you're concerned about wealth the US hoards, then you'd be supporting action to end various sanctions and trade agreements that see the US profit off of continued exported labor.


Rich Americans disproportionately are able to attain education with little-to-no debt. 

Poor Americans are forced to a kind of modern serfdom that nullifies the proclaimed purpose of higher education, which is upward mobility.


*And the way race impacts these realities cannot be understated, aka why black-identifying immigrants within America have a higher median income and rate of educational attainment than US-born black Americans. 


If you're concerned about those outside of the US, are you calling for changes to immigration law that de-prioritizes wealth and "skilled" labor? The US doesn't open its door to the world's poorest. It opens its borders most often via modern immigration policy to the world's richest, which is how the below comes about:




No one is buying these fallacies to defend Biden if he fucks up.


Student debt relief is most popular amongst black American voters, with millions citing it as their reason for voting in both the 2020 general election and the 2022 midterms. And it makes sense why. We should probably make sure it happens if we actually care about winning elections.


You of course can disagree, but the base of the Democratic party has agreed that student debt relief is crucial to income equality and are expecting Biden to find some way to do it or else.

Again, unless you’re telling me that there’s no anti black racism & discrimination overseas and that African/Latin/Caribbean/European blacks are wealthier than US black, my point remains: The price of our education is an investment that paid off.

Edited by WBTlove
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2 minutes ago, WBTlove said:

The price of our education is an investment that paid off.

The base of the Democratic does not agree! #AbolishDebt :heart2:



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10 minutes ago, Communion said:

The base of the Democratic does not agree! #AbolishDebt :heart2:



1. I am for abolishing the debt. :rip:

2. My point before you jumped in was that Biden did not run on it to start with. It’s not too much to ask than asking people to educate themselves on a topic if they are gonna come in a threads to distribute - or +, then rant on an issue.

3. Even if they don’t cancel the debt, it would still have been a good investment.


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7 minutes ago, WBTlove said:

My point before you jumped in was that Biden did not run on it to start with

He ran on it as president, because he conceded his policy platform during the primary was not strong enough to win. Musing about other countries won't stop the majority of Biden voters from expecting him to make due on his promises that got him elected.

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12 hours ago, Communion said:

For whom?



It partially depends on what degree they go for. The tuition payment for Mathematics and certain Social Sciences is nearly the same but the job market is radically different.

I agree with this extremely expensive tuition that is in America, even seeking a Bachelor Degree in History is pointless. You might end up doing something completely unrelated with your degree and in debt. 


If you're very wealthy and can afford tuition like shaking hands it's another thing. 

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On 6/8/2023 at 1:24 PM, waylon4ever said:


No professor may make more than $90,000/year

Bachelor Degree - 4 years

Master degree  - 1 year or 2 years

Doctorate degree - 4 to 6 years


9 to 12 years of study and constant research for just 90,000 dollars a year?  Do you want US education system to collapse? Do you know how hard some certain studying fields are?




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NEWS: Biden admin confirms how it will implement the provision of debt ceiling deal that terminates the federal student loan payment pause:

➡️ Interest will start accruing on Sept. 1

➡️ Monthly payments will be due starting in October




Soeedrun to recession let’s gooooooo :duca:

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9 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

NEWS: Biden admin confirms how it will implement the provision of debt ceiling deal that terminates the federal student loan payment pause:

➡️ Interest will start accruing on Sept. 1

➡️ Monthly payments will be due starting in October




Soeedrun to recession let’s gooooooo :duca:



I wonder what the OP and the rest of the people in page one of this thread will have to say about this shocking new development! :flower2:

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