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Meghan And Harry getting mocked for lying about a car chase and playing the victim

Space Cowboy

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They are both trash. I'm glad they are being exposed.

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7 hours ago, CBC said:

They're both compulsive liars wbk. It's sad she gave up her career for these shenanigans but I assume they'll divorce in the future and she'll go back to acting with some sob marriage stories and he'll go back to the royal family to leech off the uk people 

Be fr.

Edited by VerdantHue
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8 hours ago, Zack said:

When the Removal of Titles law passes in the U.K, they and Prince Andrew should be first in line to get them taken away.


There's no reason Prince Harry and Meghan need to be the Duke and Duchess of Sussex any more, especially not with these constant spectacles and scandals.

Thats silly. His grandmother oncle who abdicated, went away from royal duties but ketp his title until he died. People forget Harry serve his country and the queen for years. And its funny that last week some news about a trial of phone converstations recorded by press proving a lot of things he was saying was true and i didnt see one post here. I think that family was cruel to him and he escaping them was a way of live free. But he was born royal, must be royal until the end.

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7 hours ago, Beyonnaise said:

I'm so ready for UK millennials/Gen Z to take over their Parliament and abolish the entire disgusting family so we can stop hearing about them

And leave a lot of money behind? British royal family generate millions every year, not only spend. Im portuguese and here we are a republic, and believe politics are worse than royals. They lie, don`t do nothing for what they were elected, only do for themselves. I would prefer a king than a president who doesnt do nothing. 

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i want to support them but sometimes they make it difficult. I did not like how their statement drew comparisons to Diana's unfortunate situation. I know it's his mom but the forced parallels is getting a bit too much. 

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