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What is your favorite type of architecture ? And your least favorite ?


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Modern architecture ?



Expressionist architecture ?




Gothic architecture ?




Neoclassical architecture ? 




Baroque architecture ?




Classical architecture ?




Victorian architecture ?




Tudor architecture ?




Brutalist architecture ?




Bauhaus Architecture ?




Greek Revival Architecture ?




Postmodern architecture ?





Beaux-Arts architecture ?





Art Deco architecture ?




What is your favorite type ? :flower2:


Edited by MoonGoodandHappy
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My favorite is art deco. I'm a huge fan of the art style so when I got my first apartment, I designed it the interior like an art deco home from the 1920's.

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For the suburbs, Tudor style and Victorian has always been my favorite. I do love a lot of stained glass, exposed brick and hard wood (preferably cherry and mahogany) finishes on the interior. An added bonus if there’s Ivy grown on the exterior walls. 


For the urban areas, industrial style architecture or modern use of old factories is my favorite. High ceilings and exposed brick. I don’t at all like much of what goes on in the interior of most modern high rises with the endless amounts of gray and white. 


There’s some modern styles I like, especially the biomorphic styles where there’s greenery involved. 

I also wish there was more pagoda styled architecture in the west. 

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I'm not sure which one I like most but it's probably the Greek Revival architecture. I love pillars on houses.  I just know that modern is my least favourite. 

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Love the aesthetic 

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Everything except evil post-modern architecture.  You should also include forms of architecture from Asia, Africa, Mexico, the middle east, and central/south America. :heart:

Edited by Archetype
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the old **** > the new **** thats all I know


some modern architecture is great but I feel like the majority is just bad

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Literally anything that's not modern :gaycat6:

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Japanese architecture and Islamic Architecture are just simply majestic.


I like minimalist design and sometime brutalist like Tadao Ando. Or deconstructivist like Gehry. Not a fan of Gigi and Bella’s Mom though.


I hate neo-classical architecture. Like there’s no point of doing it today. It’s outdated and full of unnecessary details. It was great during its time though when people dress with ballgowns and wig varieties. 

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Modern gothic and neoclassical:alexz:

Victorian is garbage :pukey:

Edited by Miley Cyrus
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My favorite is Art Nouveau followed by Beaux Arts and Gothic/neogothic, but anything after WW2 must be destroyed. Le Corbusier is one of the worst things that has ever happened to humanity. Ugly to the level of crimes againts humanity. We should stop building buildings that look like the back of a fridge and go back to classy, elegant and harmonious arquitecture from before the International Style. Bauhaus was the only modern style that can be half decent sometimes 

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Ugh, I love brutalist architecture


I hate art deco for the most part

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For a house: Modern


For a city: Modern/Post-modern

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I like modern & tudor 


The Expressionist is the uglyist. 

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Favourite- Japanese, Post-Modern, and Expressionist Architecture.

Least Favourite- Brutalist & Modern-Minimalist Architecture

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I love a combination of Bauhaus, Art Deco and Modern—all with a Spanish twist. My least favorite is Expressionist.

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I love them allllllll, but I love Art Nouveau the most.

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Favourite: Gothic Revival and Neoclassical


Least: Brutalist. Such an eyesore and it just screams communist :skull:

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oh I forgot how much of a SLAY Tudor is :wanda: yeah that might just be my fav tbh

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