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Rank the last five years of your life


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2022 - My comeback era. My KM '94. My Light Years. Not without its challenges, though.

2021 - My absolute flop era. Worst job I've ever had, anxiety, and depression.

2020 - My glow-up. My jump from Isolation to Sin miedo.

2019 - Good stress, bliss, and happiness.

2018 - The first half was challenging, but the rest of it was the best six months I've ever had.




2018 B




2018 A


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1. 2023 - new job in London (the dream job) + new man. Looking to buy house in London. 

2. 2019 - Got a new car and bought my first place in Joburg, South Africa. 

3. 2020 - decided to move to the UK amidst the panorama. 

4. 2021 - excited for London finally opening and start to hate the job I moved to the UK for. 

5. 2022 - really hated my job. Broke up with my long term and long distance bf. 


Edited by Rihbeyga
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1. 2022 - worked my ass off, went to concerts, became fully independent
2. 2019 - finished senior year of high school, the future seemed bright, moved to Ireland
3. 2018 - fun and carefree high school junior year
4. 2021 - insanely boring start to the year then my dog got run over, got a great tech job that same summer and moved back to Ireland
5. 2020 - grandma died in January, relocated back to my home country because of COVID, dad suddenly died in May, cut off a sizeable portion of family from dad's side, heavy depression ensued

2023 (so far) - got laid off due to social media industry bubble bursting, got great severance though, return of my intense hypochondria, getting drivers license, redoing final exams in home country, hopefully going to college in Dublin next year

Edited by mystery
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This is such a cool exercise. 


2018 - I remember being really depressed here... 2017 had been hell, and kept being with collage and work stressing the **** out of me. It got better by the end of the year where I finally went to see Taylor live, which it was incredible, but to be able to do that was really painful and I deal with it until this day (but I'm trying to be positive about it).


2019 - I never thought about it, but this year was really special. I started saving money, I started dating what was promissing to be my first healthy releationship, I got transfered to the biggest city where I live, which was always a dream, and I had another Taylor Swift concert to look forward to.


2020 - It started kind of weird with me moving cities while in a releationship that I didn't want and then COVID hit and, well, we all know the drill. But for me COVID wasn't that bad and being in a releationship was kind of good because I didn't have to deal with it alone. It was the year that I finally got the chance to record my first songs ever which has always a dream of mine and it was the year where Taylor started to release back-to-back projects which I'm so glad she's doing.


2021 - I got my life back that year when I broke up with my boyfriend, but it was hell in the beginning. Then I met another guy and it's been hell ever since. God, I never seem to catch a break! Now I have to deal with him every single ******* day because we work together and it's killing me slowly. It's toxic, it's repulsive, it's everything that can be worse in a person. Funny I don't consider it a bad year because I started to finally planning my future and my 2024 looks bright because of this year.


2022 - It was the year where a lot of things changed in me. I got the chance to stay in London for a whole month. I got the chance to be on a musical play and that was the awekening of what I want my life to be moving forward. Work kept being hell, I had the worst times of my life there and I just realise how bad it is for me writing this down but it's not something that I let rule my life and it's definitely not a toxic enviroment in general - I work with incredible people - it's just a bad apple situation.


2023 - It's been great so far. I'm having a lot of courses into acting, singing, dancing. I'm learning a lot about myself and how to deal with others. And my prospect for the rest of the year and for 2024 is really promissing. AND I'm leaving my work after almost 13 years.


So, I guess 2022 - 2019 > 2020 > 2021 - 2018

Edited by GabeInPolaroids
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2019 > 2021 > 2020 >>> 2023 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2022

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All of them sucked except for 2020, ironically :rip:

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Best Years from My Past 1992 to 2003/2007/2008/2009/2010-1/2011-2/2012/2014/2016/2017-1
Worst Years from My Past 2004 to 2006/2010-2/2011-1/2013/2015/2017-2

: Really bad. Lots of family fights. The only good experience was how i watched so much anime
2019 : Started the year bad but it got better and looked promising, After August everything went to ***one of my worst years. I regret so many things from this year. My **** era and i regret it.

2020 : Things were fantastic from january to march. Peak of my adulthood. New City. New House New friends. Then covid happened. The rest of the year was very eerie and strange. Reflective year.

2021 : The year was also very strange with covid rumbling. Got better at the end. It was a relaxing-fun year mixed with lots of anxiety cause covid. 

2022-1 : Dad lost his job and things were not in the best shape. So many parent fights. Rejected to an Uni i applied. Lived in a good place but it was a hard mid year

2022-2 : Awesome. Dad got a new job. Moved to a new beautiful town. Had a lot of fun. Amazing

2023 : Joined Online Uni cause the biggest metropolis of my country is too dangerous to attend. Been too focused on studying but i cant complain. Things are goin well and im in a self-development stage.

Now a song representin every year :gaycat4::heart:
2018: Bleach Opening
2019: Head Above Water
2020: Daisies
2021: Good 4 U
2022-1: Hold My Hand. (I really needed someone to hold my hand)
2022-2: Bejeweled. (Yes i shine Again)
2023: River By Miley Cyrus. (Im slaying and growin so much)

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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1. 2023: Moved to Barcelona, met some amazing people, easily the happiest I've been my entire life, and feel like I've learned a lot about myself

2. 2022: Also a really good year, travelled quite a bit

3. 2019: Finished high school, travelled, started uni, a lot happened this year but I have great memories from it

4. 2021: Honestly don't remember much from this year but lockdowns and COVID restrictions probably ruined it

5. 2020: Pandemic. Quite literally the worst time of my life. I hated lockdown and I felt like my life had come to a massive halt. Also working in a supermarket during peak COVID was hell on earth :rip:

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2019 > 2023 > 2018 > 2022 > 2020 > 2021 (EW everyone and everything sucked so much that year)


  • 2019 was full of drama and a few health problems, all of my years since I turned 16 have been filled with drama though! BUT! the music in 2019 fused with the incredible weather that whole year fused with all of the experiences (good, bad, beautiful, ugly...) i had that year shaped me and made me grow up a LOT, so that's number 1 because i'll forever appreciate my growth that year. it was a life-changing year, but 2023 REALLY might overtake it as the best year recently soon...
  • 2023 is so far in a similar vein to 2019. even though I had a sh*tty starbucks job bleeding into the first 4.5 months of this year, I have so many musical opportunities in the wings and as a college graduate i now have so many more professional opportunities too. plus, i'm in my second beauty peak (my first was 2018 which brings me to...)
  • 2018 was pretty great, I had a lot of great sexual and romantic experiences that year, and I was DEFINITELY in my first beauty peak, I looked very nice and fortunately 2023 is following in a similar vein
  • 2022 was decent, there were a lot of excellent open mics, but I got fired from two sh*tty jobs in a row (over a span of just 5 months ugh...). in addition to that, I had two false positives when it came to graduating college: I was on track to graduate in may 2022, and then nope. and then I was on track to graduate in august 2022, and then nope because of my slightly-too-low GPA. thank god I finally graduated in december 2022!
  • 2020 was obviously the loneliest year ever. I had an intense experience quarantining on the Navajo reservation in New Mexico with one of my best friends and her boyfriend for about 3 months once the pandemic started. I love her but it was isolating cause i felt like a third wheel for super long. when I got back to Boulder in late may/early june (i forget when exactly it was) I was in a big apartment all alone and I barely had any chances to see any of my friends. I was just all alone for the second half of that year and it was pretty miserable
  • 2021 was easily the worst though. I had two situationships in a row with two passive-aggressive people who just made my mental health plummet. I started my job at sally beauty then, but I was quick to dislike it, and I eventually got fired from it in february 2022. that year was just... mess after mess after mess, but unlike 2019 and 2023, there was no hope. no optimism. I was truly down bad that year, and just felt so stuck. add all of that to my college graduation being in limbo that whole year and failing the most classes in the span of a year in all of my life that year :rip: also I had COVID twice that year... yiiiiikes!
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2019 >> 2018 > 2020 > 2021 > 2022 


2023 is an upgrade from the last two so far but lemme not jinx it :skull: 

Edited by State of Grace.
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i miss 2019. the best year of my life. on new years eve i had a nasty panic attack because i had a really bad feeling about something. flash forward covid happened which i got and almost died from in 2020. in 2020 some people one in particular wrecked me and traumatized me for life throughout 2021 too. 2022 was fine honestly. ive been depressed for most of this year

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  1. 2021
  2. 2019
  3. 2020
  4. 2022
  5. 2023

Though, I do anticipate the second half of this year shooting it up to the number one spot.

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2019>>>>>>>>2021>>2022>2023> 2020

2019 was magical looking back. First year if freedom post-Navy. Good times. 
2020- Pandemic Shenanigans. I gained weight that I never fully got rid of, to this day.


2021- Derm started me on Accutane and cleared my skin so much, got my sexy back. 

2022- Dated a clown ass Gemini 🙄 and lost insurance coverage.

2023 had me in a Slight depression in first half, but new job and a personal trainer coming in the 2nd half! so I’m optimistic 🙂)

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Honestly, each year has gotten better for me. I’ve done a lot of growing and have been able to handle **** better with time. Aging is really incredible.

2022 > 2021 > 2020 >>> 2019 > 2018

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Galaxy said:

They're all tied for last

Girl... :gaycat6:. Hope it gets better 

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2019 - Toured the world with a band I was managing, strengthened incredible friendships, got a pay rise at work.

2022 - Recovered from depression. Left the music industry and started a new job in brand partnerships. Made more money than I ever had in the past!

2018 - Was made redundant from a job of 5 years that I loved, but went on some incredible trips and lived in a flat / neighbourhood that I loved. 

2020 - Covid, baby! 

2021 - Went on a medication for my migraines that left me depressed. Had to take 6 months off work and move back in with my parents at age 31, whilst undertaking weekly psychotherapy. 

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First half 2021 > 2023 (so far) > second half 2022 > 2020 > 2019 >>>>>> first half 2022 >>>>>>> second half 2021


overall my life gets better and better every year but 2022 and 2021 had some of the lowest lows in my life so far 

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1. 2023 - (Hospitalized first week OOP) health issues and pending big changes with them really made me refocus and appreciate everything even though I'm still going through unmotivated depressed days, I got promoted , went to concerts , my brother got married , I got promoted again SALARY Benefits and a monthly bonus , moved to my own apartment because I can afford it *tongue pop* , bank account is SURGING because I still try to live like it ain't there , taking a guilt free two week vacation this week (PAID never had that) , I've been in CA for 10 months and I'm DOING IT. - TBC

2. 2022 - Moved within Virginia , Visited friends in Austin , Trip with mom to South Carolina , North Carolina group trip , cross country drive/move to Cali , living in the Bay Area

3. 2018 - Florida trip , living in Portland Maine , inspired to take photos , online friend visits , hanging with friends , MOVED to florida , trip to San Fran , 

4. 2021 - North Carolina visit , fam visits VA , Dollywood trip , visited maine for fam & friends , Thanksgiving in San Fran , useless drama at home

4. 2019 - Family visits FL , living on being an Uber driver at night and at the beach all day , online friends visit , YOSEMITE trip for my bday / San Fran

6. 2020 - Pandemic took Uber away and my job closed , florida unemployment , immunosuppressed , Moved to Virginia :deadbanana4: , North Carolina visit , friends visit 

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I hope everyone in here mentioning depression can/has find ways to cope and overcome it. :hughard:

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1. 2020 (had the most fun ever had in my life ironically)

2. 2019 (most financially secure I ever was)

3. 2021-2022-2023 (tied at the moment - mix of highs, drama and uneventfulness)

4. 2018 (worst illness of my life /also quarter life crisis)

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Edited by gagacasanova
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2021 > 2019 > 2020 = 2022 >>>>>>>>>> 2018


There were some really bad things and some really good things in every year, but I will look back on all of them except 2018 very fondly (and even then there were a number of things I'll remember fondly about 2018).

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