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Americans find Trump healthier, sharper than Biden; Biden underwater with base


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20 minutes ago, Helios said:

I was told by ATRL that Dems would crash and burn over each of the last 3 elections and it didn’t happen. Was I lied to? :mandown:

I was told that Dems would slaughter the Republicans due to Trump’s overwhelming unpopularity, and they barely scraped by by the skin of their teeth each time. Dems got blown out of the water in the Senate in 2018, so their House flip meant absolutely nothing. Joe Biden BARELY beat Trump in 2020 by less than 50,000 votes across three states, AND they got destroyed in the House, barely holding onto a majority. In 2022, Dems lost the House again and their bare majority in the Senate is currently being undermined by yet another selfish geriatric who couldn’t stand the thought of letting go of power (much like Biden!). Not to mention, they were BARELY saved by abortion and did not succeed on their own merits. Y’all shouldn’t be gleeful at only surviving an election because rights were taken away. :spin: 

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1 minute ago, ClashAndBurn said:

I was told that Dems would slaughter the Republicans due to Trump’s overwhelming unpopularity, and they barely scraped by by the skin of their teeth each time. Dems got blown out of the water in the Senate in 2018, so their House flip meant absolutely nothing. Joe Biden BARELY beat Trump in 2020 by less than 50,000 votes across three states, AND they got destroyed in the House, barely holding onto a majority. In 2022, Dems lost the House again and their bare majority in the Senate is currently being undermined by yet another selfish geriatric who couldn’t stand the thought of letting go of power (much like Biden!). Not to mention, they were BARELY saved by abortion and did not succeed on their own merits. Y’all shouldn’t be gleeful at only surviving an election because rights were taken away. :spin: 

Dems did amazing this past election. Better than they have done in a midterm election with an incumbent president in 30 years. :clap3: I’m hopeful that Americans can keep it together and give us 4 more years of a Democratic presidency. :gaycat3:

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6 minutes ago, Helios said:

Dems did amazing this past election. Better than they have done in a midterm election with an incumbent president in 30 years. :clap3: I’m hopeful that Americans can keep it together and give us 4 more years of a Democratic presidency. :gaycat3:

Would Dems have had the same result without the Dobbs decision: yes or no?


Your ability to celebrate the current outcome despite Dems being unable to succeed on the merits of their own governing ability, or lack thereof, doesn’t mean at all that the Democrats’ future is optimistic. Especially when said future includes disasters such as Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg.

Edited by ClashAndBurn
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2 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Would Dems have had the same result without the Dobbs decision: yes or no?


Your ability to celebrate the current outcome despite Dems being unable to succeed on the merits of their own governing ability, or lack thereof, doesn’t mean at all that the Democrats’ future is optimistic. Especially when said future includes disasters such as Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg.

I don’t know but what I do know is that Republicans are going to continue fumbling and blundering their way through the next two years and probably make even more mistakes which will set up Biden for a 2024 win. :clap3: 

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1 minute ago, Helios said:

I don’t know but what I do know is that Republicans are going to continue fumbling and blundering their way through the next two years and probably make even more mistakes which will set up Biden for a 2024 win. :clap3: 

Fumbling and blundering is exactly what Biden has done, so I wouldn’t get so cocky if I were you, Neolib. :clap3:

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8 hours ago, Tusk said:

“Americans” = 1,000 people. 



me when i don't understand basic statistics

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I know you hate biden cuz I always see you trashing him for years(Bernie I guess) but do you Really rather have trump? 

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Honestly this weird messaging of Biden being unstable or suffering from dementia is bizarre because leftists who engage with it are actively promoting a right wing propaganda piece.

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Of course! Democrats are making a terrible mistaking by not picking someone actually capable of defeating the you know whos 


Let's keep our fingers crossed for Marianne

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7 hours ago, Superbitch said:

I know you hate biden cuz I always see you trashing him for years(Bernie I guess) but do you Really rather have trump? 

Affirmation =/= Observation 


I of course think Trump is worse than Biden - though living in a blue state means neither will get my vote - but that only reiterates how outrageous it is that Biden is being selfish and setting up Trump for re-election by playing to the political center. 

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2 hours ago, shyboi said:

Of course! Democrats are making a terrible mistaking by not picking someone actually capable of defeating the you know whos 


Let's keep our fingers crossed for Marianne

Sis :deadvision:

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7 minutes ago, shyboi said:


what sis :deadbanana4: 

Marianna has no chance; sadly. 

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Any big Democratic name would beat him in a primary, honestly I even think Marianne could have a shot if they were to debate. 

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5 hours ago, Domination said:

Honestly this weird messaging of Biden being unstable or suffering from dementia is bizarre because leftists who engage with it are actively promoting a right wing propaganda piece.

Oh please. Anyone with eyes who isn’t blinded by liberal propaganda can see Biden has declined MASSIVELY over the years, and it isn’t right-wing to acknowledge the reality that Joe Biden’s brain has melted.

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6 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Oh please. Anyone with eyes who isn’t blinded by liberal propaganda can see Biden has declined MASSIVELY over the years, and it isn’t right-wing to acknowledge the reality that Joe Biden’s brain has melted.

The leftist in question

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36 minutes ago, Eat The Acid said:

Marianna has no chance; sadly. 


Let's have faith sis :wanda:

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6 hours ago, Domination said:

Honestly this weird messaging of Biden being unstable or suffering from dementia is bizarre because leftists who engage with it are actively promoting a right wing propaganda piece.

See, I do agree that I don't find his mental acuity concerning, and because it's so coded as a right wing talking point, it's inclusion often makes valid criticisms into white noise for partisan Dems. 


But then part of me is openly resentful about the 2020 primary still and the media onslaught of claims of Biden as electable and the Stop Bernie backdoor meetings by the DNC, to where I do think so many Americans believing something has to be addressed, no matter if what they believe is true or not. Biden has to be held to the fact that 70% (!) of voters don't think he's mentally sound.


And I don't mean so in terms of showing he is or not, but him recognizing that such makes him largely unelectable, and it is his duty to not run for president when he will likely lose.

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My only takeaway from this conversation is how abysmal the Democratic Party bench is. 


McKinsey CIA prototype's nonexistent support among black voters continues, a massive problem that won't be able to be papered over if he tries again.


Cackling prosecutor reduced to fortune cookie quotes that doesn't read her security briefs and hasn't remotely accomplished anything in the portfolio she was given, deliberate existentially large slow-moving disasters half of me wonders were deliberately assigned to her as sabotage.


The rightfully-named Pocahontas who shamelessly turned last-minute on M4A and to her credit will likely never run again (at least has said as much). 


The Vermont Senator who turned against half of what he railed on about for years for expediency, I guess? I guess I'd put AOC in that category?


Spartacus and big pharma's biggest supporter. The French Laundry elitist. I still think the insurance heiress has the best chance. 



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34 minutes ago, Espresso said:

My only takeaway from this conversation is how abysmal the Democratic Party bench is. 


McKinsey CIA prototype's nonexistent support among black voters continues, a massive problem that won't be able to be papered over if he tries again.


Cackling prosecutor reduced to fortune cookie quotes that doesn't read her security briefs and hasn't remotely accomplished anything in the portfolio she was given, deliberate existentially large slow-moving disasters half of me wonders were deliberately assigned to her as sabotage.


The rightfully-named Pocahontas who shamelessly turned last-minute on M4A and to her credit will likely never run again (at least has said as much). 


The Vermont Senator who turned against half of what he railed on about for years for expediency, I guess? I guess I'd put AOC in that category?


Spartacus and big pharma's biggest supporter. The French Laundry elitist. I still think the insurance heiress has the best chance. 



What has been my view since 2021 has been, basically, that Biden is actually unelectable beyond a first term, but they have no other choice because everybody else on the bench is even more unelectable.


People hype up Gretchen and Shapiro, but honestly... they have negative charisma, much like Hillary. Hard to see them actually winning. Sure "Big Gretch" has passed good policies with the slightest of majorities, like repealing Right To Work in Michigan, but... at this point the working class has become so divested from hoping for meaningful change that all that's left is the culture war. I doubt the working class voter would have any trust in Whitmer.


Pretty much everything you've said is accurate. I've also wondered the same about intentional sabotage re: Kamala.


Shapiro... pretty much everyone is looking far too much into how he beat Mastriano. If he wasn't so...forward with what he planned to do, with regard to throwing out Electoral College votes if they went toward Democrats, I really don't think the gap would have been as wide as it was. That doesn't make Shapiro a particularly strong or compelling candidate. His opponent was simply repellent.


It's all moot anyway, since Kamala's going to be the nominee in 2028 no matter what. VPs always "get their turn" in one way or another. Every Democrat VP has gone on to eventually become the nominee since 1968, and she'll have a built-in advantage with South Carolina going first.

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Sounds like these people eat big macs for a living.


Then again, trump's doctor did say he was the healthiest man alive, so idk...

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