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Study: Eating Meat Linked To Violence in Relationships


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Newly published research has found a possible connection between animal meat consumption and aggression towards intimate partners.

The study was published in theĀ JournalĀ of Family ViolenceĀ on April 29, 2023. Researchers surveyed 245 undergraduate students via an anonymous format. Participants had a mean age of 19.26. Just over half (52.7 percent) were white, with slightly more being female (56.7 percent).Ā 

Study authors collected data on respondentsā€™ animal product intake, depressive symptoms, lifetime ā€œuseā€ of intimate partner aggression, and degree of speciesism. Speciesism is a term used to describe the belief that humans are superior to other animals. Researchers measured this by asking participants to rank how much they agreed with statements like, ā€œHumans have the right to use animals however they want to.ā€

Researchers discovered that those with a higher consumption of animal parts were both more physically and psychologically aggressive towards their partners.

High animal product consumption was also linked to greater speciesism. Similarly, those who appeared more speciesist were also more likely to report use of violence in relationships.

ā€œResults from this study were generally consistent with hypotheses; greater consumption of animal flesh was associated with both physical and psychological intimate partner aggression both at the bivariate level and when controlling for other associated correlates including depressive symptoms and speciesism,ā€ researchers wrote in their report.

They later note: ā€œResults suggest that eating non-human animals may not only be associated with greater risk for negative physical andĀ mental healthĀ issues, but also engaging in harmful behaviors towards others including intimate relationship partners.ā€

Itā€™s not the first time researchers have sought to better understand speciesism in humans, and the psychological repercussions of it.Ā 

In 2019, researchersĀ discoveredĀ that higher speciesism was associated with other oppressive views relating to racism, homophobia, and sexism.

Based on this ā€“ andĀ separate researchĀ that found people with more speciesist views tended to look down on low-status groups ā€“ study authors of the just-published report concluded that the link between aggressive behaviour and speciesism ā€œshould not be surprising.ā€Ā 

They also theorized that ā€œhypermasculineattitudesā€ may play a role in both increased speciesism and relationship aggression. Additionally, aggressive behavior may be further exacerbated by hormones in animal flesh, researchers noted. This includes adrenaline andĀ cortisol, which can spike during the slaughter process due to animalsā€™ extreme stress and fear.



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I can never take seriously anyone who uses non-human animals to refer to animals

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Just now, Pendulum said:

I can never take seriously anyone who uses non-human animals to refer to animals


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sounds like an excuse to not take responsibility.

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Would plantbasednews.org present pseudo science in bad faith for clicks?Ā 

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