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Is Ajay's power bigger than you thought?


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1 hour ago, swissman said:

It is factually incorrect to say that RENAISSANCE is a hip-hop album, which is what she claimed in her reasoning. My point was that while she is entitled to her opinions, the hive and anyone else is entitled to having one about her's as well, especially when the opinion in question hasn't even bothered to get certain facts correct to begin with. Would you not call into question the opinion of someone who clearly has misunderstood the genre of your fave's music?


Assessing an album as a genre it is not won't change your emotional reaction to the album itself, but it does show an inability to understand it for what it is. If you were to eat a savoury tart and then say "I don't like it because I don't want apple pie", then your point-of-view would be called into question, because you're not eating apple pie, you're eating a savoury tart.



im going to pretend that you made sense and just smile and nod here


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why do people care so much about her opinion? :rip: she’s not and never claimed to be a knowledgeable metacritic certified reviewer. she just gives her opinions for fun because her reactions are fun to watch, it’s not that serious 

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I just hope the negativity won't make her hide again. I LOVE Rennie, but the commotion about her review is so extra.


Can't wait for Lana's review tho

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4 hours ago, Kh-Loud said:

She’s more of a LION KING gurl, less of a Renaissance. Dead @her getting off her seat, crying, n praising the LION KING ST to the high heaven yet panning Renassaince just seems very LIL LIDDOed,  I must say! 


The fumes.


Love it.

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2 hours ago, Zaram said:

Someone is really bothered about a supposedly irrelevant girl:eli:



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Well, her react videos on Youtube probably have a far bigger reach than the obscure blog articles from bored white music nerds that stans are obsessed about only because of Metacritic points. :toofunny3:

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3 hours ago, More Than A Melody said:



Obviously the Beyoncé review will get more views because as you said, she was "controversial" in her take (and we can tell because she got a lot of views in 1 day), but generally YouTube videos of this kind get the bulk of their views on the first 24 hours, so the difference will most likely not be massive.


"Any traction whatsoever" is incorrect. The Beyoncé reaction has gotten more traction because she liked Harry's album, but you're factually wrong that her other reactions didn't get any traction. I can't speak for Sabrina's because I didn't pay attention. And tbh I only watched her Beyoncé reaction because people were being so dramatic about it.


It's a combination of things. If she was any random reactor nobody would care. I'm sure if I go on YouTube I can find plenty of people who dragged Renaissance but didn't get any attention because nobody cares about their opinion. AJay has built a small fanbase of her own and people like her and like to hear her opinions. Her not liking Renaissance isn't reason to belittle that. She's clearly charismatic enough to carry a monetizable YouTube channel with a bland background and one camera fixed on her face. I think that's pretty impressive.

I never belittled Ajay though. You deleted it from the quote but I said she has power, and is one of the most recognizable reaction YouTubers.


As for the other videos, we can look at the YouTube views if you want, but that is not the measurement of "traction" I was referring to. RENAISSANCE's reaction video has spurred far more discussion than either or both combined and certain tweets about it have more views than the actual YouTube video itself.

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22 minutes ago, swissman said:

I never belittled Ajay though. You deleted it from the quote but I said she has power, and is one of the most recognizable reaction YouTubers.


As for the other videos, we can look at the YouTube views if you want, but that is not the measurement of "traction" I was referring to. RENAISSANCE's reaction video has spurred far more discussion than either or both combined and certain tweets about it have more views than the actual YouTube video itself.

Sure, but it's just tired to read people here say that she's only getting traction because of Bey. I apologize if that's not what you meant, but I think it's kinda sad to see her being belittled. Nobody would care about a random person's opinion. She makes noise because her opinion matters to some people + it was so polarizing about a hugely popular artist with a huge fandom.

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Well, i did not expect that her review will generate 30+ pages of discussion in this site. :dies: 

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she just lied for clout but i won't fall for her clickbait

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She’s not that big but people panicked when she dared to criticise Beyonce. 

I respect her forever for doing that. No T

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Her reaction was supposed to be entertaining, and not serious


I mean her reaction/review does not for Metacritic and Renaissance's "universal acclaim"  status is still intact regardless of Ajay's review so I don't get why the Hive is so bitter about it


Just enjoy the show and kiis :gaycat6: No one thinks that Beyonce's acclaimed status is taken away from her just because Ajay panned it

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Outside of stan world she's a nobody. One quick look through her name when she was trending would tell you that.


As someone who's watched tons of her videos, this review just doesn't make sense based off her reasoning because almost everything she had an issue with on Renaissance she has loved on Bey's prior projects. Is it the end of the world? Nah.


What it boils down to for me is AJay doesn't really like dance or Black music in general. She'll probably back track in a few weeks when she revisits it a la Chromatica after the lashings.

Edited by NEUTRON
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The fact it only resulted in 500k views goes to show how overblown it was on atrl

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absolutely. her thread had as much, if not, more activity over the Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) thread. anyone who thinks otherwise is blind and out of touch lmao

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