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Maryland: Muslim-led coalition protest against LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum in schools


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On 6/7/2023 at 6:03 PM, WBTlove said:


  1. Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Islam.
  2. There is nothing irrational about gay people's fear of Islam.
  3. So It is impossible for gays to be Islamophobic.


People need to chose their side on political issues accordingly.



I agree

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wait that's my home state... which city is this??

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oh Rockville! holy sh*t, I'm from Silver Spring


ok lemme catch up real quick

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On 6/7/2023 at 10:14 AM, MotoPapi said:

and Montgomery county at that… their public schools are top 5 in the country. Full of diversity. 

god growing up in MoCo... it's really something else. I would never raise my children there, it is so competitive and your parents have college as a priority by the time you turn 5. it's just such a bustling, high blood pressure, stressful, unfriendly sort of place


the diversity was one of the main things I loved about my area growing up, it was beautiful and as I've moved west i've realized how lucky i was in that department :heart2: I liked the creeks and amazing trails as well. and I love my family of course


idk i have a VERY complicated relationship with my upbringing in Silver Spring

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On 6/8/2023 at 7:23 PM, Communion said:






It's even worse than I thought. You didn't just do as I described - suggest that any person espousing Islamophobia and nativist rhetoric is shielded by their sexuality. Imagine typing "no Muslim person should be able to movie to a non-Muslim country" with your own finger tips and think you're acting in some moral position.


This is you:




Isn't Lauren Southern the girlie that got permanently banned from ever setting foot in the UK for distributing Allah Is Gay pamphlets in Luton?


No wonder she's concerned about the influence of conservative Muslims on Western society.

Edited by Ash12345
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