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Maryland: Muslim-led coalition protest against LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum in schools


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1 hour ago, MotoPapi said:


this will be a wake up call for when being woke goes too far or needs some boundaries. Extreme right or extreme left are not good.

What is this nonsense :rip:

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I always find it conflicting when we’re expected to extend the utmost patience and sympathy for a religion who wouldn’t do the same for us? Sigh.. :coffee2:

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Some of you REALLY need a reality check if you can use any and all avenues of religious conservatism (like this) to launch into thinly veiled anti-left tirades and/or innuendos about how akshually!!! religious extremists and "far" leftists are in cahoots.


If you can't understand how veering a discussion about gross religious conservatism to a broader point about religion as a whole - especially when it pertains to socially racialized religion - is LEAGUES different to """defending""" Muslims, then that is largely on you.

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Don't impose your beliefs on others. If you're unhappy, move elsewhere that shares your beliefs. ******* disgusting. 

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LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum is basic minimum. I'm no sure why extreme left being brought up in this conversation.


Many muslims espousing white supremacists and bigoted xenophobes' sentiments isn't going to the former's benefit, because i'm not sure the inverse will ever be common. Atheistic supremacist is a much breed of just confused assholes.

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I am screaming at how that person compared Islamic fuled homophobia with white supremacy :ahh: 


It's only gonna get worse for us homosexuals, especially in non-Western countries when they see this and fules anti-LGBT rhethoric and stops progress because of how Westerners deals with these issues. You simply have to find a middle ground with people or it's gonna get only worse in the future. It is what it is. Muslims majority countries are gonna see this and make it "us versus them" type of issue, and that's only gonna become more dangerous for our LGBT brothers and sisters living there and having to deal with such hatred and other-ing.



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Sameera.Khan is a grifter from New Jersey who used to preach populist talking points before it became more financially beneficial to grift as a conservative woman of color. 


The vast majority of Muslim Americans are progressive and support LGBT people. 


You're being made a useful idiot when you let conservatives convince you there's some silent majority of any non-white minority who is actually secretly conservative. You're being goaded and you look dumb. Especially when their claims don't come true. We were told conservative Muslims and Christians were teaming up in Dearborne, MI to elect a Republican who "represented their values". A progressive Muslim woman won the House seat. :ace:


And then for users from small European villages where the number of goats outnumber the number of people of color using this to then espouse anti-immigration views are just as far-right as the reactionary Muslim minority that allegedly exista and which is being discussed. 

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2 hours ago, MotoPapi said:

Maryland is a solid blue state 


this will be a wake up call for when being woke goes too far or needs some boundaries. Extreme right or extreme left are not good. I’ve lived all my life in this state and I’ve always felt accepted as a queer person. This is so unnecessary. 

and Montgomery county at that… their public schools are top 5 in the country. Full of diversity. 

Religious zealots are targeting LGBTQ people and you’re wanting to play false equivalence between the “extreme left” and the extreme right? :rip: 

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1 hour ago, Aren said:

Before 9/11, Arabs/Muslims were seen as white in America and mostly voted conservative. But after that, Republicans became increasingly Islamophobic and Muslims felt otherized, so they started voting for Democrats even tho they didn’t agree with their political stances on social issues. But for the past few years, Republicans have started courting Muslims again since they realized that radical evangelicals and Muslims basically share the same values.

Good to know that I, a Black Muslim, was at one point white :coffee2:



I’m being factious, I get what you mean, and Arabs/North Americans are still technically considered white on the census the last time I checked, but unfortunately their privilege got snatched.



all the people saying to “just move out” isn’t really hitting like y’all thought it would considering that the US was founded not only by literally stealing land from others through murder and other forms of violence, but for these so called “freedoms” of religion and thought. But anyways, they should just enroll their children into Islamic school, like what I will do with my kids. Not to get away from LGBTQ+ being taught in school, but because I want them to have better exposure to Islam than I did. But that’s only for elementary school, for middle school+, they can be in regular public schools, I don’t care, I’m a public school kid myself sans college. At I don’t care what they learn as long as it’s rooted in history and facts, like learning about Marsha P. Johnson, Slyvia Rivera, and the Stonewall riots is great history, especially being from NYC and being Black.

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Sometimes I envy the US's police/judicial system because at least it's severe enough that it makes certain people think twice/word their words carefully before trying to come for a specific minority group. This would've been WAY messier in any given country in Europe... we've even seen teachers being beheaded in France for showing a Mohammed picture in class while mentioning/studying different religions. And I agree white supremacists are making this harder and more divisive by the minute, there is absolutely no room for doubt there.


The world is just getting scarier and anyone thinking we won't have to compromise at some point in the near future is just plain delusional. As someone already posted, this is gonna fuel the "it's them vs us" narrative in some Muslim countries.




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  1. Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Islam.
  2. There is nothing irrational about gay people's fear of Islam.
  3. So It is impossible for gays to be Islamophobic.


People need to chose their side on political issues accordingly.



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10 minutes ago, WBTlove said:

Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Islam



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1 minute ago, Communion said:



Imagine being gender non-confirming like you've indicated you were on this site & running here to defend Islam.

The same person who I've read many time trash Christianity. :deadbanana4:



The far left seems to have a death wish :irate:


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2 minutes ago, WBTlove said:

being gender non-confirming like you've indicated you were on this site


who I've read many time



Joined May 27th



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4 minutes ago, Communion said:


You do realize many people are checking this site for months/years and have to wait to be able to join? 

Was my statement incorrect? Have you not claimed to be gender non confirming?

Are you not defending Islam despite your multiple rants against Christianity?



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Just now, WBTlove said:

waiting to join

Why would you need to wait to join if you already have an account? :deadbanana4:

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:




people can surf through older threads and surf through content without an account. and im not sure why you're confused by them saying theyve been waiting to join. it takes a while for your account to be approved by a mod

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8 minutes ago, Communion said:

Why would you need to wait to join if you already have an account? :deadbanana4:

WTF? Are you trolling?

I didn't have an account but everybody can surf this site.

They open registrations once every blue moon. I did not check for ATRL registration every day cause I have a life.

So it took me a year to be on at the same time they had open registration & then it took a week to be approved.



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The irony is that liberals expose themselves as right-wingers when it becomes indistinguishable to tell whether something like the below is a "pro-LGBT" liberal espousing Islamophobia or a conservative espousing homophobia and nativism. 


Yet it's always so easy to know these types are right-wingers - whether right-wing liberals or right-wing conservatives - because they have no material understanding of the world.


They're so ideologically bound to the idea of individualism that they think that progressives think identity is some badge that individuals wear that gives an inherent credibility, and so you end up with these mental excursions like:

"Dear leftist, in front of you is an immigrant father of 5 from Jordan. He finds being gay confusing. If you don't agree to deport him and his entire lineage, do you concede it's fine to beat trans children?? Guess diversity isn't our strength!"




Both sides punching left and thrashing in their despair that their beliefs and views (Islamophobia and Queerphobia) are long outdated in the US and the vast majority of people do not think about people's sexuality or religion. :deadbanana4:

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9 hours ago, Dephira said:

To be fair, white religious Americans are absolutely at the forefront of the anti LGBT crusade in the USA. But the situation looks pretty dire elsewhere. Most Muslims in the West aren’t this violently homophobic, but many violently homophobic people in Europe are Muslims (compared to their share of the population). 

it’s not a coincidence that a large percentage of LGBT people from Muslim families are extremely anti-Islam due to their firsthand experiences. But white liberals love to dismiss those voices when it is convenient to their ideology. 

!! I've been warned for speaking MY experience against MY (former) religion because white people just feel the right to dictate POC experiences based on their white knight moral compass.

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The LGBT community is way too soft on bigotry towards us. I know a lot of gay and trans people who wouldn’t accept any racism or sexism, but then let casual homophobia slide. So many people accept that they have old relatives who have “outdated” beliefs or try to come to terms with these ancient religions that will for the most part never accept LGBT people. Trying to reform some of these systems is a losing game. We need to draw lines in the sand sometimes as a community and come together, but even ATRL allows casual homophobia/transphobia. 

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10 hours ago, Dephira said:

it’s not a coincidence that a large percentage of LGBT people from Muslim families are extremely anti-Islam due to their firsthand experiences. But white liberals love to dismiss those voices when it is convenient to their ideology. 

Speak it. I'm so tired of these people white knighting for people who want us dead. There should be no being nice to these people. But funny enough, these are the same gays saying "We go high when they go low" was a horrible slogan but then are literally doing the same thing when it comes to these religious people. **** that :skull: 

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6 hours ago, WBTlove said:

WTF? Are you trolling?

I didn't have an account but everybody can surf this site.

They open registrations once every blue moon. I did not check for ATRL registration every day cause I have a life.

So it took me a year to be on at the same time they had open registration & then it took a week to be approved.



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You just have to ignore that user lol. They excuse and enable Islamic homophobia at every given opportunity.

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