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Biden Admin drone strike kills innocent Syrian shepherd, orphaning 10 children


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How vile :mazen: 

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Biden is easily one of the worst presidents in US history. Why isn’t the US being sanctioned like Russia? They are just as bad. 

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I love that you can tell exactly who made the thread from the title. 

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7 minutes ago, byzantium said:

I love that you can tell exactly who made the thread from the title. 

Not too many liberals care about innocent brown folks wrongfully dying to drone strikes, I’m afraid. That was proven under Obama :sad: 

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35 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Not too many liberals care about innocent brown folks wrongfully dying to drone strikes, I’m afraid. That was proven under Obama :sad: 

Do you mean progressives or liberals hun? Because Republicans are liberals by definition and what they stand for. 


At least know the actual meaning behind the words you use bc I've seen way too many Americans misusing that term that it's become such a running joke and it's way overdue :rip: 


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5 minutes ago, igninton said:

Do you mean progressives or liberals hun? Because Republicans are liberals by definition and what they stand for. 


At least know the actual meaning behind the words you use bc I've seen way too many Americans misusing that term that it's become such a running joke and it's way overdue :rip: 


Ideological terms can mean different things in different regions. The Republican party isn't the "liberal" party by the long-running American definition of the term, and we're discussing an American political issue.

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2 hours ago, byzantium said:

I love that you can tell exactly who made the thread from the title. 

Is this some kind of brag that specific users are known not to excuse war crimes while others do, with you identifying on the side that...does? :deadbanana4:


Imagine being Syrian and seeing someone type up that they think people who criticize the government that bombs Syria are bad because the government doing the bombing is currently blue and not red. It's obscene and almost perverted on some level. 

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Normal Day for America 

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To have to live in a country where you have to worry about whether a rocket will fall on you or on your loved ones is a sobering thought. Congrats to those who make those conditions possible for so many. You have won.

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5 hours ago, igninton said:

Do you mean progressives or liberals hun? Because Republicans are liberals by definition and what they stand for. 


At least know the actual meaning behind the words you use bc I've seen way too many Americans misusing that term that it's become such a running joke and it's way overdue :rip: 


“Liberal” in this content refers to Democrats, who are by and large NOT remotely a progressive party. Progressives are increasingly becoming more and more of a minority faction in the party as Biden, Schumer, and Jeffries/Pelosi have done everything possible to alienate them and drive them out of the party in order to cement moderates as the dominant group.

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Pure evil :biblio:

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