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Clyburn defends +12R SC as 1st primary, says Biden must "avoid embarrassment"


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"neither one of those states have the Democrat or the Demographics that are favorable to Democrats in the general"


NEW HAMPSHIRE has voted for Democrats in the general every election since 2004. IOWA voted for Obama twice.


South Carolina? Hasn't gone for a Democrat since Carter in 1976. The Democrats are utterly delusional if they think South Carolina is a better state for them to lead off with than either NH or IA, and it's downright race essentialism for them to claim that just because South Carolina has some black people living in it (but not enough to flip the state or even make it a remotely close contest) makes it so. :ahh: 

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Why should President Biden sit back and allow a state that he finished fifth in be first up


I think you're avoiding embarrassment



Watch people defend this because "um yeah the Democrats get to make their own primary rules, deal with it, that's just how it is!"


The clown show allegations that democracy is still alive in America have grown so grotesque.

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1 minute ago, Cruel Summer said:



Watch people defend this because "um yeah the Democrats get to make their own primary rules, deal with it, that's just how it is!"


The clown show allegations that democracy is still alive in America have grown so grotesque.

You'd think that an incumbent president shouldn't be so weak that he'd even be susceptible to a primary to the point he'd be in danger of getting "embarrassed," and yet... here we are :dies: 

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