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Uganda passes anti LGBT+ bill. Death penalty


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Gays in general should focus on fighting growing homophobia instead of stan warring.

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My heart goes out to LGBT people living in Uganda

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4 hours ago, #Beautiful said:

theyre all awful but the one in question here is christinanity, which is the same relgion thats oppresing me in my own country. so i wanted to call it out. christians are horrible bigoted people

They truly are. 

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i hope they can get out of there :dancehall:

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Religion needs to be destroyed

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Human rights are universal and need to be constantly defended. Even if you don't live in Uganda, if you don't fight for LGBT rights in your country, an anti-LGBT law can come your way and slip right past you. This is a reminder to never take these rights for granted.

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Not like I expected much from Uganda and its retrograde thinking. It's sad how these countries or people get their judgement clouded by religion...

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1 hour ago, AMIT said:

Cuba treats it's citizens (read: working class people) far, far better than the US does its own. And with far less resourses too (amplified by the ILLEGAL embargo that has been going on for decades at this point, mind you). Please do some actual research and stop gobbling up that US propaganda, I'm begging.

Well, considering I'm from Venezuela, I for sure know how things are done in Cuba. It's the same strategy after all.

We don't need ANYONE from a very comfortable place to tell us how our countries work and how "well" citizens are treated (f*cking embarrasing of you to say that).


You're not the one to tell cubans or anyone how "amazingly" they're treated by their oppressor.

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8 minutes ago, Outlaws said:

Well, considering I'm from Venezuela, I for sure know how things are done in Cuba. It's the same strategy after all.

We don't need ANYONE from a very comfortable place to tell us how our countries work and how "well" citizens are treated (f*cking embarrasing of you to say that).


You're not the one to tell cubans or anyone how "amazingly" they're treated by their oppressor.

I also live in a 3rd world/imperial periphery country sis. :deadbanana4:


I am not saying that they have it ''amazing'' over there, that's you putting words in my mouth. But if you think most of the issues you guys in Venezuela and Cubans are facing are because of your governments and not because of US intervention, then you are sadly mistaken. 


The US regime is not your friend and doesn't care about what's best for you. I say this as someone from Brazil, a country that has been victim of US intervention in the past and continues to suffer a miriad of issues due to that and the present neocolonization system, amongst other things. I sympathize with you more than you probably realize, but you are angry at the wrong target. 

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1 minute ago, AMIT said:

I also live in a 3rd world/imperial periphery country sis. :deadbanana4:


I am not saying that they have it ''amazing'' over there, that's you putting words in my mouth. But if you think most of the issues you guys in Venezuela and Cubans are facing are because of your governments and not because of US intervention, then you are sadly mistaken. 


The US regime is not your friend and doesn't care about what's best for you. I say this as someone from Brazil, a country that has been victim of US intervention in the past and continues to suffer a miriad of issues due to that and the present neocolonization system, amongst other things. I sympathize with you more than you probably realize, but you are angry at the wrong target. 

I haven't said otherwise. I don't believe the US wants any good for other countries, I said it earlier on this thread, they don't care. But read a bit, do your research and find the answer as to when the crisis started (in Venezuela) which was years before the sanctions. It got harder after they were imposed, sure thing, but let's not, and let's not say anything about Cuba, especially anything good about how their regime treats them, because that invalidates anything else you say. Sorry.

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2 hours ago, AMIT said:

What? What are you actually refering to? I'm confused.

To the fact that the US is a crook country with imperialist goals and that fakes caring about human rights to defend actions that are actually economical and political in nature, but that doesn't take away from the fact that Cuba is also not a full democracy.

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2 minutes ago, brazil said:

To the fact that the US is a crook country with imperialist goals and that fakes caring about human rights to defend actions that are actually economical and political in nature, but that doesn't take away from the fact that Cuba is also not a full democracy.

Okay, but... they are not comparable at all like :deadbanana4: you can't compare US history and all its war crimes, human rights violations both with its own citizens and otherwise, military occupations etc with ******* Cuba, be serious. 

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9 minutes ago, Outlaws said:

I haven't said otherwise. I don't believe the US wants any good for other countries, I said it earlier on this thread, they don't care. But read a bit, do your research and find the answer as to when the crisis started (in Venezuela) which was years before the sanctions. It got harder after they were imposed, sure thing, but let's not, and let's not say anything about Cuba, especially anything good about how their regime treats them, because that invalidates anything else you say. Sorry.

Well, first lemme say I am sorry for derailing the thread. :rip: But I gotta call out misinformation when I see it. If you'd like to continue this discussion in private I can hit you up later, but if not then it's fine as well.

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4 hours ago, SecretSecret said:

Your post broke me. Things are bad enough as they are in Europe, but I can't even conceive the massive pain of not being able to exist in your own country. Much love to you, queen. :heart2:

I live in Europe now which is more safer. I'm doing better but worry about Africa alot, thank you for your support :heart2:

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7 hours ago, #Beautiful said:

theyre all awful but the one in question here is christinanity, which is the same relgion thats oppresing me in my own country. so i wanted to call it out. christians are horrible bigoted people

You are far better than in a muslim country trust me. Check the punishments for homosexuality by country and youll find out. That religion is ESPECIALLY homophobic and radical.

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25 minutes ago, Rosenda said:

You are far better than in a muslim country trust me. Check the punishments for homosexuality by country and youll find out. That religion is ESPECIALLY homophobic and radical.

i never said christinanity is the worst of the bunch. i only said it is the one affecting me in my day to day life

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1 hour ago, brazil said:

Cuba is also not a full democracy.

Ugandan democracy is literally why they will be putting gays to death.

This is a policy only made possible by a democratic system willed by a majority support for banning homosexuality.

Please stop fetishizing countries as inherently good just because they have "democracy". :toofunny3:

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12 minutes ago, Communion said:

Ugandan democracy is literally why they will be putting gays to death.

This is a policy only made possible by a democratic system willed by a majority support for banning homosexuality.

Please stop fetishizing countries as inherently good just because they have "democracy". :toofunny3:

Gurl, I'm not fetishizing anything, I even called out the US despite it being a democracy. I'm pointing out to a fact. It's not my fault yall can't deal with a world that is not black n white, good vs. bad.

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7 hours ago, HeWolf said:

That's why I said they are maybe not 100% wrong (altho they are mostly wrong)

Just look at what progressive movements have done in Europe by allowing massive migration of people from Muslim nations. a MESS

Another prime example of how bigotry and ignorance go hand in hand. Uganda is a 84% Christian (thanks to Europe and the US, ironically), what is even the correlation between this news and Muslim immigration to Europe?

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4 minutes ago, brazil said:

Gurl, I'm not fetishizing anything, I even called out the US despite it being a democracy. I'm pointing out to a fact. It's not my fault yall can't deal with a world that is not black n white, good vs. bad.

The point is that it makes no sense - in this thread of all places - to discuss Cuba, let alone then some imagined benchmark it needs to meet in terms of being "democratic" when... Uganda is by many legal definitions a democracy! And being a democracy has not meaningfully stopped such homophobic laws from becoming popular.


I don't even take issue with your original post - what you said rings true, but it shows how deeply people fetishize "democracy" that your uncontroversial post about America's poor consistency on human rights leads someone to want to debate the merits of democracy-in-action miles away when clearly something's gone afoul in Uganda. :toofunny3:



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4 hours ago, Communion said:

The point is that it makes no sense - in this thread of all places - to discuss Cuba, let alone then some imagined benchmark it needs to meet in terms of being "democratic" when... Uganda is by many legal definitions a democracy! And being a democracy has not meaningfully stopped such homophobic laws from becoming popular.


I don't even take issue with your original post - what you said rings true, but it shows how deeply people fetishize "democracy" that your uncontroversial post about America's poor consistency on human rights leads someone to want to debate the merits of democracy-in-action miles away when clearly something's gone afoul in Uganda. :toofunny3:



I used Cuba as an example precisely to point out how messed up and hypocritical it is that the US has placed them under an embargo, instead of other countries with a much worse track record on human rights. 


But when people went overboard and tried to imply there is absolutely nothing wrong with Cuba, I also called them out. 


Regardless if bad things also happen in democracies, it's still the best system know out there. Saudi Arabia and Eritreia are dictatorships and they also have the death penalty for homosexuality.

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11 hours ago, Rep2000 said:

The far-rights are also religious. Don't get it twisted. Guess what religion is predominant in Uganda?
Theoracy is just a stone away from fascism. Even back in 1940s, Nazis are like 98.5% religious with only 1.5% atheist. Ever wonder why Holocaust happened?

Nazism is based on the (pseudo)scientific ideology of social darwinism, not religion. Eugenics, racism, pan germanism, social darwinism—these are all scientific ideas not a bit religious.

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10 hours ago, Rep2000 said:

Idk why you brought up Muslim immigration in Europe in this thread, when this law is a direct product of American evangelicals' culture war export. Literally the opposite way.

Regarding gay rights, those two are everything but polar opposites. :rip: Pretty much the same.

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7 hours ago, Samsara said:

Nazism is based on the (pseudo)scientific ideology of social darwinism, not religion. Eugenics, racism, pan germanism, social darwinism—these are all scientific ideas not a bit religious.

And yet 98.5% of them are religious. Churches were promoting Hitler ideas at the times. It's no coincidence that they target both queers and religious minority at the time.

Edit: oh I'm not done. Nazis also had a very well documented obsession with religious icons and relics. And spent tons of money to study, find and steal them all over the world. "All scientific ideas" my ass!


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so f*cking scary :cries: I don't even know where to begin with how horrible this is from every angle. my heart goes out to all of my LGBTQ+ siblings in Uganda

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