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Update: Centrist Dems to join Senate GOP to end debt pause (+retroactive interest)


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14 minutes ago, Communion said:

You're not being a serious person.. :toofunny3: Again, it's also a choice to get a mortgage. 


If buying a home, getting a degree, taking out a credit card, or (because we live in the hellhole of America) even going to the hospital are all ~transactions~ within the free market, there are regulations within that market that require all players to act in both good faith and to meet their ethical responsibility.


People make choices all the time, but it's the federal government's literal responsibility to regulate these choices and protect people from exploitation even with, yes, choices that they make themselves. 


This conversation is finally happening with student debt held by the fed (while the 2010s has seen this conversation long play out for private institutions scamming people, or are you ending up on the side of places like DeVry and University of Phoenix?) because the fed holds all the debt and didn't regulate itself because it was trying to create a jobs program that didn't work.


There's legal precedence within our society for this. This is how the government *already* currently works. In fact, it's literally only within the last 20 years that private loans became the only kind of debt exempt from being discharged vis bankruptcy. :deadbanana4: When you borrow money, you in 99% of all other cases can file for bankruptcy. Why the difference for student debt? So I guess student debt DOESN'T follow norms? Be serious.


You've not made a single well-informed or meaningful argument defending student debt. :deadbanana4:

think what you want, I'll just take me and my 810 credit score to bed while I make my payments that I don't want to make, but because it was my choice to go to school, I own them and I'm responsible for them.  

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5 minutes ago, spree said:

my 810 credit score

53 minutes ago, spree said:

I've been paying 325/month since 2006 

"I've paid $60,000 in debt and I will HAPPILY pay another $60,000!"


Yeah, maybe it's time for ATRL to force users to register with their social security numbers and display yearly incomes.



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7 hours ago, Bloo said:

This is beyond repulsive. It can’t be said enough, that not being a Republican is not a sufficient political threshold. We should expect empathy, at least from politicians. It’s shameful that they’re doing worse than just restarting the student debt payments. They’re actually wanting to stack more debt on top of borrowers for trusting the government’s pause was a genuine temporary reprieve. 

What’s even more grotesque is that it shows that it might not even matter if we “elect more Democrats,” cause in the end, we might be sending the wrong kind to Congress that will vote just enough with Republicans that repugnant garbage like this will pass.


I’m also extremely NOT confident that Joe Biden will even be president in 2025, so this retroactive punishment for Joe Biden’s deliberate failure to unilaterally cancel debt like he should have on Day 1 instead of his slow-walked, means-tested trash heap of a “plan” that was designed to let Republicans build up a case against it in court… may actually come to pass. With bipartisan support from Blue Dogs like these two. I feel like this is something they would even move to pass through reconciliation, so they won’t have to have 60 senators either.

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The government subsidizes so many other types of loans for people far better off. This just feels cruel.

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On 5/25/2023 at 10:45 PM, spree said:

look, going to school was the WORST decision of my life.  Absolute worst.  I've been paying 325/month since 2006 for absolutely nothing.  But...I've still been paying it back.  It was MY CHOICE to make that decision to go to school.  I have to own that choice.  I guess I'm just responsible?  I'm not going to blame the government for my idiotic decisions. 

People “choosing” to go to college because they grew up being told they deserve poverty if they don’t go to college are coerced into choosing college. If people, including you, had economic opportunities to live a dignified life without needing to go to college, you’d have more of a point about people “choosing” to go to college. The system we have now actively coerces people into massive amounts of college debt. People like you are neither helpful nor fiscally responsible for simply justifying that intentionally abusive design choice of our economy. 

Even then, I think an educated society is a good investment of our funds. I’d rather my taxes go towards educating our citizens and helping them become more globally minded in a collegiate setting than spending the same dollars on bombing people oversees or locking up people for petty crimes. 

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The fact they want to add that interest back on... truly evil. Isn't it enough you don't want to give relief? What awful people. Especially the PPP loan forgiven ones

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So sinister. So disgusting. A complete and total betrayal of their constituents. Retroactive interest/payments? That is flat-out cruel. 

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Just as #votebluenomatterwho intended.

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NEWS: Senate advances GOP-led legislation to block Biden’s student debt relief plan 


51-46 procedural vote 


Sens. Manchin, Tester, & Sinema joined w/ Republicans to open debate on measure



Welp. It's a CRA so it only requires a simple majority. And if they have a majority to begin debate..


Biden says he will veto the CRA if passed. 

Edited by Communion
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3 hours ago, Communion said:



Welp. It's a CRA so it only requires a simple majority. And if they have a majority to begin debate..


Biden says he will veto the CRA if passed. 

Biden says a lot of things. It depends on what else is in the bill. He genuinely doesn't support student debt relief anyway, so I would expect him to sign it if there's military spending or Ukraine aid attached.


Oh well. None of those three will be Senators after next November.

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Just passed the Senate for real, so now it moves to Biden’s desk. @Communion




52-46, Senate votes to end President Biden's student loan forgiveness program, with Sens. Manchin, Tester and Sinema voting with Republicans. Resolution goes to Biden, who has vowed to veto it



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Is there enough votes to override his veto? :rip: 


I hate this ******* country 

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18 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Biden says a lot of things. It depends on what else is in the bill. He genuinely doesn't support student debt relief anyway, so I would expect him to sign it if there's military spending or Ukraine aid attached.


Oh well. None of those three will be Senators after next November.

But will they ultimately have this vote to thank for that or other factors entirely that've been baked in for over a year now.

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