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Has anyone else begun avoiding the news?

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I'm not even in the US but I remember being so suffocated and buried under when Trump took office in 2016. It was horrible news after horrible news. I had to step away from all of it. 

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I wholeheartedly agree. I think I only pay attention to my nice local news now because everything else is too stressful and I cant do anything immediately to remedy the situations. I can only take so much negativity before I simply have to cut it out. This is why i stopped posting on here for over a year and why i stopped using twitter. Humans werent meant to know whats happening across the planet in real time it f's with our natural states of being. Im becoming increasinly anti-technology too and almost want to go back to a motorola flip phone but i need to use an iphone for instagram business purposes. *Sigh*

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I've been avoiding the news like the plague for years now.

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The biggest mistake as humans we can make is believing we’re somehow responsible or need to invest ourselves in things completely out of our personal sphere. I don’t read or engage in the news. I can’t do anything or be in control of any of that - and it’s not my responsibility to. I don’t owe anybody my emotional investment. 

Where can I create change? I used to care about US politics. However, I don’t live there. I don’t have a vote and I can’t change the course of its future. So now I care about local politics in my district in my home country. It’s not national but my representative will be one person that has a vote at national level. I can create change there. 

I can’t stop the Ukrainian war. However, I can vote in elections that create change and advocate for things I believe will bring peace or may advocate in foreign policy change that I believe in. 

And yes - the news is a business. Everything is a “click bait” headline. It’s all sensationalised to increase our engagement. It’s often small issues turned into doomsday problems. You’re smart. Switch off from the news - switch your emotional investment into your local politics and see yourself make change in your immediate circle of stimulus. That’s all you are responsible for and it’s all you owe the world. The rest goes to you, your family, your friends, and your work (if you choose to invest there). Make your life simple and choose to care about things that’s actually worth your time. 

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