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Latvia elects new President, first openly gay President in the world


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Pride month starting tue best way possible i see :jonny6:

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5 hours ago, khalyan said:

The extra funding for Eurovision secured :clap3: 

what is President Rinkēvičs' plan for making "Aijā" the global hit it deserves to be? :gaycat5:

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When will the rest of the world :clap3:

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Amazing news :clap3: Latvia already had a female president over 20 years ago too. The rest of the world needs to catch up :clap3:

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Serbia is coming to stomp once Ana Brnabić becomes president next. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!




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Well congratulations to him but what is this thinking that LGBTQ+ attitudes will suddenly change because of that? Serbia has a lesbian PM and well, look at the state of that country. 

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