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TMZs Britney "documentary" flops


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Now, why would they do this :bibliahh:

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Another big L for team CON. She needs to drop something to divert all those vultures from using her name to gain relevancy and taint her name further. 


There's no other way. She needs to shock. 

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2 hours ago, GoodGuyGoneGhetto said:

the fact that these people continue to make a mockery of her…



I wouldn’t be surprised if she pulled a Greta Garbo and just straight up vanished from society. 

Really could’ve done without the first part. I had no idea you were her psychologist! Like yo.. you’re an OG member at this point. Do better.


OT: good but I kinda wanna watch it just to see if they were nasty enough to use hd pap footage that’s ok YouTube. Also I had no idea they had a brit doc… seems to have become a genre after #freebritney 

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Suddenly Bebe and Chloe’s flops don’t look so bad, TMZ taking its final breaths before it dies - it doesn’t belong in the 2020’s. 

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Because people are over this whole Britney situation, and they still keep milking it. 

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I don’t think anyone cared….outside of the few people talking about it on twitter :rip: 

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4 hours ago, SinnerCity said:

It was dead on arrival, TMZ's intentions were clear from the start and there's really nothing left of the story to tell until Britney speaks up. They can keep fabricating stories all they want, but people want the story told by Britney and Britney only. 




And let's state the obvious that yes Britney has mental health issues, but the reasons for that are most certainly because of the toxic media and her disgusting family. They definitely could have had gotten her healthy without abusing her and isolating her. I always think about how incredible she was looking and sounding during the Glory promo, imagine they had given her the autonomy and love she deserved while supporting whatever kind of care plan she was on then instead of breaking her.


I actually hate her family.

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dont all of their "Special's" flop?

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4 hours ago, Slap said:

Suddenly Bebe and Chloe’s flops don’t look so bad, TMZ taking its final breaths before it dies - it doesn’t belong in the 2020’s. 

So true. We've hopefully passed the evil directness of misogyny and shaming women for eating out, Wearing certain clothing and judging their every move. They (Tmz) single handedly were responsible for 95% of the legal issues she went through and her breakdown. 


Imagine having cameras stuck between your legs for a shot that will be potentially "exposing and shameful" sold for hundreds of thousands. They truly need to vanish already for the hate they've caused. 

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