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Has anyone else begun avoiding the news?

Pop Life

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Is the constant feed of negativity affecting anyone else?

I know I can't speak for everyone, but living in the US, I've felt on edge for several years now. Every time there's a new story about police brutality or mass shootings or the rise in anti-lgbt rhetoric I feel almost personally threatened. Stories coming from the international front aren't any better. Every few weeks I hear about somewhere that's embroiled in war or regressing on human rights and always in the background is the looming threat of economic collapse.

I know at least part of this sensationalism is because the media increasingly relies on outrage to drive engagement, but this constant state of fear can't be healthy regardless of the cause. Were we happier back when we knew less? I used to pride myself on always staying on top of current events, debating the issues and protesting where I could, but now I just feel burnt out.

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I have for years it's always just depressing sh*t :toofunny2:

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First, I am sorry to hear you are personally affected by this. Many others feel the same so you are not alone. You do what you need, to protect your peace. I will say it's discouraging what is normalized on the news at the moment but do not let fear stop you from enjoying your life to the fullest.

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Oh yeah. You can still be up to date without the constant doom scrolling. 


Reminds me of the fact that there’s still people active in the Covid thread. 

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I’ve largely stopped reading “breaking” or “headline news”.  I generally wait a few days and approach the stories on my own terms.  It also gives time for people to analyze and contextualize the event.  

Also I would recommend curating what you engage with.  You can deeply care about an issue and not read every story on that topic.  Like I stopped reading about mass shootings in the Southern US states or election news prior to the election year.  


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I tried to completely avoid the news some years ago and it started giving:




I think it's important (for me) to stay up to date on what's happening around me or in the world while also trying to protect my peace. Finding that balance between staying well-informed about world events and not getting hysterical or feeling overwhelmed is soo hard but you know your limit. Sometimes I simply choose to stay in an ignorant hole of oblivion to make it through the week because I can't read another headline about another shooting, hate crime, sexual assault, children dying, etc. Then I go back to reality.:michael:

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i have ever since 2020. a lot of news now is just fear mongering or it's just really negative. hard facts are useful, but i feel like i never see anything positive in the news. it's all about COVID deaths, environmental issues, health issues, and economic issues. while these issues are important, i don't want to be constantly bombarded with it so i normally only watch the news 1-2 times a week now. 

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I don’t watch the news I. Fear of becoming like my dad. Who spends 16 hours a day watching the news and getting brainwashed by conspiracy theories and media. :rip: I rather get brainwashed by Pop music then Fox News😌

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Yes. I used to be very much into politics and current events but it's too exhausting and dreary to follow anymore. I generally read headlines and may read news articles from time to time, but I mostly try to keep my distance, because it really puts a damper on my mood.

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Im literally watching the news on TV right now. :lakitu:

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All my dad watches on TV are news, constantly, day and night. So I kinda developed an aversion to news channels since I was little and I have been avoiding them to a certain degree since :deadbanana:

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Most of the news I read are due to visiting ATRL :redface:, but I don't actively search for them on TV or online.


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Nah, I need to know what's going on in the world. I am old enough now to use nuance and separate the idea of danger being everywhere and still live life. 

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I'm a journalism student, so it's pretty much impossible, but I am starting to ignore certain stories.

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Yeah, I feel the same way too. The news feels constantly negative and it's hard to understand how much of it is real and based on valid information and then how much is fabricated. I got quite sucked into the negativity last year and it affected my mental health quite a lot.


I feel like life is ultimately about balance - it's important to be aware of what happens around you as much as you can and to do as much good as you can. But it's also important to remember to look after yourself and your own health first. Finding that balance is something I'm still working on.

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I stopped watching Cnn and unfollowed all pages like nyt and the guardian during the pandemic


They gave me pure anxiety.


Since I stopped watching the news in mid 2020 my life has been a lot more calm


I think old people have the tendency of believing everything in the news and conspiracy online because they are too wired to it and unable to have critical thinking skills

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Not entirely, no. I like being aware of what's happening in the world. I'd rather be informed than otherwise. I can't just gleefully ignore what's going on in the world. I don't let it get me down either, though. I just take the information for what it is and just continue to live my life. At the very end of the day, that's all I can do.

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The last time I watch a news show was 4 years ago. 

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I've always have only time I've ever watched the news was back when I used to get ready for school when my parents would put the today show on 



Besides I get most news on twitter, Facebook or tik tok :toofunny3:

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Yes.  But I still see and hear about news stories on social media and what not.  

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old people are literally addicted to watching the news. its baffling. and most news are always fear-mongering crap without full information

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I get the bare basics from places like twitter, reddit, here, and hearsay from friends/family, but in general, yes i also avoid now. It was too much during the pandemic and the 2020 election and constantly negative.

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Been doing it since last year and I feel a lot better tbh. 

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