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What's the worst physical pain you've ever experienced?

Henry Torres

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My brother angrily slammed the car door on my ankle when I was 9 or 10. I was in crutches for like 2-3 weeks. The pain was so bad.

 And yea, inner ear infections are ruthless. 


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probably a thrombosed internal hemorroid. anything moving past it, namely fecal matter when i went to the bathroom, would send my whole inner musculature into spasmodic fits (namely my pelvic floor, and it basically made all my organs feel like they were going to blow up, it was like a knot in the deepest dead center of your body being pulled so tight every other part of my body was being drawn toward it). i could even feel my stomach pressure push into my throat during these spasms. 


finally the hemorrhoid literally exploded during one of these strained spasms and i passed about a 1/2 cup of bright red blood into the toilet. then all the pain and pressure dissipated instantly

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I’ve had some really bad/strong migraines that hurt so much it felt like my head was going to explode :biblio: I’ve had surgery before and been in an accident before and the pain didn’t even compare to the worst migraines.

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There's nothing worst than cramps... the worst feeling ever is waking up to your leg hurting like hell bc of cramps :weeps:

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Eating a whole bag of Hot Cheetos in one sitting.

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4 hours ago, Mystic Boy said:

How did you heal from that? did it take long? :cries:

It was definitely a test of patience! I would say 4 weeks until the worst phase had passed. And then maybe another 4 weeks until I felt fairly normal. 

I was prescribed meloxicam and a muscle relaxer but the most critical thing for me was physical therapy. They worked really hard to release tense muscles that were causing the compression on the disc, and had me do a lot of core exercises. Over time the herniation receded and stopped touching the nerve thank god

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When Gaga released Stupid Love


Jk. Probably when I had pneumonia and strep throat all at once

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Mono. It, literally, felt like I had attempted to swallow a bunch of nails and tacks that just got lodged in my throat. It was just awful.

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gallbladder pain. besides being painful af you sweat cold and you feel like throwing up the whole time too :deadbanana4:

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Shingles on stomach. Worst pain ever :cries:

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Crohn’s Disease flare up 

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tooth abscess:mazen: it was so bad that my left cheek swelled like a tumor

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Tonsilitis so severe I was in hospital for 2 weeks. I wanted to be in a coma so badly to escape the pain, the only thing that gave me relief was morphine.

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Arthritic pain to my knee and fixing tooth decay at a dentist with no local anesthesia at 10 years old :skull:

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BPD emotions, I can get so bad that my heart starts to beat really slowly or fast and get really bad heart aches/burns. It is worst pain and I can't even control it, nothing can. 

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Charley horse probably

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Falling on my back from a chin-up bar while in a crunch position. Not fun. 

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Getting a tooth pulled and the freezing didn't work, worst pain ever :mazen:


I'm still traumatized and have PTSD of the dentist for that very reason



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Testicular Torsion, the pain was so bad i wasn't even feeling it in  the testicle it was more around the legs. This happened a long time ago and my mom was the one that discovered it because she told me i looked in pain while sleeping.


Went to the ER and they didnt know what was happening since i told them the pain was coming from my thighs it wasn't until i asked to go to the bathroom to pee, it was a weird mixture between numbness and pain. Had emergency surgery and was lucky to keep both of my test. It was also very scary since i got to the ER veeeeery late so there was a good probability of me going out of the ER without one of my tests. 

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Ear infections too, I had a nasty one when I was sick in December, hurt like hell even with painkillers and then even when the pain subsided the tinnitus didn't go away for weeks :mazen:

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On 5/25/2023 at 8:51 PM, Chaos Angel said:

Crohn’s Disease flare up 


Similar situation.


I've had Ulcerative Colitis for years now and was doing well on my Remicade infusions, until my insurance decided "Lets switch you to Pfizer's infusion because its cheaper and bASiCalLy tHe SAme sTufF. I was on a vacation with friends when it went full blown Pancolitis, all because the "same stuff" did absolutely nothing. Went to the ER and I was out of work for 6 months. It literally felt like my colon was on fire, and not the "Ha Ha I just had spicy Taco Bell" fire, this was like "I feel like I actual might die oh god help" fire.


They've since swapped me back to the infusions that actually worked.

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I tore my ACL during a run. The worst pain I've ever felt.

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I have a pretty high pain tolerance so normal injuries such as sprains or breaks never really phased me much.


I do have a bad habit of chewing my nails and one time I got paronychia so bad that I had an infection running down my hand into my arm.  After seeking treatment, I was told I was about two days away from getting my finger amputated :rip: I still remember how much my finger was throbbing due to the infection, it was awful.


I also got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever during my graduation week of college. I had needed to do some work outdoors the weekend before and got bit by the tick that gave me RMSF. I got the awful rash a few days later and having the rash on my palms was the only thing that the doctors could use to tell it was RMSF since it's pretty rare in Texas.  It's probably the sickest I've ever been, worse than COVID.

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