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What's the worst physical pain you've ever experienced?

Henry Torres

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Sharp needle went deep into my finger


What about you?

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How on earth did you get needles up your fingernails?  :skull:


For me, I've never experienced pain like the time I torn a ligament in my knee. Not only did it sound like an elastic band snapping, the pain was excruciating.


Then again, I did break my big toe about 3 years ago and I was in agony with that too.

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I had alcohol poisoning, because of which I fell in tears at the metro station and an ambulance was called for me. It was physically and mentally disgusting and shameful. Good thing I don't drink alcohol anymore.

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Exposed nerve when one of my back teeth cracked. Unbearable.

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calf muscle cramp, it was so bad I had to limp for days :rip: also abdominal pain which felt as if someone was stabbing me all over the back and stomach

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Lower back pain that kept me in bed for 2 weeks..truly painful. :'(

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Appendicitis. You wanna die, the pain is unbearable.

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 my feet get cramps from time to time and I’m paralyzed until it stops :jonnycat:


and once I was picking up something front the refrigerator and my lower back started killing me

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Penicillin G Benzathine Injection. Literally passed out because of the pain. Remember that scene on X Men 2 were a mutant gets stabbed with a needle and gets injected with a liquid metal thing and ends up dying? That was how it felt. :rip:


Also appendicitis. The worst part of it is it can last for days.

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Kidney stone. I'm kind of a softie with pain but I truly felt like I was being impaled, it was so bad :rip: The abslute scene I made in the ER :rip:

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Had pretty severe pneumonia some years ago, def the worst:rip:

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This is kind of a lengthy story but I'll try to keep it short as possible but give all the details.


When I was in about 5th grade, we had summer break and we lived in an apartment building and one night all the kids in the neighborhood got together and we all played hide and seek, red light green light, those kinds of games. Was around 6pm so it was starting to get darker so not everything was super visible out.


Next thing we know, the cops (police station was like 2 mins from us) came around with big guns (idk what guns I don't know guns like that) and were chasing something and told us all to stay back and so we got behind the fence of one of the neighbors yards and stood there watching until they caught whatever it was they were looking for.


Turned out it was a reported a rabid raccoon was loose that attacked someone down the street. So while at the fence we just stood there watching and waiting then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on my arm and the raccoon bit a chunk of my forearm. It had a grip until I managed to shake it off and the cops heard and it ran off. Thankfully they killed it a few minutes later.


I had to be rushed to the hospital. It hurt like hell obviously but the worst part wasn't just the bite, they had to give me the rabies vaccine and they put like 4-6 needles literally INTO the burning wound and I was screaming and crying and they had 4 nurses holding me down while I was cursing like crazy and my mom and grandma stood there in the room in shock (and embarrassed by my mouth lmao).


I'm a quiet kid so for me to scream like that they knew I was in a lot of pain. And to make things worse, I have a very high tolerance for morphine, so when they gave me it, it pretty much did nothing and I felt everything.


So the initial insane burning pain from the actual bite on top of the injections and topical treatments to clean it all at once... I swear the pain in my arm was so damn bad. I still have the scar from it and thankfully I didnt catch anything and was in the clear but man that was the worst pain I ever felt at once.

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I think I pulled a muscle or a nerve on the right side of my neck when I was working out. I was at my ex’s place asleep and all of a sudden the WORST pain I’ve ever felt.


I couldn’t move my neck for ****. It hurt soooo bad 

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Definitely when I had a cavity when I was like 10 or 11. Toothache is kinda the worst, no painkiller worked and I basically spent like 2 days without sleeping

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A metal rod hit me in the mouth once and cracked my front tooth, not only was it the worst pain I ever felt but now I have to go the dentist every few years to get fillings for my tooth.

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38 minutes ago, GlamSlam said:



Then again, I did break my big toe about 3 years ago and I was in agony with that too.

this happened to me. and my nail jumped straight up (from the root..) broken toe and everything. they removed the nail but weirdly.. it... doesn't hurt.. like.. at all.. im even concerned if something happend with the nerves or whatever because it doesn't make sense as it looked like a horror show 

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When I was little, I was riding my bike super fast wearing chanclas and got too close to a building wall covered in fine rocks. The entire side of my right foot looked like someone took a cheese shredder to it. To make things worse, my dad wasn't home so I ran to a neighbor and they straight up doused my foot in rubbing alcohol.

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36 minutes ago, CBC said:

10 inches 

HAHA you play too much :laugh:

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16 minutes ago, wanderlust said:

this happened to me. and my nail jumped straight up (from the root..) broken toe and everything. they removed the nail but weirdly.. it... doesn't hurt.. like.. at all.. im even concerned if something happend with the nerves or whatever because it doesn't make sense as it looked like a horror show 

Omg, me too. I was told that the nerves were damaged because of all the trauma to my toe, so I wouldn't be surprised if yours were too. The nail has taken years to grow back. I saw a chiropodist about 6 months ago as it was growing (slightly) upwards instead of flat/across, and she said there was a bunion growing under it so she had the clip the nail to remove it. I now have to file it everyday after getting out of the shower, otherwise it will come back again. Nightmare.

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Going through chemo was a lot. :psyduck:

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After having LINX surgery (Google it, if you're unaware, it's a surgery for chronic GERD/acid reflux), my pain was easily at a 10. My pain was so bad post-recovery I was put on 10 Tylenol 3s (opioids), and it barely touched the pain. My stomach felt like someone shot it off. 

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